How to train your dragon and/or toddler………

Tonight, for our last “boy’s night out” before the girls get home, we decided to either go ice skating again or take Ben to his first real movie……..we decided upon the latter. Not much for kids was playing, so our best bet was the new picture called “How to Train Your Dragon.”

I RARELY go to movies, and only a couple of times before with a toddler, because toddlers in my experience are often like Notre Dame football… never know what you are going to get on any given day. What made Scott and I quite pleased that out of the roughly 90 or so people in the theater, about a third were young kids. This really did look to be a win for both of us!

And if you read this blog at all, you know that I am not just a coach and former athlete, but that I have a highly competitive spirit……I like to come in #1. But coming in #1 for the most disruptive toddler was a trophy neither Scott or I intended to, or was trying to, win. Ben however apparently was….and did, not in a real bad way, it was just stressful to me. In the end though it was a success, and the dragon AND Ben all fared well.

Tomorrow will be filled with lacrosse and the preparation of the arrival of the ladies. Not that it will matter that Scott and I are here. Women still apparently like the bad boys, the James Dean types, the rebels… know, the ones that fight you for your soda and popcorn in the crowded movie theater.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The worst cartoon ever……

I do not know what it is about today, but I am exhausted and with no help tonight either. Ben and I came to bed at about 8pm because I could not see straight, and he was clearly not ready to go. So, as a compromise as we lay here in bed, we had to watch the worst show for children ever….”Little Einsteins.”

Little Einsteins is about four children, who without any parental supervision, solve the world’s problems with art, music, diversity, and liberal naivety that drives me up a wall. A military jet is often the villain, and it is always played opposite the children’s “rocket” that is fueled by children clapping, patting their laps, or shaking their hands.

Of course in my limited mind, I wonder where they got a rocket in the first place, and why it would be good for a child to fly one…….even Scott had to wait till 15 to get his permit for a CAR. Lord know what he would do with a rocket. And what kinds of kids know all the classical composers and art and get all excited about the word “adagio.” I guess parents must think that their kids will be smarter, geniuses in fact, from watching cartoons of such amazing classical content. After all, as I am typing this, Leo “the conductor” just helped a group of cows moo to the tune of Beethoven’s 9th symphony……watch out Julliard……there are a lot of kids coming your way!

But I am just trying to endure the night. My head hurts and I am tired. Ben apparently has neither problem. Of course just a few more of these cartoons and he will probably be able to fix me up without even an MRI. I suppose it was a good investment (that I incidentally did not make). I just wish it had more of a sedating effect….for him that is….I am wiped out already.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The literal truth about getting hammered…..

The problem about Ben when his schedule changes is that everything around him needs to change as well. So at 7:30 tonight he and I are now up in my room, in MY bed, trying to get him to bed. It is WAY too early for me, and quite frankly it may be too early for him as well, but it seemed to make sense at the time.

And though he is a bright boy, and amazing every day in his own way, a few minutes ago as we were here and I was typing away I heard thunder. I quickly clicked on the weather icon of my computer and looked at the approaching storm and said out loud, “it looks like we are going to get hammered.”

It was one sentence with many meanings, although I meant we are going to get hit hard by the approaching storm. But Ben was suddenly convinced we would be building something, and apparently building something right now. At just two years old, I was glad to see he wasn’t suddenly excited about drinking till we couldn’t see straight, so for now I will enjoy his innocence. I however was not enjoying his delay tactics. He was in his pajamas, he was under the covers, and this was not his first rodeo. He KNEW he was going to bed, and just took the construction road because he thought he could. Too bad for him! I hope he is asleep before the storm.

But he and I are probably more alike than I would care to admit. Tonight I just want him to be different, and not a screw-off like every Tirman male that has ever lived. I suppose I do not have much of a chance, because the Lord gives us just what we deserve. He is here in the dark, laughing, and trying to stand on his head. I probably do not have a chance!

Goodnight my friends (from this apparent circus) and God Bless!

When the cat’s away…..well not the real cat, we mean Amanda………

Generally we boys behave here at home unsupervised, but Ben is proving himself to be more of a rebel than any of us previously. He pushes the limits and then laughs. You want to dole out some punishment for it, and he makes you laugh. We decided at a boy’s family meeting today that we will just all move out before Amanda and Steph return from Florida on Saturday. It will be a lot easier than taking blame for all the destruction here.

But we all will readily admit that we are having fun. Sure it’s not Florida, but it is 80 and sunny and we have been able to get outside a couple of times to play. Holy Week and Easter Day are now passed, as well as my trip up to Fort Wayne yesterday and today, so after a catch-up workday tomorrow at home, I should be able to get some fun time with the boys. It will be a great opportunity to rejuvenate for me!

But for now I will re-adopt my current role of “Border Collie” at my house and work to keep Ben “penned in.” It is only Tuesday, so thank God we still have some time to hire contractors to fix all the damage!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Way to make us proud Bulldogs!

Tonight I watched my beloved Butler Bulldogs in the National Championship Game from the comfort of my aunt and uncle’s living room here in Fort Wayne. It was a great game, and was really like stepping back in time with me considering the company….it was that we were just watching the Bulldogs play basketball, rather than the Chicago Bears play football.

