In and out of the whirlwind……

WOW, what a whirlwind of a weekend. We spent the better part of 2 days in Fort Wayne at the Heart of North America Regional Network Reunion and then today at two churches with the Reverend Art Going, who delivered the sermon at both. Art and his wife Nancy are moving to Indiana within the next few months to plant a church in Carmel, Indiana.

So after getting Art to the airport to fly home, we headed over to Anderson to do a few things there and to have dinner with Father PT and Jewel Morgan. It was a hoot of a time, but needless to say I am glad to be home. And although I will be working tomorrow, I am pleased to know my only “have to do at a specific time” commitment is at 3pm. It will be good to not have to push myself.
But as I finally get to relax tonight, I have to confess that I really am blessed to be able to work with some remarkable people……PT, Dan, Stephen, Tony, Michael at home and then all the other clergy in the Anglican Mission just really inspire me. I am surrounded by great clergy. And this means our people are blessed too!
But for now I will just be thankful and head to bed. Thank God the Bears have already won and are not playing late tonight like the Colts are. I just cannot stay up that late anymore. It reminded me of a week ago visiting Stephanie at college, who said after we dropped her off at just before 11 said she was going to then head out with some lacrosse players. Oh I REMEMBER those days……I just no longer live them, and THANK GOD TOO. I am just 9 months away from my AARP card, senior discounts, and learning how to mozy. Retirement?……..just about 50 more years. After all, Ben will need to go to college too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

God, Country, and Notre Dame…….

Well it seems quite bizarre to me that I do not seem to have the energy to make it through the entire Notre Dame verses Michigan State game, but I have had a lot going on these past few days. It is currently 21-21 in the 4th quarter, so it is getting close to the end, but if I don’t make it that far I will just have to wake up early to send those taunting emails to my clergy brethren who love MSU. It’s a tough job, but someone needs to do it.

I am just sorry it is on so late, because watching it brings back many great memories. I never went to Notre Dame, but my dad did and he taught there. I learned to play ice hockey there and grew up in the Irish Youth Hockey League…..yep, I was in the IYHL! And had I been a brighter man when I was younger I could have went there. I instead made that “wise” decision to go away from home……what a moron!
Of course, things turned out alright in the end. After flunking out of two fine institutions I finally got myself together and was able to go to Butler University where I met many life-long friends, and even graduated. My brother Mike and sister Anna go there now, and my sister Sarah (God rest her soul) even went there for a short while. Our other sister Stephanie (also in heaven with Sarah…probably plotting something no doubt) went to Ball State to compete in gymnastics, and from what I understand, go to classes too. She graduated with a BSW, and a lot of other folks.
Anyway, Notre Dame has been my life-long college football love. We did have a team at Butler, but it never was the same. You see, my life in Indiana, and the heritage of our part of my family, are traced to her because my dad came to ND from Brooklyn and then just stayed here. It is a part of me I will never let go. It is now 28-21 and I am hoping to last…..we will see.
So goodnight my dear friends and God Bless! And of course….GO Irish!

In a Fort Wayne state of mind…..

Well…..I just want to begin this blog by saying we are currently in Fort Wayne, Indiana for the HONA Reunion. And if you happen to be monitoring this on a site like “Rob my house” or something ridiculous like that, please know that we always have someone at our house when we travel or are scheduled away…..PLUS…we have nothing worth stealing anyway. (although you are free to take any of my teenagers ridiculously bad music CD’s).

BUT……I need to first send a big shout out to some of my friends in Michigan and CANADA! I have heard some of them read this blog, so my picture is of a (couple of) mittens for Michigan (Michigan and anti-Michigan) and a blanket for Canada (which is in all reality America’s hat) (don’t worry I can say that because I am more than just a part Canadian….my grandma was a full-blood….eh eh eh) and the socks, (since they came with the picture) must represent Central or South America (perhaps both since there are two) but I have no heritage from there. But as always…..I digress.
The reunion I am attending is a gathering of our church, but JUST the geographic regions that my Bishop represents…..close to 67 states! It has been a real treat though, because it is a gathering of some of the finest people I know. After close to 25 years in ministry (though it seems much longer) I have to confess that this has been clearly the most rewarding thing I have been a part of. And really, that is more impressive than I can express with words. As most guys my age are doing battle with mid-life crisis, I am engaging in the most rewarding work of my life with some of the finest people.
So off to bed I go with a big GO CANADA for my maternal homeland and nothing at all for Michigan since I am still bitter about MU beating Notre Dame last weekend (it angered God too)….but I will hopefully get to forgiveness. I am having a great time and Viper is sleeping with his beloved Molly as I speak.
Life is good for all of us, and we are surrounded by many blessings. Tomorrow should be a great day, and if all goes well, Michigan State fans will see their team roll over on Saturday and help to ease my pain!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless from a hotel just a mile from Johnny Appleseed’s final resting place!


