(re) Living my superhero dreams…….

Nothing much to report today, but at least I have a great picture posted. Ben was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween, and although just about everyone either called him Buzz or asked him if he was Buzz, he was more than irritated, because he was just Ben. Oh yes, the one dimensional toddler mind.

But it is great to deal with when you are a parent. When Stephanie and Scott were little I used to often wear a superman t-shirt under my clerical shirt. I had, and still have, no delusions….at least not of that sort. BUT, I would often unbutton it enough in a nonchalant way so they would catch a glimpse of it. I would then turn to see the wide-eyed and then hold up my finger to my mouth and say “shhhhhh, make sure you do not tell anyone.” Yep, they both believed I was Superman for years.
And Scott has apparently picked up where I had left off, because Ben thinks Scott is Spiderman. How he arranged that I do not know, but who am I to interfere? After all, I did it for years, and although Scott does not need his little brother to idolize him one bit more, it is hilarious to see. Hopefully we will still be insured when Ben’s therapy bills come in.
So I suppose I am the “retired” superhero of the house now, particularly since there are no superheroes I know who need to lose a few pounds, can’t see all that well, and are often confused. I will just need to live through them for now, for my days of leaping over tall buildings are long gone. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy may be getting a new roommate sooner than they think.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

I can see the surface from here……

Yep, underwater……at least for now. I am keeping up, but not catching up, although I hope to be caught up by the end of the week.

And because of it all, Scotty, Ben, and Amanda got to go to Veggietales Live tonight while I installed two new bathroom faucets and drains. That leaves me with just one major “to do” project here…….I need to replace a fan in Amanda’s craft room. It should take about ten minutes if I do not electrocute myself, and much less than that if I do.
But the good news is that we have got most of our ducks in a row and should be able to move right around the time we close. Of course that whole “packing” thing still awaits, but I am hoping to just break a few valuables in the first 10-15 minutes or so and get relieved from duty. It’s always worth a shot.
So Captain Veggietale is now watching TV with me while I type. He had a great day, and so have I. My hope and prayer is that you have too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Oh no…….

One of the coolest things about living in a state that has always not followed daylight savings time (yes, it is not capitalized because it is not important!) is that people here are used to a lifetime of leaving their clocks alone. So this is to say that now we are living under this ridiculous concept, it will take people like us weeks to get all the clocks set to the correct time.

But of course, I took advantage of it tonight. Scott was working and was going to be home at 9:30. He had been busy all day and really had not paid attention. So when he arrived home (at 9:30) I took the opportunity to ask him (in my best “I’m your dad and you are in trouble” voice) “Hey, what happened to 9:30?” He of course looked up at the three clocks he could see and all said 10:30. He was horrified, albeit just for a minute, not know what to say. But then he remembered and we laughed off a pretty decent joke.
But for now, he and Ben are watching some sort movie, I am typing and Amanda is hiding upstairs. All of us are hoping that Steph is studying hard at school, which we believe to be the case since we have not been contacted by any bail bondsmen.
The nice part though is that another Sunday is in the books and bed is just a short time away. The time change is only confusing in the fall, but at least it does not exhaust me. And I am really enjoying that fact that everything I HAVE to do for these next few months is an hour extra away!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Of Daylight Savings Time…….

I grew up in Indiana and am not a fan of what they call “Daylight Savings Time.” This concept “ends” tonight, and all it means is that all the people will show up either an hour late or early, depending upon which way the clocks change. And generally when they do show up either late or early they are embarrassed, which is unnecessary in my book, since I am from a state that didn’t change its clocks until recently.

So God Bless our legislature and government here in Indiana who thought this was a good idea. Sure it stays light in the summer here until around 2 in the morning, but I go to bed WAY before that. AND, as a parent of a three year old, I am uncomfortable boarding up his windows to keep the light out when he should be sleeping. I will be looking to get that extra hour of sleep tomorrow and his 3 year old little built-in clock will wake him up at the same time he always does at “2”…..meaning 2 early!
But the good news is that by January I should be adjusted to the change. Ironically, my watch stopped working this afternoon. I was thinking about getting it fixed, but if we keep messing with the time then what’s they worry?
Goodnight (I think) my friends and God Bless!

My personal trailer……

I really cannot decide whether our dog is a stalker or whether he is in some way tethered to me with some sort of invisible rope. All I can say is that when Scotty is not home I feel like I am towing a trailer. He follows me everywhere……and I mean EVERYWHERE.

