Happy Birthday to a great priest……

I wrote this post late Saturday, because tonight I am in Columbus, Ohio for the dedication of a new Church. Probably a few times a year I have an overnight trip, and usually I end up rooming with Fr. Kelly Irish, a seminary buddy of mine (just a few years ago……over 20), and what makes this even better is that it is his birthday.

Kelly is like that much much MUCH older brother I never had. (I am the much much much older brother in my family). Kelly is 52 today, an age I’d have to live a long time to even attain. But he doesn’t look his age at all……most people think he is a lot older.

No no no…..Kelly is not just one of the finest people I know, but the finest priest I know as well. He has been my confidant for over 20 years, and I certainly would not be the priest I am if it were not for his influence on my life. And sure, I figure if I say enough nice stuff about him I will not have to buy him dinner too. But seriously, I will. Kelly is a pretty good egg as they say.

Over the course of my life the Lord has put quite a few amazing people into my life, and Kelly is one of them. I give thanks to God for him on this day, and am honored to get to see him and buy him a dinner on his birthday. Happy Birthday Kelly.

I hope you have had a blessed day as well! God Bless you, and thanks for checking in!


Peace, peace at last!!

Amanda is home, and thankfully in a great mood. The games went well in Fort Wayne apparently, and Ben was an angel as always! And though I seriously doubt the latter, she still seems to be quite happy to be home, which is of course good for me!

The Noblesville Lady Millers won all their games Friday and Saturday which makes me happy as well. The Varsity is now 6-2, one of the best records in the state, and the JV is undefeated at 4-0. It is a grat year so far, and we are enjoying it more than you could ever imagine.

As for me however, I am exhausted. It is just 8 and I have a tom to do before bed, but I am happy that the day seems to be under control. Tomorrow will be a long day, but tonight is joyous because things are back to the normal type of chaos that at least I understand.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this most beautiful and wonderful day!

Goodnight to you my friends and God Bless.


Of seniors, temporary bachelorhood, and lacrosse……

Tonight was “Senior Night” at Hare Chevrolet Field, and in addition to posting two solid wins (we played both Varsity and a JV games) we also honored our 6 graduating seniors. All six are a wonderful group of girls, and I will miss them when in a couple of months they go off into life!

But it was a different kind of night for me. Though Steph was at the game, Amanda and the boys were up in Elkhart (and tomorrow Fort Wayne) for games in the north. Scott is staying in a hotel with the team, and Amanda and the other Scott (Ben) are staying with my aunt and uncle in Fort Wayne. So it is a it odd for me to not hear Amanda in the stands or to come home and hear Scott playing guitar or read books to Ben. I will get home late and we play again early tomorrow, so I am sure it will go quickly.

Anyway, it was FINALLY a perfect day weather-wise!! Let’s pray tomorrow is the same.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


Escaping the madness……

Ben and I spent the day together and he is doing TONS better, so much in fact that the doctor released him from daily reports. He is happy, full of energy, and making up for all the lost time when he was down…..he is killing me!

Tonight we played Zionsville HS, and last night Park Tudor HS….the number one and number two teams in the state. We stayed with them both the first halves, but PT pulled away late, while we gave Zionsville a game. Though we lost two, we are now 4-2 and intend to be 6-2 by Saturday.

But tonight, as players are stopping by to pick up spiritwear (lacrosse sportswear that they ordered….nothing to do with church clothes) the topic has headed to PROM and now my wife is involved, so I escaped here to the porch. Yes, I know my daughter is going to prom, but like an ostrich, I’d rather not know the details. Her boyfriend is a great guy and I like him, but I do not need to hear about fancy dates, limos, dinners, fancy dresses, or anything else that rips my heart from my chest. Amanda is all about making this stuff perfect and memorable, I would just settle for “in by 10.” Steph tells me I am “exactly like” Steve Martin in Father of the Bride, and maybe so, but she is not the one dealing with a daughter growing up. Dear Lord, help me to survive.

Anyway, I hope to hear no more tonight and next Friday, perhaps Amanda can just lash me to a chair and give me a glass of wine through a straw. Though I am happy for her, it will be a rough night.

Raising kids is not for sissies, and raising a daughter is at least twice as hard as two boys!!

Pray for me….she is just 17, and still my little girl.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Updates on Ben and parenthood……

Though Ben acted like a total maniac today as if he were fine, by the time his nap time came around he started coughing again and acting miserable. I really wish he would understand it when I tell him to do something, but then again that really does not work with any of the kids or even Amanda. It appears he will just tough it out his own way. I will say though, he seems to have turned the corner. The doctor had us call him today though, and wants us to do it again tomorrow.

I often tell Stephanie and Scott that one of the reasons we have children is to scare us to death all the time. It is not that life cannot be challenging enough, we need children to make it more so. It is funny to me at how much stress I get worrying about them and how much joy they give too. It is the opposite ends of the spectrum and at times it seems as if it is way off the end too.

But I am not complaining. Nothing worthwhile comes without work, and for me this is great work. Ben is now with me in bed, with his feet in my face as an alternative to banging on the laptop keys. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyway, I intend to move these feet and get some rest. Tomorrow is another busy day, and one that I hope sees him even better.