Pimpin that ride…….

Today I took Stephanie’s car into the shop because her driver’s side rear tire was going flat. Of course it wasn’t nearly the priority it would have been had she not been away at college. I just walk by it every day as it sits in the garage waiting for her return and think, “I probably ought to get that tire checked.” Today was the day.

It started right up, without incident, and drove fine to the repair shop. They even got it in and out quickly and I was soon on my way back home. But in truth, it just felt very odd…..not that she wasn’t in it, but it just didn’t feel like her car, and I just couldn’t figure out why. And the whole experience made me feel out of sorts too.
BUT, as I was driving a to and fro in my own car it hit me, and over the weekend I intend to remedy things.
On Saturday I intend to cover the back seat with a bunch of lacrosse equipment and not fill it all that orderly……AND OF COURSE then I will put a CD (with music I just do not understand) into the player and turn it up way too loud. It will be then that I will truly be driving her car.
The flat is fixed, but on Saturday I can fix it just a little bit more!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Now I lay me down to sleep……

I am in bed, which is rare for posting, and feeling just like I have been hit by a train……of course with my memory, I certainly might of, but it is doubtful. Really what has happened is that the best laid plans have gone awry.

Our house is being appraised in the morning, and in preparation we thought we would get a few things done. We left enough time for them too….that is, as long as nothing else happened, which of course it did. So we added replacing the kitchen faucet to the already full day of projects. This would have been far easier had we a spare just waiting around to install AND had it decided to flood the cabinets before my two trips to Lowes instead of after.
PLUS, men are not allowed to pick out faucets apparently, so this task had to wait until after 5. And it would have been no big deal had I not been priming and painting. I decided to install the faucet in between coats, only to discover at 8:50 that the supply hoses I had on the broken faucet were about 2″ too short. Lowes was closed….but THANK GOD for Menards! I had the faucet in by 10!
Of course it is all not put together because apparently paint needs to DRY…..go figure. But I suppose that is far better than my body which feels like it is going to DIE! (I also went on a 5 mile conditioning outing with my lacrosse team today!) So I suppose if our house gets appraised tomorrow we will refinance it at a lower rate in in few weeks, but if I happen to not make it through the night she can just pay cash for it and forget the appraisal all together. Either way she has that new kitchen faucet she wanted.
So it’s off to sleep for me, but this is not my first rodeo. I am sure in minutes I will be dreaming……probably about some construction project I am doing here at the house!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Philosophy lessons of porch swings……

Finally that porch swing is getting some use. It took Ben taking a liking to it before it happened, but thank God it is finally being used!

The picture is of Ben and Amanda reading on it. Ben has a little “Toddler Bible” he brought out there and asked her to read to him. This of course is far better than reading other toddler books that are heavy on rhymes and written by people who could never function in the adult world. Regardless though, it was their time together, but I WAS in earshot… content was important to me!
But now they are gone and Viper has taken his place on it for a nap. Most of Viper’s life is just short walks between naps, but he clearly wanted to take this one on the swing. He is often up on it anyway, being the ONLY family member who wants to use it regularly. He most often is on it with whoever lets him on with them, but right now as I type it is just him and his stuffed squirrel. Viper knows how to live. He likes to sleep and eat. All his toys are not ripped apart and they all still have their squeakers. He just likes to hang and ride in the car…..and did I mention sleep?
Anyway, this post is done and I may join him…..not for a nap, but out on the swing. Life is short, and we can learn a lot from my dog…….take the time to choose the best parts of God’s wonderful creation. And one of the best of those things is our porch swing!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Beginning anew……..

As we do each and every year, we start the process of rebuilding the Lady Miller’s Lacrosse Team with new players. The seasoned veterans are gone, and the now “older players” gather to teach the new ones the most basic skills of the game. And it always strikes me as funny, particularly since I was there when those “older” players were the newbies.

