Oh if life were just that easy……

Yep, he has it made. His day is filled with goofing off and very little stress, while mine is a minefield! Yes, once again my laptop has the infamous “bad image” virus, the very same one that the computer repair place took two trips to fix last time, and really didn’t fix it as much as backed-up my files and then reformatted my hard drive…..and oh yes, charged me an arm and a leg. Of course I had top of the line virus software running all the time, which they said was pretty ineffective. They did however fix me up, take my money, and send me on my way.

You can imagine my questions this time….again. I mean what can I do to prevent it, other than using my laptop for a paperweight and never turning it on? The guy suggested a new laptop to me, you know, a better one that might be a better fit. And yep, he led me right over to the one I already had. Potential meltdown I swear!

So I walked right out of there. I had already backed up everything, so I was not worried about that. I just do not have the time or patience to do this more than once, nor can we keep buying computers every 15 minutes. So at the bequest of all the Mac cultists (all good friends of mine) I drove over to the Apple Store and vented my frustrations to the nice people there. Oddly enough, they were not just very willing to listen to me, but clearly this was not their first rodeo, they had heard it before lots of times. And though their products cost more money than God Himself probably has, in truth, with all the repairs and replacements, if I have no problems, it could be cheaper. So we bit the bullet and bought a MAC.

But no, I am not in paradise yet, nor am I all fuzzy-wuzzy in love. I still don’t have a clue as to how to use the most user friendly computer in the world, so this is to say I have not yet finished all my Kool Aid. BUT, I have gotten onto the Internet, and I have transferred my calendar. I also have done a few other things too. This blog however is being posted on one of two things I can still do on my old laptop…..get to Firefox and check my email. Tomorrow I hope to make the final transition and begin to repopulate my important files from backup. That will clear a lot of mines!

But for now I am calling it a day. I pray that tomorrow my life is more like Ben’s…..playing in my toys in bare feet and watching cartoons! Yep, I am a dreamer…..but tomorrow I intend to be a lot closer to it than I have been today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of ends and beginnings……

The 2010 lacrosse season officially came to a close tonight with our end of the year banquet. We said good-bye to our seven seniors, Celeste Bremmer, Maddi Corry, Bri Handy, Alyssa Jarvis, Katie Sherrill, Stephanie Tirman, and Nikki Tombers. We named Katie Long “Most Improved,” Charlotte “Charlie” Bond and Maddi Corry “Best Defenders, Alyssa Jarvis “Best Midfielder,” Katie Sherrill “Best Attack,” and Stephanie was named the “MVP” for the third year in a row. AND, in a surprise vote, I was named second best looking coach on our team…….the other two coaches tied for first.

This year, although I first protested, also included awards from our captains and also from our senior moms (meaning mothers of girls who are graduating…..as far as I have been told (from them) none of them are over 30). It was actually quite moving and personal, and it is clearly something I am sure they will want to do again. I was really touched by it all.

Tonight Maddi Corry also received the Michael Treinen Memorial Scholarship. It is a $1000 scholarship named after our former Assistant Coach Michael Treinen. His mother Kelly presented the award and it was very moving. Maddi’s brother and Michael were close friends and Michael knew Maddi quite well. She was awarded the scholarship not because of that though, it was because she deserved it. And I can’t help but think that Michael is looking down from heaven with a big smile on his face. This Friday then, from 5-8 at Hare, both the men’s and women’s teams will play their respected alumni to raise money for the Michael Treinen Foundation. It’s kind of funny, everyone who plays wears these cool looking orange and white pennies. But as I pointed out, we wear a very similar orange and white penny everyday in practice. It is but one way we remember the blessings of Michael. We miss him and he was one amazing coach!

In just a few weeks we will name our Captains for the upcoming year, and they will begin to gather the girls for social events and begin to recruit new players as well. Camps will be attended and the whole thing starts again. But I am looking forward to it. We have a great team, and those who graduate are just part of one big family. And I thank God for them all!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Technique is everything…….

I was in Fort Wayne for work all day today, and though the people were wonderful, and the experience a blessing, I was not looking forward to the drive home. Stress occasionally works its way on me, and today that made the drive home look a bit larger than it really was. It is not that it is a long drive, because it really isn’t. But all the traffic can become a visual overload. I just didn’t want to weave in and out of it going home.

Oh but not to worry, because I had good training. You see, as a kid, my grandfather and I would OFTEN hope into the Thunderbird and just take rides through the country. They were always peaceful relaxing and wonderful. We were never in a hurry, the country was beautiful (all Indiana farmland) and I was with my grandpa. I could do that everyday….really.

And where I grew up, though it is not like that anymore, you had to drive through cornfields to get there….from any direction. We played in those fields as kids too, and there is just a certain smell and purity in the country.

