Staking every claim……..

Being the father of a three year old is always a hoot. Whatever you want to do, they want to be doing it. Wherever you want to sit, they want to be sitting there. Wherever you think something just might be yours, they are there to stake there claim.

Thus is the story of my attempt to lay down a few minutes on the couch……as you can see, there is an obstacle. Of course to him it is a game, and to be fair, it is pretty cute, let’s say the first 35,000 times. But tonight I am beat, and I really wanted to just lay down. Needless to say, I was not able.
Of course in the end I always win. He may be cute, but he still needs more supervision than I do, and therefore I take up less of her time. He is cuter, probably smarter, and a lot funnier than I am, but I am (at this point) legal to leave at home by myself and that is a big plus!
The last laugh will be mine too. His bedtime is in 15 minutes and that couch is calling my name! No little claim jumpers there after nine. He’ll probably just be upstairs snuggling with his mommy………oh wait a minute…….that little rat!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Studying at the paws of a master…….

It’s no wonder that we love him. Our dog Viper is the most amazing Golden Retriever ever. He LOVES to sleep, and though he has his own bed, this is what I almost tripped on last night when I went to bed. Yes, he frequently gets in the way, but often when he does he cracks me up.

I was actually saving this picture for myself, but today when we stopped off at the vet on our way to Fr. Morgan’s house, Viper said his hellos and then fell asleep right in the middle of the waiting room. Insomnia will never be a problem for him and he seems very confident with himself. I don’t think he will ever want to change.
Of course Dr. Vicki mentioned to him, in that short period of time he was awake, about how many of his kids she treats. He seemed appreciative, but then needed a nap. And no, she did not suggest he was narcoleptic. Viper is just Viper. He loves going there to get his flea/heart-worm med, or anything else. But to him, Dr. Vicki is family and he shows it with his level of comfort.
And today, I just need to finish up the day by saying I wish I were as easygoing. I got to spend the day at the paws of a real master. Thank God for him too. I think we can all learn a lot from an easygoing dog! He’s a pro, and he’s ours!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A possible counterstrike? Let’s hope not…..

I am glad to have today behind me. It has been a busy and stressful week, and this afternoon I woke up from a well-deserved nap with an un-deserved feeling of illness. I seriously doubt that I am sick, but I think I ate something I was probably mildly allergic to. It’s always hard to gauge, but the general rule is Major allergy (seafood, bees, and Lord knows what else) = epi pen, steroids or funeral home. And minor allergy (some foods, etc) = who knows what! So although I am the wrong kind of doctor to make this diagnosis, I will go out on a limb and say it is a minor allergy. But regardless, I am not having the best of evenings and hopefully I will feel better in the morning.

And yes, of course I have considered that this was a retaliatory strike by those stupid little moles. You cannot stay on top in such a battle without considering all such things. Of course if they have been in my house I will have real issues with the cat. She’s supposed to keep things like rodents and bugs out. But we in fact ate in Kokomo and then stopped at the Farmer’s Market (always capitalized in Indiana) on the way home. It must have been something there.
But the upside (depending upon your perspective) is that I am still alive and kicking (I have never understood that expression, I just use it). And my intention is to wake up in the morning (at this point that might be good enough) and catch up on a lot of what I have to do. We will see how I feel. But for tonight I am just going to go to bed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

St. Orkin the Magnificent???

It’s 11pm and I find myself alone wondering where the day has gone. I did mow, take care of the surgical patient and the youngest, poisoned the grubs that are feeding the stupid mole or moles, and what else I cannot remember. I KNOW I accomplished a lot more, but for some reason it all escapes me.

The good news though is that my day is done. I am not ready for tomorrow by any means, but since I am scheduled in Kokomo tomorrow, I will have a little time after I wake up to put everything together. My hope is that I just wake up with a lot of clarity! We will see!
I can say that I regret not telling Amanda to go out and stomp down the little tunnels of all the little rodents who are intent on making a maze out of the yard. Since I was gone all week their little paths, when not pushed back down, killed the grass. I have learned that grub treatments from the store are not all alike, and apparently the ones I started with seemed to be more of a seasoning for the moles than something to let them see they were not welcome. I am one short tantrum away from gasoline or a backhoe or both. If I cannot get them by the end of the week, I a going to call a dermatologist (or a psychiatrist).
But for now I will head off to bed and try to understand how a guy with three degrees (a bachelors, a masters, and a doctorate, plus half of an MBA), could be outsmarted by a rodent with vision issues…..ha cannot even dig straight! I hope he can sleep at night, because I don’t. But tonight I intend to use my time wisely and look up the Patron Saint of Exterminators. I am buying a statue to bury in my yard! Lord knows, it can’t hurt!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Laugh laugh laugh……all the way home!

Today’s blog is being written in two parts.