Of course this whole concept both irritates and amazes me at the same time. I really do not need anyone guarding the door of my bathroom or making sure no one else comes into my shower. When I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee from typing just a few feet away, he apparently thinks I need supervision. He reminds me of my wife when we were dating.
What amazes me is that he finds my life so very fascinating, whereas I would love to be him. Viper sleeps, eats, and then sleeps again. It seems a pretty good life. The question is why he would want to give any of those up things to follow me anywhere.
But the truth is he does. As an example, I just got up from the kitchen table to go talk to Ben in the bathroom. He was next to me in the kitchen, on the trip there and back, and has now settled in next to my feet back in the kitchen. I would ask when it will end, but I know……anytime, because Scotty is on his way home right now.
Yep, in just a few minutes he will act like I don’t even exist…..just like my wife at a Justin Bieber concert. But I am okay with it, really. Not that Justin and my wife deserve each other, because I really was talking about the dog. And in truth, he is really not mine, but Scott’s. And I am really not equipped to be towing a trailer.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

It’s a pillow, it’s a pet………

They say that getting a three year old to stand still is a lot like herding cats, but in all honesty herding cats is probably a lot easier. Ben got a new dog (it’s a pillow, it’s a pet, yes, it’s a pillow pet) and I took about 10 pictures before I finally gave up. And although I explained the concept of “standing still long enough to have a camera snap a picture” to him each time, we never got a real good one. In truth, he probably was just giving me a hard time. I think next time I will just deal with his agent.

He however really deserved the treat of having it. With all the commotion here in the house, his little world is really upside down. As we have been painting and all his room has been a storage room. He doesn’t seem too unhappy about having to sleep with us. As a matter of fact I often think I hear him laughing in his sleep. But his days are really numbered. It will be officially “open for business” as of tomorrow.
But for now we are just enjoying him with this pillow pet. What is it? It’s a boy, it’s a dog, and it’s name, quite creatively in a way that only Ben can do, is “doggy.” But if you have to have a new dog in the house, one you don’t have to feed, clean up after and let out is pretty sweet.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Lacrosse lacrosse lacrosse……

Yep, tonight we had our call out meeting for the 2010-2011 season. It was well attended too, mostly by the younger girls. And, it really got me excited about the prospects of the new year.

I am entering my 4th year as the Head Coach of the high school girls. It is a quality program, and I really wanted to make a good impression for the kids and parents. Of course, that is always harder to do when you are the father of a three year old that you bring along. Don’t get me wrong, he is a big hit with the girls…..but his energy, his ability to need to use the bathroom at the most inopportune time, and his desire to comment on everything were just a bit much for me.
Fortunately he is not Scott, because Scott is over 6 foot and knows better (at least he should). So I suppose in retrospect, it all turned out okay. My job now, along with my coaching staff, is to make these girls into a real lacrosse team. I am excited about the possibilities!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Election Day…….

I was in line early today, before the polls even opened, to vote. I was thankful to be there that early too. Three different precincts vote at our site and they had only two machines for each. And it was evident that this was a bad idea when the very first two went up to vote and couldn’t understand the machines……they were there, both, about 5 minutes each. BUT they voted.

Change seems to be the theme of this election, but knowing politicians as I do, I am really expecting more gridlock. But unemployment is high, home ownership is low, the economy is stagnant, and something needs to happen.
But for now I am transfixed to watching the results. I pray that we can get things together and move in a healthy direction. Time will tell, but it has been an encouraging day.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Election Eve……

Tomorrow morning I will wake up at 5:00am and head into the polling station in our neighborhood and exercise one of the greatest Rights we possess as Americans, the Right to vote. (Yep, I capitalize Right too……it’s important).

I am always thankful for the ability to vote. And although waiting in lines with a lot of people is particularly hard for me post-stroke, I will do so with steadfast dedication. I want to make sure my voice is heard.
I did consider voting by absentee ballot this year, but I really am more comfortable knowing as my precinct is reporting, my vote is one of them I see on the TV screen.
So my tomorrow will be busy, and my evening will be as well, because I will sit in front of the TV and take in all the results. I just hope and pray for a path leading out of the current mess we are in.
Off to bed! Remember to vote tomorrow!
Goodnight and God Bless!