So when I need to clear my head, or when I need some time away, I often drive through the country. Oddly enough, I always have. When I lived away from my grandfather, it was how I remembered, and now that he resides at the “home office” as I like to say, it is a way I connect with him and center myself.

So today, I probably could have hustled back in half the time, but I chose the back roads instead…..all the way from Fort Wayne. It helped a great deal, and I enjoyed it very much. And though I suppose a picture of a corn field isn’t very exciting to most, it is to me because it connects my past and present all at once.

So today I thank God that He provided me the beautiful fields to drive through this day, and in doing so blessed me tremendously. But now it is back to the grind. Tomorrow is another day, but thank God…….there is another corn field just across the field from my back porch!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


All the help that I need……

Tonight I am playing smarter, not harder, so instead of asking my wife for a picture for the blog, I asked my son….the youngest son, who will do just about anything if you bribe him….thus the apple juice and the cheese puffs.

But regardless of whether his motives are to help me or not, it is just a blessing to have some company and to have that company not say “no.” Even with cheese puffs in his mouth he is more likely to interrupt than to actually motivate, but he provides a lot of comic relief. That would normally be Scott’s job, but he is out at open houses for graduates, and Stephanie, who is much more serious, is at work. So Mr. Ben just has to do.

His fake burps and laughs, along with his accompanying “excuse mes” are a bit hit, although almost exclusively with just him. For me the comedy is found in how he gets that orange stuff even on his nose when he eats, and how his mouth now looks like he bought lipstick at the Syracuse University bookstore. And everyone but he apparently knows that you cannot get that orange stuff off your hands by rubbing them together. Oh wait, he just found the right way…..he rubbed it on his shirt.

But the good news is that we are having a great time and getting this done…..together. He’s not exactly the world’s best writer. But tonight, Ben is all the help I need.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Lessons about my wife…….

One of the lessons I have learned about my wife is that when she decides to do something, she heads into it full speed ahead. (With the exception of scratching my back which she stopped doing diligently on the way back down the aisle after saying “I do.”) So with trying to do something special for Stephanie, she was at about Mach 2 and I was just trying to stay out of her way.

But another lesson that I have learned about my wife is that if her mother is here, she will try to make Mach 2 look slow. Amanda really kicks it up even further and the sad reality for me is that it is pretty difficult to not feel the sonic boom.

The sad reality of the day has been that I have been suffering from a very bad headache and just trying to get by. And it was a busy one already. The two of them can accomplish more in one day that any team of people together than I have ever seen. And if you add Amanda’s sister Rhonda to the mix, well then it gets even more spectacular.

My mother-in-law leaves in the morning to return to Kansas and we will not see her for a couple of weeks until we stop out there on vacation at the end of June…..but it was a real blessing to have her here with us now.

And the last lesson I will share tonight, though there are many, is to not attempt to be too respectful or sentimental about what you want to write in your blog or you may be hung! I just took a picture of them both looking at pictures and it was a good one. But because Amanda (who did not see the picture) threatened my life if I used it (I am pretty sure she was serious) I decided to use this old one, with Rhonda included, instead.

As a scientist, I am sure she would make quick work of me and leave not a trace……and with her mom here, it could happen quicker than I’d expect. After all, who can keep up with Mach 2 plus??

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Celebrating Stephanie……

Today we held a graduation party for Stephanie at our house. A lot of the people from church, our friends, as well as lacrosse players, came by to say congrats……and Amanda’s mom even surprised us by driving in from Kansas. My sister Anna came too. It was a lot of work, but well worth it because it was a nice time.

The reality of it all though is daunting. It truly was the last thing connected to her high school and “kid” career. She is now 18, and a freshman in college. And although it was nice to reminisce a bit, our attention will now turn to finalizing her registration for classes, getting supplies for her dorm room, arranging for the move to St. Charles. It seems strange to me, not in the sense that I haven’t expected it all along, but in the fact that I have just never experienced it. But I am proud of her and although she is all grown up, to me she will always be my little girl.

But now I will call it a night. I am meeting the Bishop at 9am tomorrow morning in Indianapolis. He is in town to do a wedding. But I have to do a little reading to get my mind back on the work page! Being sentimental and nostalgic can turn a mind to mush, and when you figure in my damaged mind you can bet I need to review a few things before I head down there.

I hope your day was as blessed as mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Happy Birthday Dad!

On June 3rd in 1836, my poor grandmother gave birth to my dad, making him exactly 174 years old on this day! And yes, of course that is not true, but I harass him about his age every year, (he is really only 104) but he is out of the country, in FRANCE, on what he SAYS is a school trip, but I think it only helps support my lifelong theory that he is working for the CIA.

