Taken out of the will……maybe, maybe not

Tonight we were looking for a picture for the blog as Amanda was holding court up in our room while supervising Ben taking a bath in the tub (picture would not load….sorry). Amanda was on the bed, and Steph and Molly were sitting there with her, while Scott was trying to get Viper to grab his stuffed squirrel from his hand. Viper was no less than pathetic at this, and as he was struggling with the task Scott said……”He cannot help it, he is old like dad.” (Viper is 7 and I am 49)

Of course I was not offended when they ALL laughed, but I really thought the dog should be. Men in my family live forever….well into their 90’s, and even though my dad is WAY past that at 163 (yes I have people ask me if my exaggerations of his age are really true, and this one is not true….he is only 123) I couldn’t help but think that it was a slam at his dog.
Of course Viper hasn’t and wouldn’t bite a soul. He is most times barely awake enough to chew his food, but in all truth, he does that by choice. He is comfortable in his own fur as they say (mostly in the dog world) and is intent upon living the life he wants, not anyone else.
So the gist of it all is that it is Saturday night…..Ben is clean, Molly and Steph are now probably glad they did not choose Penn State for college, Amanda feels listened to, Scott really does think he is funny (he is), Viper has his squirrel, and I, though classified as “old” am just about at my “half way” point in life. I thought about taking them all out of my will, but decided against it at the last minute. After all, their being funny is just their way of showing me they love me.
And I will have the last laugh when they are at my attorney’s splitting up my $9.35 estate……..
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!