Attack of the Buzz Lightyear heating pad………(226)

Well, things are not looking up for me in terms of having a peaceful night’s sleep. The picture is of Ben, dressed in his Buzz Lightyear pajamas, and the small empty space on the bottom of the picture is the place that he has left me to sleep. There is A LOT of real estate on the other side, but with his mom out of town on a business trip, he apparently intends to treat it as some type of memorial.

He is in here however because he has been a real trooper all day. I did three services today, and we took his mom to the airport between the second and the last. I had the benefit of hearing Tony preach at the first and Dan at the third, and the sermon was mine at the second, but at two, the variety for Ben is not that intriguing. Tony and his sermon (which was quite good) did the Brownsburg service, which would have been my 4th, alone. Ben was close to melting down by 5pm, and we felt it best to call it a day before creating and then declaring an emergency.

The good news is it is just a little over a 24 hour trip for Amanda, and she will be home tomorrow at 8pm. Ben will be well rested by then and will have two opportunities to play in the “tunnel” (the walkways with lights) with his brother PLUS pick up his mom (at this point a secondary bonus to playing on the walkways with Scotty) AND….by 9pm, hopefully I can rest.

Okay, time for bed…..I am looking at my space wishing my diet was going better. Two trips without any exercise has been killing me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
