Ready for the morning……

It’s Saturday and 10:30 and just about 65 out here on the porch. I am now all already for work tomorrow, and only need to write this blog before heading to bed. It’s a good thing too…..I do not think I have a whole lot more in me.

Tomorrow will be a busy and stressful day. I will be in both Westfield and Greenfield tomorrow, and then have a meeting in the late afternoon. It is not going to be an easy day, for me or Deacons Dan and PT, but I do ask for your prayers. I will write more about it tomorrow, but for now I need to try and get some rest. I am uncharacteristically sharp tonight and I need it tomorrow for sure. Perhaps a good night’s rest will be just what the doctor ordered!

Anyway, thanks for checking in. It has been a beautiful day. I hope tomorrow is as well!

God Bless.


A short post……..

I was able to get a lot done today, but am more than happy to say that the day is done. I am scheduled pretty full all day tomorrow, including the Michael Treinen Memorial Alumni Lacrosse games beginning at 1pm. We hope to see a big crowd to benefit the Michael Treinen Foundation.

Anyway, no other news from me this evening, other than I am exhausted. My hope and prayer is that you have had a blessed day yourself, and that tomorrow will be as equally wonderful!

God Bless!


A wonderful banquet….

Tonight we celebrated our season’s end with a lacrosse banquet with the entire club, the men’s and women’s teams together. It was wonderful event filled with joy and plenty of laughter. It is such a great group of people who make lacrosse here in Noblesville such an enjoyable thing to be a part of.

Scott was one of the younger players on the men’s team, but got a certificate for completing the year. Steph was awarded the Most Valuable Player award on the women’s team for the second year in a row. We said goodbye to six seniors, all of whom will be sorely missed. It is always a bittersweet moment, as they graduate a team you really love to coach will never be the same again.

Of course next year we will welcome a new group of players that will make the team what it will be then, and the cycle repeats itself. But it is still hard to see these seniors go. This was an exceptional group of kids.

Anyway, it’s late and I am at home and on the back porch, thinking about it all. I was not able to get all the things I needed to do done today, so tomorrow is looking to be backed up already. But as for today, it has been a good one.

I hope yours has been good as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Happy Birthday Dad…..

Today is my dad’s birthday. I will not say how old he actually is, partly because I have my kids confused about it and I do not want them to know the truth. I told Steph he was 105 today and Scott 115…..neither is true. He is much closer to 120.

Actually, my dad is often confused for more of a brother of mine than my dad. He is in his 70’s but younger looking and definitely acting. He seems to be constantly on the move, and when he drives he actually uses his signals correctly rather than driving for miles with his left turn signal on. His great health is a real blessing.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Dad! I hope it was a great one, and here’s to many more!

God Bless!


Just a good day!

It is pretty warm tonight out on the back porch, but there is a nice breeze. Steph spent the day at King’s Island, Scott had summer school (taking 11th grade composition early) and Ben and I had a nice day together. It was all and all a good day.

All I have left to do tonight is this blog and to let all the dogs out. They like being out at any time, but the cool air I am certain is more enjoyable than the heat they had to endure this afternoon. They chased each other like maniacs in between drinks, but they eyed the sprinkler and were a bit miffed I hadn’t turned it on for them….maybe tomorrow.

Ben however was successful at getting me to turn it on for him. It was his first experience with one too. Needless to say HE LOVED IT, and I loved it too. It is such a blessing to see him laugh, and laugh he did! We will try it again tomorrow too.

But to get to tomorrow I must call it a day. It has been a long one, and I am glad it is over. I hope yours was as blessed as mine!

Goodnight and God Bless.


Moving toward faith in struggles….

I am certainly tell the times I am having trouble…..particularly by looking at how I am keeping up to date with my blog posts. My apologies for being a bit of a forgetful goober over the weekend. It was quite busy and I was quite stressed. I am just glad to remember today.

I really feel the need to talk about how I see my faith in all of this, because often during struggles people move away from their faith rather than toward it. I certainly understand the concept of struggle. And I certainly do question why a guy in great health and living a great life would have to endure such things, but to be honest, if anything, my faith is stronger than it was before. In fact, I believe these struggles to be a gift, and a gift I would not want to return.

Sure there are things I want to be different. I hate how hard it is for my family at times with my forgetfulness or my sudden needs to sleep. I hate how short my fuse can become, or what a challenge keeping myself together can often be.

But in the end, I have learned and am learning more about important things such as patience, allowing others to help me, and most importantly the fact that this has not just happened to me….it belongs to my whole family. I may struggle with symptoms, but they struggle with me. Saints that they are, they have yet to push me off a cliff too! (Sorry for the idea honey!) But I do notice, and I do appreciate it. It is an unexpected blessing to have the opportunity to see how I am loved in this way.

I really have become a lot more than I was before and for that I am thankful. God has blessed me, not with struggles, but with new vision. And I intend to continue to use it!

Anyway, once again, please accept my apologies.

God Bless…
