Working within the whirlwind……

It is hard to believe how much stuff I have had to put back onto my laptop, and how many times I find things I have forgotten. It seems to be taking forever, but the great part is that my email and Internet is back up and functioning. I am good to go, at least for now!

The best part was being able to update our website to reflect the new mission, Christ the King in Kokomo. Our website is fairly elaborate and it takes a lot of time to make certain all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. And of course with all the papers and such I have in front of me trying to catch up, it was always a potential disaster! Fortunately it all seems to be done….thank God!

Anyway, I need to get a few things done still tonight…including something I just remembered! I hope and pray you had a marvelous day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Christ the King!!

Today Deacon Morgan and I spent all day in Kokomo to finalize our facility in that community. By 2:30pm we had secured and made plans to sign a lease for our fifth mission in less than three years, Christ the King Anglican Mission in Kokomo.

We are excited to get to this point there too. On Friday this was not the facility we planned upon, and actually as of noon today it wasn’t either. But when you open you heart to what the Lord is calling you to do, sometimes He surprises you! He certainly did so today! Christ the King will be a wonderful addition to our ministry across the state! Our launch date is September 12th! Keep praying that things continue to go along well!

Anyway, I will let this news stand alone! I certainly cannot top it, nor should I try. I will just give thanks to God for it, and ask that you do as well. He always blesses that with which He is pleased. And He is clearly smiling down on us and on Kokomo today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

Catching up…………

Awake all day, but an hour. All played out with Ben. The dogs are fed and watered and I appear to have made it to the end of the day, AND the best part is that I am exhausted and probably will be able to sleep through the night….completely. It is great to catch up, and be in the best possible place to get my sleep schedule on track! Thanks for checking back in. I hope to be “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” as my grandma used to say by tomorrow morning!

Goodnight and God Bless.


Up with the chickens…….

It is just 5:45, but I have been up a couple of hours. My sleep schedule is all goofed up for sure, but after a couple of services in a few hours and some work around the house, I should be able to get to bed and get back on track. I am sure that a lot of it is stress related. My laptop, which I hope to get back tomorrow, really helps me get a lot done in a day. Plus, I have been working on quite a few things on it too. My mind just races wondering how I plan to catch up….if I ever get it back of course! I suppose that is a task best left for tomorrow.

Anyway, while I had a moment I just wanted to check in. I will try and post again this evening (if I am still conscious!) But keep me in your prayers. It is going to feel like a long day! So unlike any other blog I have done….good morning to you my friends and God Bless! I will check in later!


Computer Nightmares!!!!!

I wish I were just forgetful about my blog entries as usual, but I am instead on a back-up computer tonight as my laptop is in the shop with that new, but vicious virus that everyone was warned about. Apparently even McAfee (my 24/7 Virus scan service) and the technicians at Computer Express (where we buy all our computers) cannot figure out how to solve it. When I went to PICK UP my laptop tonight (because they said it was done) it was still messed up. Maybe Monday, but I am not holding my breath!

Anyway, I just needed to post to let you all know I was still in the land of the living. I will do my best to get back online soon.

Keep me in your prayers, but especially my laptop! It seems to need it more than I!


The twins I never knew I had…….

Tonight Scotty got his little brother his first tricycle and it was easy to see how much it pleased them both. It even pleased Steph, who joined her brothers out on the sidewalk pushing Ben all around. He just cannot figure out the pedals.

After we went inside, Ben and Scotty went immediately onto the floor and spent their time playing and wrestling. I told Amanda that I have come to the realization that they are indeed twins, just twins who were born 14 years apart. They played and played, and the highlight was when it was time for bed. Ben went over and grabbed his “blankey” and then reached out and grabbed his trike. He pulled it to the bottom of the stairs and then said to Scotty, “stuck, help.” Pretty sweet, but no matter how cute it was, he wasn’t allowed to sleep with the bike. He was pretty disappointed too.

But it has been a long day and I am off to bed. Life is pretty great, and filled with many unexpected blessings….after all, today I just learned I have twins.

Goodnight and God Bless.


The Time Warp….

Gee, all this forgetfulness would be easier to handle if I were only Otis the drunk from the old Andy Griffith Show, but I am not. I have just been very busy as of late and I cannot seem to get a handle on my entire day for more than two days in a row apparently. I AM working to adjust how I am doing things and I believe I am making a lot of progress. With a good night’s sleep tonight (yes, with my wife and my toddler son right next to me —he is convinced it is his bed and I do not belong there!) I hope to be a lot sharper for tomorrow.

I am proud of myself today though. I was up at 4:45 am and now at 11:30 at night I am just finishing up….AND remembering to do this. I did not have the opportunity to rest today, so I am certain sleep will come quite quickly……hopefully before the toddler feet attempt to eject me from the bed!

Life is busy, but it is good. I get to work among some great people. It is such a blessing. And what’s a little confusion amongst all that?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

The blessings of many schedules……

Steph is at the NHS vs Ben Davis HS scrimmage at Ben Davis. Scott is at work for another hour. Amanda is out like a light on our davenport, and Ben is watching Veggietales while I type. Yep….it is just a typical evening at the Tirman home. But the good news is that Ben will not have to head to bed on time and get to see his brother. It is a good thing too. Ben is wearing an orange shirt, and Scott will think it is a Little Caesar’s shirt (where he works), or at least pretend it is! They are pretty tight.

The sad part is that the later that Ben stays up, the harder it is for him to go to bed. He gets so involved with what he is doing the later it gets, that he forgets all about the day ending. I suppose Scott is the same way. It is all about the fun with those two.

But as for me, I will retire soon after they reunite. I probably cannot wait for Steph….I am a fossil. But they will all be home and in bed soon. Life is good, and despite the chaos, it is still my life and I enjoy it!

I hope and pray your day was equally as blessed.


A confession…..

Forgive me Father, it has been quite a few days since my last blog! Dear Lord, I cannot believe how very forgetful I get at times! I know I have been busy, but you would think that things I do every day I could remember….apparently not! Maybe today will help get me on the right path!

Today we prayed a parishioner from our Nashville Mission, Bob Nixon, into eternal life. Bob is a great guy, married to his wife Nancy for 59 years, but the 5-bypass surgery he had just a few days ago was too much for him to handle. Bo entered into eternal life this afternoon. Please keep Nancy and their family in your prayers.

As for me, I am just trying to catch up. It is almost 11;30, and I think I have done about all I can do for today. I will try and make sure I post tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated…..I am quite alive!

My lack of posting was certainly not intentional. We have been away all weekend to attend my 30th high school reunion in Mishawaka. Yep, I was a Mishawaka Caveman, although my friend Randy was the actual mascot. And no, we didn’t stay in a cave, it was a hotel, with indoor plumbing and everything……but there was no Internet on the third floor.

My reunion however went quite well. I gathered together with a lot of people I have known most of my entire life not having the slightest idea of who most of them were. But all and all it was a great time. My only regret was to have lost touch with so many of them for so long. I really was blessed to grow up with a great group of people. Sadly, when I was in high school, I wasn’t mature enough to recognize that. I am just glad to know I do now.

With the advent of things like email, Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and such we all have the possibilities of reconnecting in ways we couldn’t back then. I am thankful for the opportunity too.

Home sweet home….I am thankful for that too.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