Today we gathered for our first informal conditioning session and it was a real blessing to be joined by 2 of our 3 new Assistant Coaches. All three of our new coaches are former players, two of them played for me, and the other is a former men’s player. All of them however bring a perspective I do not have, that of a former lacrosse player. An it was cool to see the 2 of them work with the girls, who although today numbered very few, actually will be quite a large group when practices are mandatory.
We will gather again on Wednesday with a larger group than today, and it will be more running than anything. It takes a lot to build up the stamina it takes to play this game, but I was so impressed with the enthusiasm I see in all of them. It already looks to be a great year!
Ironically, Stephanie called from college tonight and needs a new stick. It is not an unusual request, but how we bought it was. Having to arrange for shipping rather than doing it all with her seemed odd, but things are changing for me (and her) and that’s just how it is.
I will walk onto the field this season for the first time without her as a player. It will be hard, but perhaps not as hard on her. My expectation is high for all my players, but I know she felt that pressure more. She is working hard on a nationally recognized team where she is no longer the top dog, and once again she has to work herself up the ladder. An All-State player worried about playing, go figure…… but then again I expected it. After all, each season causes us all to begin anew.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Football on a Sunday afternoon……

I got a bit of the best of both worlds today. I got to watch the end of the Chicago Bears game with a three year old climbing on me and laughing. It sure made the game harder to see, but the end result was some play time and a Bears victory…..a great day.

Growing up, watching these games used to be the norm for me on Sunday afternoons. Times however, have changed. I used to be the young one, whereas now I am at the other end. This was a ritual for my grandpa and I to watch the games. I certainly do not remember each and every detail, but somehow I do remember less pressure on my chest (because no one was climbing on me) and a clearer view of the screen (because again, no one was climbing on me). At each stage of life however different, watching the Bears (and Notre Dame when I can) has been an important and meaningful thing to do with family. I just rejoice that Scotty sits in a chair of his own now. He USED to climb on me too at Ben’s age, but at 6’1″ or so now I am pretty sure it would impede my ability to see and probably lead to some sort of hospitalization for me.
So thank God for a Bears win and a fun afternoon (followed by a short nap). Tomorrow will be a busy day, I just am thankful to enjoy the afternoon with the boys.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Visiting Stephanie…….

Yep, I really do not feel old enough to be doing this, but we indeed were in Missouri visiting Stephanie at college. I never really worry about being away, because living a very public life we always have people either staying at, or watching our house closely. The alarm and the dog are big deterrents too….and if you’d happen to make it past them the cat is the worst of all.

But the nice part was to be able to see Steph. We went to a nice dinner on Friday and on Saturday we did quite a bit of shopping. Scott had to take the picture for this blog because Amanda and I were not savvy enough to, but I admit it would have been a nicer picture to have all the kids together in one….I need to learn how to use it better.
But back to my main theme…….it is a different experience going to see Steph though. She looks and acts older, and quite honestly she is. I guess in all those years having her live under our roof, I really never was able to see her for what she was. And although she will always be my little girl in my heart, I am learning that the young woman she has become is still my daughter too.
I love all my kids, but it was so nice to be able to see Steph because we all miss her. She and Scott just talked up a storm the whole time and it made me feel good.
Today was another learning and adjusting day for me, I was very emotional as we left and was glad to be wearing my sunglasses and not wailing. I was also glad no one asked me anything for a few minutes until I got myself together. But all and all, I am happy for her. Steph is having a ball at college and I am ever so thankful to have the opportunity to see her!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Tomorrow we as a nation will remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

My hope and prayer for us all is that we remember not just the tragedy, but rather who we are as a people. We seem more divided now than at any other point in my life. But America was never meant to be all about who we are apart from each other, but instead what we become as country together….thus that great melting pot.
These are strange times for sure. But as we remember the tragic loss of all those lives just nine years ago, let us also remember that this life is a lot bigger than just us. And our hope as a country does not come from putting our trust in a man, but by stepping forward in faith and knowing that America was built on the the literal lives of souls that understood the concepts of sacrifice and freedom, not watering down or setting aside their principles, but by holding them up and standing for them.
I am proud to be an American, not just today, but everyday. I pray for those who gave their lives that day, for all of us as we continue to deal with it, and for the future of this great nation.
God Bless America! And of course God Bless you to my friends.