Race Day with Ben……

I hate very few things in life, but one of the things I DO hate is living in central Indiana on Race Day. (yep, it is capitalized because it is considered a holiday here) Living here means you cannot watch the Indianapolis 500 on the television, quite simply because it is blacked out. And it is not that I am a big race fan, though I DO love Tony Stewart and NASCAR, but I just like being able to take the afternoon off an watch the race like I used to in Mishawaka as a kid.

Sadly, I no longer live in Mishawaka (my hometown) and I had to settle for the radio. I never did get to hear a lot, and still do not know who won. And as I sit here at 8:30, Ben has commandeered the TV to watch this new preschool channel called Sprout, but I suppose it is better than him telling me at every point a race is on that Lightening McQueen is going to win, and asking me where he is. Sooner or later he will be crushed to learn that Lightening McQueen is not real, and that even if he was, in the word of NASCAR Tony Stewart would beat him soundly. But for now, it is a non-issue. Sprout has taken over our lives tonight. Hopefully I can avoid finding out who wins till I get the couch back. We will see. In these days of constant information, I know my odds are low.

Off to watch…………an episode of “Kipper the dog.” I am praying it is a racing episode.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A day at the beach…..almost!

Yep, today in the midst of all the stuff I have had to do, I managed to sneak over to the Wal-Mart and pick up the plastic pool big enough for Ben, his brother, and the dog. Only Ben tried it out, and was VERY HAPPY to do so. And even though I am a northerner, I am convinced he is part polar bear because he went right in after I filled it with the hose and it was COLD. Little kids brains are clearly not developed.

But I knew this would happen. As I was waiting in line with the pool at the checkout, the lady in front of me who was a grandmother buying the same pool for her 4 year old granddaughter asked me how long she should let the water warm up before letting her in. Of course I answered I didn’t know. I am the father of an almost 3 year old polar bear, I mean boy, who couldn’t care less as long as he was in the water. I will say however that I am convinced it is genetic, for though my sister Stephanie and I had brains, my sister Sarah could not stay out of ANY water if you could see it. Her nickname was “Fish,” and God rest her soul. I do hope there is a pool in heaven (and margaritas) or she will be raising a bit of hell. Our other sister, Steph, is also there but is probably much more compliant as long as there is some sort of gymnastics facility. But I digress…..

Anyway, I was headed off to the hospital for the hard part of the evening, which was getting him out of the pool……I am sorry I missed it. It must have been intense, because when I got home at 9:30 the polar bear and his mom were already asleep in my bed. Fighting polar bears wears you out.

But the good part is that the beach is open and he loves it. Today it was a beach on the northern peninsula, but in time it will feel more like a beach in the tropics, (except for the Golden Retriever in the water). We are just glad summer is here!

Off to bed for me! I am heading to visit the good people of St. Matthew’s Nashville in the morning!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



Yep, tonight Stephanie walked across the stage and received her diploma. It was quite a wonderful night and we were so glad to be there.

So I am not writing a lot tonight, but instead posting this picture of our graduate. As you can tell we are very proud!

Way to go Stephanie! Next stop college! And oh yes…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Twins,,,,,but in beds only…….

Today we finally replaced Stephanie’s loft bed (it is amazing AND FOR SALE) with BUNK BEDS that separate into two very nice twin beds. Stephanie of course got one, and then Ben the other. But both of them are excited about their new sleeping arrangements.

Of course Ben will probably not ever even sleep in his new bed until late June when we return from Disney. It will be our last family vacation together and there is a lot to do in preparation for it too. But Amanda wanted to be sure to decorate his room and bed with an appropriate super hero so that he will sleep there. Steph needs no such nonsense. She for close to 10 years has climbed a ladder and the last six months with a bum leg. I have not seen her so happy in years! She would be fine with a used horse blanket as long as she didn’t have to climb.

But at a quarter till 12 Steph is asleep in her room and Ben is awaiting my arrival in my bed! It is not quite fair but a move in the right direction. Steph graduates tomorrow and deserves a good night’s sleep. Ben will graduate long after I am dead and deserves me waking him up when I head to bed!

God is good, and it has been a great day! Thanks to Deacon Morgan for driving me to Kokomo to get the beds!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Technically the same but different……..

Okay, high school classes are officially over. And Scotty is now a SENIOR, but graduation is not until Friday night, so Stephanie is technically a senior still….at least until they confer her diploma. So much to her dismay I am sure, for a little more than 48 hours,they will both be the same.

Of course that goes against both their natures. They have both spent a lifetime trying to out do each other. Every year we take them out for dinner on this night, and all night long Scotty has been trying to get her to call him “senior,” while making sure she knows she is a freshman. I do not think she is buying any of that, and she is most likely just being polite in front of us. Though Scotty is bigger, about 6’1″, Steph is still the oldest and will probably dish out some sort of payback out of my site.

The good news is that I have successfully guided at least one child through high school. At least that is my belief…..I need to see the diploma. I am not worried, like my parents I am sure were. I am just excited for them both!

So tonight we had perhaps our last everyone got through this year dinner, and it was a blast. I am not sure if Steph will be home next year on the day, but if she is we will continue to all be together for it. But for now I am thankful just for the day. I have great kids and I am proud of them all. Congratulations to them both for completing another year of school, and congratulations to Ben for throwing that crayon at dinner ALMOST into that lady’s macaroni and cheese at the next table. He needs some work I tell you. Both the older kids would have nailed it right in her plate.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


As close as I could get…….

