“It’s beginning to look a lot like LA-CROSSE, everywhere I go!!”

As many regular readers know, I am the lacrosse coach for the Noblesville Lady Millers Lacrosse Team. And even though school does not begin until next week, we gathered together incoming players (mostly freshmen) and interested young women, to talk about our program and assess their interest. It was a great meeting. We had a lot of girls there. Four of our seniors were named captains for next year too. It was a great time.

But this year is more intentional than any other. This is Steph’s senior year and yes, she is one of the four captains……we are calling them “The Four Horsemen.” They are four girls who have played together their whole careers and are ready to make a difference! They placed fourth in the state, and want to win it all this year. They have the talent….let’s just hope they have the drive. They will need both!

As a coach, it is exciting to see all the girls come out and consider playing. It always makes me wonder what will be. Last year we had only ONE freshman, so this year just ONE sophomore….but if any turn out like her LOOK OUT! It is going to be a great year.

But despite all the excitement, I am still middle-aged, and I still need to go to bed!! So I hope and pray your day was as wonderful and encouraging as mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of deacons, dogs, and boys……

I was able to speak to Deacon Conley this morning. He was finally able to get out, and God willing, he and I will meet tomorrow between Nashville and Indy for a couple of hours. It was great to hear his voice. We have been worried about he and his wife, and to know he was actually off his property and in cell range was wonderful. There is still a lot of work to do in Brown County to recover from the storm, but hearing his voice and getting a first hand report gave me great hope.

Dan does so much for others, we just wish there was more that we could do for him. I WILL buy his breakfast tomorrow, but it is a far cry from what he is worth. I mean seriously PT and I think he just might be worth two breakfasts. Deacon Tony was also on his way to Kokomo last night and his car broke down! It is amazing we were able to have any of us there! But God is still leading us and calling us to plant there. No wind, nor rain, or hail or storm will stop us. And since the post office is apparently cutting back, we might as well pick up there themes.

Anyway, I am thankful for a peaceful night and low worries. Ben and I are out on the deck with the puppy and are awaiting some of Steph’s friends to watch movies and stay the night. It should be a good night.

But as for me, I will have some Ben and puppy time. Ben is pretty fascinated with the gold-wonder and I can tell that they are quickly becoming partners in crime. I clearly need to keep and eye on them!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A worrisome, but good day!

It has been an exceptionally weird day. Although we were to hold our second formation meeting in Kokomo and tour a facility up there too, as we waited for Deacon Dan Conley to arrive to drive with us the time just kept rolling on. Dan never called in fact…..which was something that worried us deeply. He is the kind of guy who will call if he is going to be only a few minutes late, but after 30, then 45 and then 60 minutes. We finally left, in two cars, just in case we needed to head his way to help. We knew something was amiss.

We called the Brown county Sheriff’s department on our way to Kokomo. There were storms all across Indiana and we were worried. They of course knew Dan, not because he is a convicted and dangerous felon, but because he is a retired police officer, and most of them had worked with him at one time or another. The dispatcher said there were trees down and power out everywhere, and from what they knew then, getting to Dan’s house was unlikely for some time. But we asked that they call us when they heard.

They did call us some time later and both Dan and Merry Ann were fine, although stranded. It made us feel good to know they were okay.

The meeting went well and we are still on track for a September 12th launch. A day of worry turned to be out fine….thanks be to God. Please pray that we continue to move ahead in Kokomo and pray also that Dan and Merry Ann, as well as the people of Brown County recover very soon. It has been a tough 12 months down there, and of all the people in Indiana, the people of Brown County deserve a break!

Keep praying!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


On being hip, cool, and one of the homie dawgs man…….

I am trying as best as I can to enter the “electronic age.” I have this blog which has just surpassed 420 entries. I am on Facebook under my name Tom Tirman. AND, I even have a Twitter account which is “frtomtirman.” It seems I have everything going on to be considered “hip,” that is of course, other than the language.

What bothers me about all of this is that at one time I was really and actually cool. Of course being cool in the Dark Ages these days apparently does not count. Steph and Scott laugh at how very out of touch I am, and to be honest I feel often like I am adrift in a sea that is more unfamiliar than I would care to admit! Am I cool for almost 50? Well probably as much as 50 year olds can be cool. But I am not holding out any hopes of an invitation to the VH1 awards this year! I am still a big fan of the 70’s.

But regardless, I am doing my best to be relevant to the culture. Lord knows I try. My 30th high school reunion is this weekend, and at least there I have the expectation of support. I still think I am pretty cool. And there is nothing like gathering with a large group of equally delusional old people to set one’s mind at rest!

Thank God for all my classmates!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Home Sweet Home……

Okay…the last few days have been sporadic in terms of posting, but the traveling was a lot. I also found that certain developments led to my need to be at two of our services this morning to address our congregations. I will address the congregation in Nashville sometime this week or over the weekend if need be. That’s just a part of being a priest…sometimes things happen and plans change. My vacation day went goodbye, just like many others have before. It was however, good to be among such wonderful people.

Things here at home are getting back to normal. Ben was excited to see us, and Steph and Amanda seemed to be, though they clearly were much more enamored with the fudge and salt-water taffy we brought them. It was just good to be home. And though I am happy to be among such familiar surroundings, I will miss and always remember my adventure with Scott to DC. It was a great time for us both.

I have two more trips scheduled this year (so far), one to Texas and one to California but sadly, I will do them alone. One is a meeting of the Anglican 4th Day National Steering Committee at the end of this month, and the other is the consecration of my friend Doc Loomis as a bishop in September. Both will be short trips, but well worth it. I like to travel and particularly to fly. Thankfully both Texas and California are far enough away to dissuade me from even thinking about a drive!!

Anyway, I am back on the porch and back with the cat. I have missed being here. There truly is no place like home.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Busy with many blessings…….

Although this trip was meant to be mostly work (which it is), it has also become a surprising and wonderful time with Scott. We have both enjoyed it very much. In just a few short days we have attended many meetings and such associated with my job, and we have also been able to head to DC a few times for some sites! There were many highlights, but perhaps the one I was most impressed with was seeing the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights with my son. Even though I lived here for three years for grad school, for some reason I never went to see many of the sites. It was good to have the time to do them now….and after all, they are all free!

Tomorrow morning, after the legislative session, Scott and I will return to the hotel and pack the car for the long trip home. I am assuming it will seem even longer than it was getting here, but we are looking forward to it. We spoke to Ben tonight on the speakerphone, and I could tell we were all ready for some living room wrestling. Unfortunately that will take place Sunday when we are all together. We still have to wait.

But for now I will close this and head to sleep. It has been a long day and a long week. Even the bishop was beat tonight. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will leave us all “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” as my grandma used to say.

So goodnight from Washington DC. My hope and prayer is that you have had a blessed day….I know I have!

Fr. Tom+