1) This part is the beginning and being written in the Panera Bread on the campus of the University of Michigan where I am awaiting a call from Scotty to let me know he is finished at lacrosse goalie camp. He has been here since Monday when I dropped him off, and I have been in Mishawaka, South Bend, Elkhart, and Goshen, Indiana scoping out sites and areas to possibly plant a church up there later this year. It has been a busy time, and although there is still quite a substantial drive in order to get home, I will be glad to get it underway. I am anxious to hear all about the camp, and to see if any of the scouts who attended have told him that he is on their radar.

I had never been to U of M before, but I am connected to it. When I was a priest in Barberton, Ohio many years ago Betty Schembechler, the mother of University of Michigan football coaching legend Bo, was the head of my Altar Guild. She was a great lady, and Bo, who grew up in that church, was a delightful and gracious man. His name is all over up here. I never rooted for him on the field because I was a Notre Dame fan (God’s favorite team), but I was blessed to know him and his mom in a different way. He was certainly a devoted son.
2) Okay we are at home, but that is not the gem to share with you. Scott and I called the house asking to talk to Ben, only to be told that it would not be allowed……he was grouchy and being awful. But after guilting Amanda, Steph took the phone up to Ben who then talked to us for 71 minutes! He was HILARIOUS too! We laughed the whole way home, and were certainly confused as to how this junior “king of comedy” could ever be grouchy at all. We came to the conclusion that there was some sort of conspiracy going on. Oliver Stone will most likely be emailing us tomorrow. I am sure he, like many other Hollywood-types, is a regular reader.
But for now it is just great to be home. Scott had a great time at the camp and is now even more fired up for the upcoming season. I had a great time working (I do most of the time anyway) and am excited about planting up in the SouthBend/Mishawaka area. Ben had a great time entertaining us, and is glad we are home.
So am I. I do not mind hotels and traveling, but I really do like my own bed. Fortunately I will sleep there tonight.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Heading to the mitten, but just for a minute…..

Well my time here in Mishawaka, at least this time, is coming to an end. I have driven all around the area looking at sites and studying locations in hopes of planting an Anglican Church here. I would really like to partner with another church up here (in other words rent some space from an existing congregation) perhaps for about a year, but it is finding one that is the challenge.

It has been a real blessing to be here, but tomorrow I will begin the long trek to Noblesville via, of course, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Scotty will finish lacrosse camp at about 5pm tomorrow and I will be there to pick him up. I intend to get there by driving off the beaten path too…..all the way across Michigan on US12. It’s not that I do not like to get there fast, but it is because I really enjoy the drive through the small communities that help make up this great country of ours! It cuts the stress and makes it more of an adventure than a task. I am looking forward to seeing Scotty too. We will have a great trip back I am sure.
But for now, I will head to bed. As always, it seems strange to not be wrestling with Ben and cracking up at his reasons why he needs to sleep in our bed. I imagine I will not hear it tomorrow due to the time, but should hear it Friday. It will be good, regardless, to get home.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Oh the humanity……..

Yep, my second night at the wonderful Comfort Inn and Suites in my hometown of Mishawaka, Indiana. I will be here tonight and tomorrow night before heading to Ann Arbor, Michigan to pick up Scott Thursday evening and then head back to home (Noblesville). My wife was sharing tonight how peaceful it was at home, to which I asked if she wanted us to return…….her hesitation really makes me uncomfortable.

But of course being uncomfortable is what a lot of my day has been about. My only highlight was a visit with my grandma in Goshen this afternoon. But the rest of the day I have been out looking at the area in the hopes of planting a few new churches here. A lot of what I have seen though has been pretty weird to me though.
First of all, when I lived here it was a town of about 15,000. Now of course there are approximately 10 million people who live here (okay, that is probably an exaggeration, there are probably more than that). My hotel was a CORN FIELD when I lived here, yet now it is surrounded by stores and restaurants and traffic lights. It is amazing……after all, I am from a small town!
And then there was my neighborhood……it looked so old and parts were very decayed. Of course my parents had our house built there in 1968 so it is hardly new, and it was one of the last built in that section. But everything I remember as being so big and new now seemed so small and old. And to be honest, it was kind of painful to see.
But the hardest part was to see the old Rainbow Roller Rink turned into a bingo hall. WHY??? I know kids don’t roller skate anymore, but we did. And in the cold seasons we would ice skate. But Rainbow Roller Rink was the place where my elementary dreams of love did indeed become true, albeit for the briefest of moments. I was absolutely in love with a girl named Diana Janasheski……a beautiful Polish girl. And though like most boys durning couples skate I stood off to the side wondering if I would ever have the courage to ask her to skate, one time, just one time, I got to…..I just do not remember how. The lights were down, couples were holding hands, and the spotlights reflected off the big disco ball onto the floor of the rink. And there I was with the girl of my dreams (she probably asked me on a dare or something because I am sure I was too chicken.)
But after a few laps, the wheels of our skates touched and our wipeout was far from romantic. So as soon as it started it all ended. We of course lost touch, but I am certain had we been ice skating instead, we would probably still be together today. After all, I do not fall on ice skates, and the rink for ice skating is still in tact.
So tonight I mourn the loss of my serious (only in MY mind) elementary school relationship, the iconic gathering place for 70’s youth, and of course my perspective. My old neighborhood IS old, but it probably has to do with the fact that I am almost just as old. And to be truthful, I am not all polished brass myself anymore either. I suppose we all in one way or another mourn our childhood perceptions. But tonight I will just thank God I have them. I grew up in the greatest place in the world, and that perception has not changed. Things may change in appearance, but that will never be taken away from me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The Princess City……Mishawaka, Indiana