Yep, this is a staged picture. It is the jug of green sun tea I made today next to Viper’s stuffed squirrel, since we have no real squirrels of our own in my neighborhood. But it was as close as I could get to recreating the relaxing scene from the window of my grandparents back yard.

You see, as a kid, my grandparents lived in Goshen, Indiana (my grandma still lives there) and they had what they called a “squirrel gym.” There are LOTS of squirrels in Goshen, and the majority of them are jet black, and they were a friendly bunch too.

In the backyard my grandparents had the gym tied between two trees. It was basically a rope strung between the trees and with small buckets of peanuts and bells stun on other ropes attached to the main one. The squirrels, and I am not kidding about this either, would tightrope there way out to a bucket, hang upside down, and pull the bucket up to get a peanut. (They really could care less about the bells.) And they would eat it, either there upside down or head back to the tree to eat before going out on the gym to get more. It was fun to watch too.

In retrospect, I suppose that may be because there wasn’t much else to do, but even if there were video games and such back then, I’d bet I would still be watching the squirrels. I learned a lot from my grandparents, and one of those things was to take great joy in the simple things that God provides.

Viper’s stuffed squirrel coveting tea is perhaps not reality, but it does remind me of a simpler and important time in my life. I do not need a lot of stimuli and stuff to fill up my every waking moment. And tonight I thank God for an accidental, but meaningful memory. I may not have a squirrel gym, but I have a dog and he has a squirrel….albeit stuffed. But tonight it was enough to take me back. Thanks grandma and grandpa for the great times. And thank you God for reminding me of them tonight!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The painful reality of being powerless……

Today I am posting late, very frustrated and struggling. I know I don’t do things for any type of praise or glory, and I try and encourage others to have the same attitude, but it is so very discouraging for me to see and deal with disrespectful people. I really do hate seeing people get hurt, and though I often try to make sure that doesn’t happen, unfortunately I do not have that kind of influence or control. I only wish I did.

So I am up right now and it is late. I am not seeing sleep in my future anytime soon either. I just hope and pray for people to come around. Keep me in your prayers. Tonight for me has not been a good night!

I hope you have had a good one! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The last one……..

Well, I gave my daughter for the last time as a high school student. She graduates next Friday night and to be honest, it felt pretty weird. I guess I just need to resolve myself to the fact that I am going to have a lot of these moments over the next few months. Because I just had another….this blog is now the first blog after the last time that I gave my daughter communion as a high school student. Dear Lord, it is a vicious cycle!

But all and all I am having a lot of fun. There is a lot of excitement in the air, and I am happy for Stephanie and all her friends. They are a remarkable group of kids who have been a blessing to know. I am going to enjoy the summer with them around.

But of course we have a lot to do over these next few weeks, and without the lacrosse season being my excuse for being too busy, I am clearly available for the list of chores my wife has in store for us before the graduation and open house. I will gladly do them too.

But for now I will call this day over. I have been given “landscape” tasks for my day tomorrow. I am praying for a nice cool day too. Regardless, I will get it done. I have posted tonight’s picture of me mowing. These are very important times for our family, and I want to do my part to make it nice!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The real end of an era……

Yep, today was it. The State Final took place, and though we were not in it, Stephanie ended her high school athletic career by being named 1st Team All State. It was quite and honor, and for me one of the pinnacles of my life. She has worked hard and really deserved it. I am certain this picture will be one of my favorites of all time. I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am.

AND, in usual style, though we wanted to take her out to dinner, a few of her friends are over at the house and we just grilled out. I know she is moving, but I hope that doesn’t end. It seems like there are always people here and I am sure if they suddenly do not show up one day we will miss them. Of course I will get by if no one is here, it is Amanda who will have to adjust because she will have to talk to me!

But in all seriousness, it has been a great time. Three of our players were All Region and two All State. And though I know I have to write a sermon for tomorrow and get ready, somehow I feel God calling me to just enjoy and stay in this time here. I can wake up early if I have to, but this is a moment in time I need to enjoy.

On this night I thank God for the blessing He has giving me in a wonderful daughter and all she has accomplished. It was her day and I am proud of her. She now enters a new era and I am no longer her coach. But I am always satisfied and more comfortable to just be her dad. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter, and even if I could, I cannot imagine a better one. Thank God for her, and for this wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


What a night…….

I spent all evening at the State Semi-Finals watching the Final Four. And although it was fun to be there and not have the pressure of playing such an important game, my mind went back over and over to our game on Wednesday night where we fell just one goal short of playing here. Carmel, the team who beat us was beaten handily by Culver in the first game. The second game was a real barn-burner and was won by Zionsville, who beat Park Tudor 13-12 in overtime.

Tomorrow morning I will be one of the coaches who will coach one of the Indiana Rising Stars teams. Then, I will just hang out and watch the other two final games….first the consolation game, then the State Final. We have awards after that, which some of my girls will be receiving, then it will be off to my office to write a sermon for Sunday. All things considered, I should be able to pack all that into one day as long as I do not take time to eat or talk to anyone. We will see.

But for now I need to call it a night. I am just happy to have made it through the day. Congratulations to Zionsville and Culver. Tomorrow is the big day!

Goodnight my friends and God bless!
