My son Scotty……..

Scotty and I have been in Washington DC for a series of meetings I have to attend out here. It has been a very productive time…..not only have I gotten a lot done, but I have had the opportunity to spend time with my son as well. Scott had been to DC before, but he was very young and does not remember it. To see the things you read about in your textbooks up close and personal, really brings it all to life. I am happy for us both.

The meetings are also an opportunity for him to connect with many of the leaders of our Church. He has met some of them, but there are a few others I want him to meet. He doesn’t seem to know a stranger, so he may end up meeting everyone before I ever get the opportunity to introduce him. He would make a great priest!

Anyway, I also appreciate his company, his driving, and the opportunity to spend time with him. He is a wonderful young man., and I am proud to be able to call him my son.

God Bless.



I was thinking about how the electronic age has changed so much of our lives. I know personally, that my life is almost dependent upon my computer, email and cell phones. In college and in seminary, I remember not even having a computer. They were not yet for personal use…we used rocks, sticks, and smoke signals. A phone just plugged into the wall. Buttons on them were still relatively new…..but many still had the rotary ones.

Now of course we are connected instantaneously. We email, blog, and twit or tweet or twang….whatever it is. I am even starting to do this (yep, getting on the technology bandwagon (now I am sure techno-synthesized mobile digital delivery device) on Twitter at frtomtirman. We have come a long way from my old friend Fr. Bill Knapp (God rest his soul) who used to type out his sermons (completely) on an old manual typewriter (typewriter = primitive communication aid used by the pioneers). He also used the US Mail and an old-style phone. Old school, yes…..but very very vogue for his day!

Anyway, I need to get to bed….I have now blogged, but I still need to brush my teeth. I am going to use a toothbrush too. Call me a dinosaur…..but at least I get it all done!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Old enough, and without ID…….

I went to the Kroger tonight to buy a bottle of champagne to make a drink called a Peach Bolini for Amanda, and sure enough the cashier asked me if I was old enough to be buying that. Of course I told her I was but 22 short months away from my AARP card. She never did ask for my ID. I would like to think she was serious, but I suppose she was just kidding. Stephanie is just about 3 years from 21…..I on the other hand am miles from it. I will just take it as a compliment I suppose.

Of course in this day and age it is hard to tell any one’s age. Oh sure it is easy when they are Ben’s age (2), but as an example my lacrosse team consists of girls between 14 and 18, yet most look quite a bit older. Scott, who is now 16 and driving, looks so very young to me. Steph I WISH looked 10 or 12, but she looks in her 20’s too. It’s not my eyesight….and the reality is killing me.

But in the end, I suppose I can chalk it up to that “payback” my parents told me about when I was putting them through it. Yep, God often gives the troublemakers children of their own so that they can be scared too! My parents were scared for other reasons (all sealed in the court records…..yes, that is a joke) but I worry about mine all the time. I would like to take comfort in the fact that I still have my mind, but we all know that to not be true!

Anyway, the Peach Bolini is done and I hope she likes it….it it too sweet for me. I will just do a few things and head to bed. It has been a long day and tomorrow may be longer! I hope however, that yours was blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Trouble a-brewing………

Tonight has been a hoot. Amanda is at a book study group, and Ben and I have been playing for hours. I was about to put him to bed when our women’s lacrosse team’s favorite movie, “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” came on the Disney channel. Ben was absolutely mesmerized! It is now 10 and I am letting him stay up (after all his mom is gone) and he has no regrets….in fact, neither do I.

In truth, Sharkboy and Lavagirl is probably one of the worst movies of all time….that’s why the lacrosse girls like it. When they were here watching it a few months ago their laughter was heard all over our house. We actually own the 3D version, but Ben would never wear the glasses I am sure.

But in just a few minutes Sharkboy and Lavagirl will save the world….perhaps just minutes before Ben and my world ends…..but it will be worth it. He is having the time of his short little life, and I am enjoying it too. He and I have a lot of fun together. I am more than happy to let it continue tonight!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Maybe she will not notice we are both still up! I can dream!


On the edge of trouble……

Ben and I spent the night together having dinner, entertaining each other, and preparing for bed. It is now 11p, and we are simultaneously irritating his mom together (because he thinks we are still awake playing), although I am pretty sure she is not nearly as amused as we are! One or both of us may not survive until the morning!!

My hope and prayer however is that we all live, not just through the night, but for quite a long time beyond then too. After all we are men, and despite being told the rules, we are still bound to muck them up! As an example, our laughter tonight is only irritating to her…we are still very amused with ourselves!

But with that, we may need to just call it a night…..we are funny, but certainly not stupid! Laughter is great, but our intent is to live to laugh another day!