But what made it even more special was to watch my Alma Mater (BA, Religion 1984) play in such an important game. It really made me proud, not just because we accomplished so much in basketball this year, but because it is such a great school and I am blessed to be a part of the Butler Family. My dad was an administrator there for 20 years and my brother and sister actually go there…..Mike is a junior and Anna is a freshman. It is an amazing place, and far more than just for basketball.

When I used to live in Ohio I would help recruit students in NE Ohio by calling them and telling them about Butler and answering their questions. Now that I live right by the university that type of thing is no longer needed, though I certainly would if they asked. I am a fan when they are in the tourney and when they are not, I have plenty of Butler t-shirts, jackets and polos, and I proudly display a shiny Butler plate on the front of my car.

But like most alumni of Butler, I am not just this way when we do well in basketball, it is because Butler is a place I believe in. And I didn’t put much thought into going there, I just did because my dad worked there. That was a big sign that God was looking after me.

But if there is anything I could get across in tonight’s blog it is this…..Butler is a great place to attend university. I was blessed by the experience and it made the whole NCAA tourney a lot of fun.

Never underestimate a Bulldog…..heart means a lot and all of us have a big one!

Goodnight from Fort Wayne (thanks Aunt Barb and Uncle Dave) and God Bless you all!

Way To Go Bulldogs!


Happy Easter!

Dear Readers…..

On this Easter Day our hearts and minds go back to the story of our Lord’s Resurrection.

And looking up they saw that the stone was rolled back, it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed! And he said to them, “Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here! Come see the place where He laid!” (Mark 16:4-6)

May the Lord of that empty tomb find a place to live in your heart. And may this Easter Day be filled with many blessings!

God Bless you and Happy Easter!


More Holy than normal Saturday…….

You gotta believe……

Yep, it is Holy Saturday…..the day before Easter. And try as I may, I struggled very hard to remain focused. BUT my beloved Butler Bulldogs were playing the evil Michigan State Spartans (sorry Allen and Jack) and I just could not resist. We won 52 – 50!

If there were ever a doubt Jesus was alive, this should settle it. Everyone in my mind should double their pledge, as well as their ministry commitment! Who would have ever thought (besides me) that Butler could have come this far? And for all of you who labeled me as crazy, delusional, or even Lutheran…..the Divine joke is on you! We are indeed in the FINAL.

Being the ethical guy that I am, I did not bet on this…..had I done so we obviously would be building a CATHEDRAL. But I will say I am just happy to make it to the end. Amanda and Stephanie are in Florida, Scott was at work, and Ben and I watched the game. I thank God for the opportunity! It has been a great day.

Of course tomorrow is Easter…..even a better day! I will thankfully look forward to what it means as I enjoy the night of a lifetime. I hope to see you all in Church tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Tommy+ (BUTLER 1984)

Good Friday

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant,being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:5-11)

MIA…….what the heck?

Yep, it is not just Maundy Thursday, but it is also the first day this year I have headed out to the porch to write this blog, and guess what??? The cat is nowhere to be found. Though I believe she is a middle-aged cat I hardly believe that she needs any more sleep to add to her already record 23 hours that she sleeps in a day. I am a big fan of tradition, and tonight she is blowing it.

Of course, like a cat always does, just as I am typing this she shows up, clearly to embarrass me. And though I could have not admitted that, I wanted to….because about it I am truly pleased. This tradition we have is not just important to me, it is helpful to me. Two years ago when I was out on this very porch looking for my mind, Puddy was out here with me….keeping watch I suppose, watch of what I have no idea.

But during that time when my world was spinning, she was a real constant for me. And even now she makes seem stable. Cats really don’t have much use for anyone unless they are cold or hungry, but for some reason she has just stuck with me, like clockwork, keeping watch till I finish typing and then disappearing. I always wondered if she was like that “death cat” in that nursing home and spending a lot of time with me out here was just hedging her bet and hoping she would get it right. But I think it is important to her as well. We just make it our thing.

And I am glad she is here. Tomorrow is Good Friday, and I really needed a peaceful way to end the day. So God has provided me with what I need again….and as it often is, tonight it has been through this stupid easy-going little cat.

Off to bed! I hope to see you in Church tomorrow and Sunday! Goodnight and God Bless!


Spiderman defiance……..

Man, talk about a hard sell. I picked up a Spiderman hat at the Wal-Mart today for Ben because he is such a big fan, and you should have seen how very happy he was to get it. He put it on as I picked him up at the babysitter! He was SO EXCITED.

What he was NOT excited about was me getting a picture taken of him in the hat. As I tried, he pulled it right off his head and threw it off. And every time, all evening long, every time I attempted a picture, off came the hat.

It really frustrated me, but after a short time I understood……..Spiderman is a superhero with a SECRET IDENTITY. He clearly did not want me to snap one of him where he could be identified. And I really shouldn’t care, after all, Peter Parker’s aunt never knew about him either.

The good part is that, with him living here I can probably stop taking Viper to attack dog school. Between the two of them, we ought to be pretty safe.

So it is off to bed for me, and I may not even turn on the alarm tonight. After all, who needs ADT when you have Spiderman living under your roof…..but I hope we all have the good sense to not tell anyone.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
