Oh my oh my…I am a caveman!

Like most everyone I know, I carry a cell phone. I suppose it’s no big deal, but mine is connected to the Church so that every call that comes in is directed to me immediately. We have no real office or secretary, so it is certainly the best we can do. But with all the use, I occasionally need a new phone, and though I am about a month away from trading mine in, I went to the store today to take a look at what has changed.

Of course the store was filled with people who were on their phones….some texting and some talking. It brought to mind how different things have become over the years. For instance, when I was my older kids’ age we did have phones, but they were all corded, they all had rotary dials, and we didn’t have voice mail or recorders. If you wanted to talk with someone you needed to wait until they picked up the phone, and knowing their every move, thought and location was something we only imagined in science-fiction!

I was involved in a ton of calls today and even texts. Times have changed. But boy oh boy I still long for the old days. I really don’t need to be that connected. I guess I am just a dinosaur!

Goodnight from the prehistoric times my friends and God Bless.


Slowing down…….finally!

Today was the last day of the “Ben and Dad Show,” at least for now……and it did not slow me down one bit today at all. He and I were both at St. Patrick’s today as well as Christ the King in Kokomo. And, had he not a date with his mom to walk in the late afternoon, he would have hit a few other stops with me as well. It was a fun day.

Tonight I finally have a night at home, and I am glad…..I have been tired all day long. There are times when things all seem to run together, and I am thankful for the break. Tomorrow will be a similar day, stuff to do, just not overwhelming!

I am thankful for the opportunities that God gives me to do what I do….I even thank Him for the busy times. It may seem like a lot, as it does sometimes to me as well, but I’d rather have a lot to do than a little. There’s an old line about that, but all that comes to mind is that “the busy bird catches the worm,” which even I know is not right! Perhaps that is a signal that sleep is not too far away!

So goodnight my friends and God Bless. I will catch you all tomorrow.



Wow, after over 20 years in the ministry, and after making jokes about it for the entire time, last night I finally ALMOST got peed on while blessing a dog. Being a dog breeder myself, I suppose I should be honored that this dog really wanted to mark me as his own, but in reality I think he should have just sent me a note! He missed due to my quick action, and ironically he was the last animal blessed out of five services at all our missions! It really was the perfect way to end the run!

This year it was mostly dogs, but we did have four cats show up in Anderson, two kittens and two adults. It was a fun adventure with very few mishaps. We did have a couple of labs pull down their owner in the parking lot in Westfield, AND our youngest dog, Bernard, did get car sick on me and all over my car (30 seconds from home) on Sunday. But all in all it was a great weekend.

We are now back to the regular schedule for all our missions. I hope to see all these pets again in just one short year!

A dry goodnight my friends, and God Bless!


Averaging 3.5 dogs currently per blessing……….

Apparently I am not meant to remember all that well lately! As I mentioned earlier, I have started the indoor lacrosse season, but that shouldn’t be slowing me down. We will see. Give me a few days to get my ship righted!!

Of course I am only aware of a few people who read this with any regularity, and of the ones I know, most would be too polite to say “Hey dufus, get with the program.” (Everyone probably thinks it, but I have a pretty mannered following!) I do remember why I do this, and it is good for me. It just needs to be good for me a little more often if I am using it to measure my recovery.

For any who do not know, originally this was to be a thematic posting of issues I face as a priest, and the happenings in the larger Church. But that whole stroke thing interfered with that plan, so I began to use this as a way to remember, creatively write, and therapeutically (self-induced) force myself into full-function. As we can all see, I have a bit to go, but if I go back to where I started I could not even imagine being here today. I still struggle, but am amazing comparatively!

Today Amanda and Ben and I were in both Nashville and Kokomo for two of the five Blessing of the Animals services that I will be doing through Monday. Today I blessed only 7 dogs, which is about one dog for every 100 miles driven today, but it is one of my favorite services. Tomorrow there will be two more…..one in Westfield at 3 and one in Anderson at 4:30. Monday will see me in Greenfield at 7pm. So far no cats, no lizards, no snakes (other than Ben) and no rodents. I may just hop the fence at a farm on my way home and bless a few horses and cows!

Anyway, we are home and getting ready for bed. We are well-traveled and worn out! It has been a blessed day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Lacrosse lacrosse lacrosse…….

Indoor lacrosse started this evening, and Scott had a game as well as one of our women’s teams. The squad that my daughter plays on plays tomorrow.

In terms of Noblesville Lacrosse, there are a total of three men’s teams in indoor and two women’s teams. Tonight was a night like many, where Scott’s game and one of ours overlapped. It will chaotic I am sure until the regular season starts in March. It was just good to get back out on the field.

In our women’s game tonight we played Carmel. They are a constant rival and a great team to play. We got clocked, but I was very pleased. 4 of my 12 players were in their very first game and were learning not just the rules but how to play. They did great! And though my more experienced players wanted to get out there and really sock it to them, we all have our eyes focused on the prize. The regular season is where we want to win, and this is really development for us. The girls got A LOT of playing time….and by March we will not ave a worry in the world! Our squad that plays tomorrow has an equal number of inexperienced rookies, and we are holding onto the same strategy! it is going to be a great year!

As for me, there is little I enjoy more than being out there. Sure, I would like to be out on a hockey rink somewhere giving it a go, but at may age most hockey players are retired! I suppose I am as well. This is fun enough….plus when I played hockey I wasn’t allowed to drink Diet Pepsi all through the game, while here I am!

Anyway, it is off to bed for me. I am excited about tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Giving up the hope….YEE HA!

Well the hopes of Ben going back to daycare this week are now gone. We are just too busy to risk the flu here at all. So tonight I made the decision that Ben would be my assistant the rest of the week. AND….since our sitter is on vacation MTW of next week, it appears he will be hanging with me for quite some time.

No, he is certainly not my “Mini-me.” He is far more that for his brother than I. But he loves working with me. We cannot go into hospitals or anything like that. But he can go do meetings and lunch and the the churches (since they all have nurseries!) He actually LOVES hanging out. He loves the guys I work with. And he certainly LOVES the eating part too.

With that however, I am off to get a few things done. I hope to be blogging more tomorrow about things other than little Ben and I’s troubles and travels. We will see! I am just happy I am able to hang with him. I am looking forward to the next few days!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