How ironic that on a night that I begin a three night stay in my hometown, Mishawaka, Indiana, the debate on Facebook between us “natives” is whether Princess Mishawaka was really the daughter of Chief Elkhart, and even more importantly, if she really existed.

In truth, it all makes me feel uncomfortable. There are just some things you count on, and for me, one of them is that I grew up in a town (now a major city) named for an Indian Princess who is buried under a rock near the river. Mishawaka is “The Princess City” and it would be a royal shame to find out that it all wasn’t true. History means a lot, and to all of us who grew up here, it means even more.
Of course I think the city is now about 100k people, but when I lived here it was just 15k. The hotel I am staying at while I scope out locations for churches up here was WAY OUT in the CORN when I grew up, but is in a congested area now! It is nice, but honestly I cannot say I am happy. It is no longer small town Indiana……and I am clearly a DINOSAUR.
But I will take comfort in the fact that I still believe she exists and is buried here. And like many other times, I will drive by that grave tomorrow. Some things we just need to believe, and this is one of them.
I thank God I get to spend a few days at home…..albeit in a (nice) building in the middle of what should be just corn. It is still Mishawaka, and I still feel my best here.
Who says you can’t go home?
Goodnight and God Bless!

Yes I did….but it is nothing to be proud of……

Although I often mention my spectacular career as an ice hockey player (it’s so much more spectacular in my mind too) what many people do not realize is that I took a short season break from ice hockey to play soccer for Manchester. Yes, it is true, and yes I did, and I even started. But this story is just as amazing as the story of my dad breaking his arm playing football at Notre Dame (also true). My dad broke his in gym class…..I played for the amazing Manchester College Spartans in North Manchester, Indiana. (That’s right, not that silly English team)

But in the first semester after high school that’s about all I did. I gave up playing college hockey and selected Manchester College to be near my high school girlfriend. I spoke to the football coach about playing football for them on my campus visit in the Spring. He flatly turned me down because I didn’t play high school ball. I was a good football player, but played HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY. He wouldn’t even give me a tryout. After all, the Spartans football team had to protect their reputation. Dear Lord, I had never even heard of them!
So I saw the soccer team down on their field after he rejected me and walked over to talk to the coach. His name was Coach Hastings and he was very gracious. I told him I didn’t know a thing about soccer and had never even kicked a real soccer ball before, but if he would let me tryout in the fall when I arrived that I would buy a ball that day and train every day over the summer and learn the game…..which I did. And though they also were no powerhouse, I loved it. I came to camp as the fastest player, could kick/shoot with both legs, and brought my hockey aggression with me. I started at left inside striker, and learned a lot.
One of the things I learned was to not make decisions based upon things like a high school girlfriend. She actually dumped me after close to three years of dating just about 2 weeks after I arrived. I went into a deep depression, which led to some healthy aggression on the field and a varsity letter……..BUT that was all I got. I left college just after the season, with a varsity letter and a half a credit from gym. I failed everything else.
I drove over to the campus today on my way back from a trip up north. So many things were the same. It amazed me at how I remembered things, and how even the same of failing welled up in me there too. No one wants to go to college to fail, and here’s a secret, I just didn’t do it there……I did it three times in three places.
But despite the failure, and despite the pain, and despite the shame, God used it to bring me to the life I have now. Sure, Angelina went on to Brad, but come on, look what I have! In truth, I needed to be there, even for such a short while, and I needed to fail…because ultimately, I need to connect with reality and grow up. And that I did…..for the most part.
Ironically, I will be spending the next four days up north, but not in North Manchester, but in Mishawaka my home. I am sure I will see a lot more things that will bring on these important memories, and all and all, I expect to learn a lot.
I have no regrets about my past, as long as I can learn from it, and thankfully I have. Having your name be synonymous with “academic probation” is nothing to be proud of, yet it is the “Tirman way.” So like the rest of my relatives, I screwed up and went on to be successful. But they are just doctors and professors and such……no one did it like me. After all I played a season of soccer for Manchester.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!