Of Mr. Incredible, and other superhero type things

Ben and I have been “bach-ing” it all day. We dropped Amanda off at the airport where she was flying to Arizona for an all week meeting. Ben first cried as she walked away, but when he realized she was not coming back he began to wail. I want to say that it makes it quite a bit more difficult to watch your wife check through security with an inconsolable fire siren in your ear, plus you tend to attract A LOT of attention. I was certain people already thought I was either beating him or abducting him. I therefore chose to leave and take him home.

Fortunately for me, he was still in his Mr. Incredible costume so people probably thought we were shooting a movie scene. We made our escape and are now at home, in a much better mood, and playing with our toys!

Oddly enough, as I have been looking at this blog, I see that I have never been such a poor poster as I have over this past month. It puzzles me, and I suppose I may never know why. The reason that it puzzles me so is that I feel so good and together. Sure there are times that I don’t, but this past month has not been one of them. In all honesty, I have felt very blessed. A parishioner of ours had a similar stroke about a month ago, and I have spent a lot of time in self-reflection about it. It is bizarre. How do you get so forgetful in times that you feel so well? I suppose I should consider that it may not be stroke-related at all, but I seem to be well-ordered everywhere else. It is certainly suspect.

The real blessing of this day is that I remembered tonight, so I am declaring a victory! The Lord has blessed me with three superhero children, a great life, and a wife who cannot tell us to clean up our mess for 6 more days! Praise God, and let the fun here begin!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