Keep smiling….I know we are! And goodnight my friends and God Bless!


My report…….

Well, the day went pretty well. I had an additional EKG, just to make sure. The doc did want me to go on some meds, which I declined, and instead I chose to broker a deal. I have three months in which to get my labs down to a suitable level via diet and exercise, or I will give into the meds.

In truth, my numbers are great, all except that I am a stroke patient. My weight is up, as is my bad cholesterol, but it is within the normal range had I not had a stroke. My blood pressure continues to be at a rock star level, and apparently I will not have the hole patched…at least not yet. Statistically it is more risky to have an additional stroke by repairing it. I will wait and get myself in gear.

With that, I am working on charting a course. I know I will make it, but I am going to begin on Sunday to post on here my progress and also on Twitter if I ever do figure it out. I have two accounts on there apparently and I need just the one. When I figure it out everything should be fine.

Anyway, I will let you know tomorrow. As for tonight, I am done…stick a fork in me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Heading to the tic toc doc

Okay, tomorrow morning I head to the cardiologist for the reports on all my tests. This is why I don’t use the vet as my primary doc. I am afraid she will say, “Amanda, it’s time to put ol’ Tommy down.” But no, I am not expecting bad news. This will help decide if the hole they found in my heart last year when I had the stroke needs to be patched. If so, I suppose I am not done with doctors, but if not then I can work on other ways to give myself trouble.

Personally I am just wanting to get an answer. The worry of not knowing, which I have now carried for over a year is more bothersome than facing even having it fixed. They are not sure if that was a partial cause of the stroke or not, but if it is a danger, then best to have it fixed.

So anyway, please say a prayer in the morning for me. It will just be a meeting, the hard stuff is done. I am certain the future includes a change in diet, so just also pray I don’t break down in there as he shares I need to change a few things I enjoy!

But that’s it for me today! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Being patient……

Please keep our churches in your prayers. We are seeing a lot of interest as of late from many different areas and although our intention is to reach out to all of them, the problems is that it will stretch the clergy even more. We need more help, and I often worry about that as I look ahead to the future.

Of course in faith we always know that the lord provides for us. He has since the beginning, and I know we can count on Him to do His part. I just wish His part was a little bit quicker and clearer at times! (A common issue for us all!) But we will just be patient and steadfast. In the end it will all be fine….it always is.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


White (piano) smoke and my kids bad rep…….

After tons of searching, we finally found the organ/piano we have been looking for to replace the one that was not working at St. Patrick’s. In this age of electronics you would have thought this search would have been easier, but it took a lot to find this. Of course the stand we attach it to has to come from someplace else, so we still do have a bit to wait, but hopefully by Friday morning everything will be done! Thanks to Scotty for all his help getting this finished.

All and all, it has been a pretty productive day. I still have a lot carrying over into tomorrow, but at least I am making some progress. There IS light at the end of the tunnel, and I am confident it is not a train!! With another day like today maybe I can get some rest and enjoy some time with my family tomorrow night.

This afternoon both Steph and Scott went out to do a couple of hours of volunteer work at a local shelter. The funny part was that when they arrived the woman at the desk asked them why they were there. Steph informed her that they were there to do some community service to which the woman replied, “Do you mind if I ask you what the charges were?” Scott said he thought about just listing off a few capitol crimes, but they instead told the boring truth……they need volunteer hours for school and college.

Anyway, my two wannabe convicts returned home and now have a great story. In truth, I am very blessed, and often surprised, by what great kids they are. They had a pretty interesting day.

But that’s it today for me my friends! Goodnight and God Bless.


A sight to remember…….

Tonight will probably be one of my favorite memories of all time. Scotty loaded his dog Viper into his car and they went to Potter’s Bridge Park for a two mile walk. I have never seen them happier together, and Viper was not concerned at all that Scott had had his license less than a week. He obediently held his leash and hopped in the passenger seat for the trip to the park. It looks to be a daily thing.

Scott did say that Viper hogged all his water. AND….when they stopped a a gas station to get Scott a drink, Viper attracted a policeman and a family to talk to through the window telling him what a handsome boy he was. Viper, Charisma’s AngelCreek Snakenshake, is our kennel’s foundation male. He is a great dog, but all about Scott, his owner and companion. I am not on the porch tonight but in my office, and Viper and Scott are out in the rec-room watching “Evan Almighty” together. They are good buddies who have waited a long time to enter this era together. They deserve it.

It was a sight however, that gave me great joy. A boy and his dog spending a summer’s night together. I am sure there will be many more.

As for me, I am about at the end of my day. Time to feed the others and go to bed.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. I hope you have had a wonderful day!