I hope your day has been filled with many blessings!

Goodnight and God Bless.


An Anniversary of Sorts……..

As much as I hate to admit it, today celebrates the one year anniversary of my stroke. A year ago, Ben and I, and many good friends and firemen gathered together in my living room to check me for something I do not even remember. Thank God it has turned out so well too. I am glad to be by it.

And try as I may, I was hell-bent on avoiding doctors all day today, but I failed. Where Ben supervised my demise last year, I supervised his this year. We spent a bit of time this afternoon getting him a chest x-ray, with both of us wearing lead aprons. Guess what?? He is an arm full when not irritated, but twice that much when he is….and today he was irritated! Fortunately we got the pictures snapped on the first go through. The aprons stayed on so both of us should be able to have children….though after wrestling with him I am not sure I want to!

But Ben has pneumonia, and is now dosed up and snoozing next to me on my bed. Though we NEED to practice, lacrosse was canceled today due to the rain, so fortunately I am able to take care of him. Not that he needs it mind you. He just has a cough, but still wrestles quite well, and has managed to run me ragged even in his supposed ill state. He as no clue he ever has anything wrong with him. What a lucky dog!!

As for me, on a personal note, I ran into a guy at radiology who clearly was struggling with the effects of a recent stroke. How ironic I thought, especially today. I don’t normally say anything, but today I felt called to, so I did. So I told him it was my stroke anniversary, and I encouraged him to keep at it. The opportunity meant a lot to me, as encouragement still does when other stroke patients encourage me. I think it encouraged him as well.

As I look back upon this last year I am struck by the abundance of God’s many blessings on my life. I understand more than anyone that I am not the man I was just 366 days ago, and I have learned to accept that I never will be again. But in so many ways I understand that I am actually much more than I ever was.

Through all of this, the Lord has deepened me in ways I had not known, and for it I am thankful. Maybe someday I will share some of the details of all that, but for now let me just say that my life is richer than ever before.

Tonight I will toast my wife and kids with a big glass of Merlot and thank God for them again. It has been an amazing year full of amazing blessings. And you might be surprised to hear me confess, that though this year has been hard, it has clearly been one of my best. Thank God for all He has given me.

His Blessings to you my friends! And please keep Ben in your prayers.


My First Day Post-Easter……..

Today is traditionally a day of rest for me. For the majority of my ministry I have been so exhausted by this point that I just crash. But today, even though I took it easy, was far from a crash. I actually got quite a bit done, and am now out on the porch typing away with the cat.

I am happy to be here too. It will be much nicer when the trees have leaves and the air is a bit warmer, but this is so much nicer than the snow. During the cold months it is like I lose an old friend. There’s something about sitting out here that makes me feel relaxed.

I guess it reminds me of how my grandma and I used to sit out on her front porch when I was a kid. There was never an agenda, we just hung out and spent time together. The world seems so different now. It seems we are all pushed to fill up all our time with something, but my grandparents taught me that doesn’t have to be the case. I enjoy, and am even rejuvenated by the simple act of just watching the world go by on a porch. Of course mine is quite different than hers. First of all, she is not here with me, which I miss, but I know she would be if she lived a little closer. Second, my porch is a screened in back porch and looks out over a field, not a front porch in Goshen Indiana. Goshen is my favorite place in the world, and pray as I might, my porch just cannot seem to get the same feel. And then of course being an adult now brings me to any porch with far more on my mind than I ever did in Goshen! But regardless, it still feels good to be here, and I am blessed to have it nonetheless.

I hope and pray that you have a place to renew your soul as well. And I also pray that today was a blessing to you, and that tomorrow will be as well.

God Bless you my friend, and thanks for checking in!


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you! Today is the day we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection and it has been a glorious day!

As a very busy priest who also has a family, after returning from work this afternoon, I dedicated all my non-working time to Amanda and the kids. This means tonight’s blog will be short, but praise God I remembered!

Anyway, the Lord has bestowed many blessings upon us all and on this day we celebrate the greatest. Life is good and I hope and pray you have had a blessed Easter Day!

Alleluia and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Holy Saturday…..

On this day the Lord lay in His tomb….lifeless. The world outside had been shaken. The One who but a week earlier had been hailed a King was now dead in a tomb. But we who live many years later now know the rest of the story.

Today, on this Holy Saturday, let us wait in anticipation upon the Resurrection of our Lord. And may we pray on this very day that many hearts would be changed in our time. Our Lord and Savior has not died in vain!

God Bless you on this Holy Saturday!

Fr. Tom+

Good Friday….

Today our Lord was obedient, even to death upon the Cross. For us He gave His life, not in the hope of saving us, but to assure that He did.

No greater gift has ever been given. It is the one act that changed my life forever, and I know it can change yours as well.

Consider this day all that the Lord has done for you and be thankful. And show Him your thankfulness by giving your life to Him.

May He Bless you with His tender mercy, on this, the most Holy of days.

Fr. Tom+