But if you are reading this dad (in France) I want to assure you that your ice cream cake was delicious! This of course (eating all this bad stuff) convicts me of my delusion that I will ever live as long as you, but I intend to have a lot of fun trying! But in truth, having that fun, and having this great Tirman sense of humor, I acquired by sitting at the feet of the Master.

Yep, all Tirmans are smart #&*#$@^’s BUT, the older ones we revere. My dad, Uncle Mickey, and Uncle Al are all at the top of the food chain, I mean family, but over a lifetime they have diligently dedicated themselves to their family. In truth, I have the greatest family in the world, and we were taught, not by my dad and his generation but by the generation above them (all working now from the home office in heaven) that we were blessed. And in truth, we are. I may be of the first generation born outside of Brooklyn, New York, but though very few are New Yorkers anymore, the Tirman name means something to us all.

God bless you dad as you celebrate your birthday among strangers more prone to surrender than to watch your back! But know this….we love you here and we are proud of you! Happy birthday, and thanks for being my dad.

And thanks for the cake…..it was delicious!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Spaghettios sans shirt….required….

Yep, Ben came home from the Wal-Mart with a can of Spaghettios, and he was SO excited! Nothing however, will quell one’s excitement than having a MOM. Yep, she suddenly piped in letting us know that though it was okay to have the Spaghettios, it was not okay to wear the “Valentine’s shirt” he had been wearing ALL DAY. And although I reminded her that by Valentines Day he most likely would be 6’4″ and have outgrown it, apparently there was a plan for that shirt, just like the one for my body that she has yet to share for me. She is the QUEEN of organization and I do not cross her!

But really, who cares? Ben is shoveling down tasty pasta (or what we THINK is pasta) treats and his mom is not mad at him (us). And we are all happy. A wet rag will clean any mess up, the precious shirt will be saved, and Ben will think I am a spectacular cook (which I really am) because ALL KIDS love Spaghettios! It is a win win all the way.

So for now I will quit while I am ahead. It is just 8:30, Ben is fed, and this blog is done. If everything goes right, I will be asleep by 9! Tomorrow is the last scheduled exam day, so it will be great to get a good night’s sleep!

Thank God for Spaghettios!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A very noble cause…….

Today, and over the next two days if there is no crisis that overtakes us, I am and will be proctoring the priesthood exams for both Deacon PT Morgan and Deacon Dan Conley. They I am sure will both do fine, but they are worried about it. They have been studying for the better art of four years, sadly mostly under me! But the good Father Dave Terwilliger also had a strong hand in their training, especially at the beginning, so when they fail I will just blame it on him!! No no no….he gave them a good foundation. They are well on their way!

Of course times like these make me miss Dave, not just because if he were here we would have had them taking these exams a lot sooner, but also because he really would enjoy proctoring this exam! PT and Dan will make fine priests, and there are so many great guys who have helped to get them to this point. We all have worked hard. It has never been about us though, nor has it been for Dan and PT about them either. It has always been about Christ and serving Him…….a truly noble cause.

You may find the picture odd, but I was surprised at how hard it is to find a picture searching for nobility. But Ben has been watching Shrek 2 and Puss in Boots really embodies the noble cause. And considering my personality, I thought it was quite appropriate as well. Tomorrow I may post the Penguins of Madagascar, since our staff kind of resembles them…..but for tonight Puss will have to do!

Pray for Dan and PT. PT took the lion’s share of his today and Dan will tomorrow. Thursday they will finish up, not together, but in the same place. Then, hopefully some poor reader will have mercy on their submitted works! No no no….I am certain they will do fine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Attempting to take the day off….

Though my work seems just about constant, today I attempted to take the day off. I did very little in terms of work, but when your work is really a vocation, it becomes hard to separate the two. I did however make the attempt to spend the day at home and set aside church work until tomorrow. I did fail miserably, but in truth it did not bother me……for I feel my walk as a priest is not incongruous with my walk as a Christian man, parent, husband. Sure, I didn’t make a bunch of appointments, but I also still did the things I needed to.

It reminded me of how many pastors I come in contact with that really try to treat their faith lives as a job, and not as a vocation. Some of their intentional divisions, though they try and justify them, are offensive. Even Jesus questioned about if your cow fell into the ditch on the Sabbath, would you leave it there? The answer is no…..life is not meant to be regimented, just lived. And our character and behavior is meant to reflect belief and faith, not the worship of some vacation-oriented ideal. Life is meant to reflect not just common sense, but the care and respect for each other as we walk through it. And though I did work a bit today, my life I feel reflected the best of what it should have.

Anyway, the day is over and I feel rested and refreshed. I also feel I accomplished a bit as well. It may not have been entirely work-free…..but in the end it was a good one, and the best possible one to begin the week with.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
