What a surprise……

What a surprise……..strep throat. And it wouldn’t be so bad if I were not scheduled to celebrate at a service tomorrow in Indianapolis for The Order of St. Luke and deliver both a sermon and a teaching on healing of all things. I have been miserable all day and tonight as well, and tonight was when I was going to finalize my thoughts for tomorrow. It should be a very interesting day!

But how in the world do you live 48 years and not get strep, and then suddenly get it twice in two weeks? I suppose there are some things I will never understand, but if I never have it again I will be quite satisfied. These episodes have topped my previous sore throat record of having my tonsils taken out when I was 5…..you know, back when they did surgeries with flint and put you out you with whiskey or a swift rap to the head. At least that’s what my kids think. I grew up in the Dark Ages.

All that aside, I am interested, and highly motivated in fact, to get better. I will certainly be there to do this service tomorrow, but if I am not tons better I will leave the healing prayers for other people up to my staff. Not that they should be worried….after all these are the same guys who pray for me and I am doing terrible!! ha ha!! No no no….the guys on our staff are incredible and I am thankful they pray for me, and in truth they do a pretty great job.

Anyway, I guess I should take some more medicine and head to bed. Tomorrow I am hoping will be a great day. Keep it in your prayers. I have a long way to go before I get there!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
