Of noble causes………

Amanda has been sick all day, and I have been working, so getting home to help out has been important. Unfortunately we had plans to attend a Bone Marrow Registry Drive being held tonight at the Forum in Fishers (a great ice arena) and being sponsored by the Michael Treinen Foundation. As you may remember, Michael was our Assistant Coach for the Noblesville Lady Millers’ Lacrosse Team, and who died of cancer last year after a courageous battle. We miss him all the time, and wanted to be there tonight to show our support.

As a member of a cancer family, I am already on the registry, but if you are not I want to encourage you to do so. Marrow donors and blood donors save lives and are so very appreciated by those going through treatment and their families. I am thankful to learn that many people were added to the registry by the efforts tonight. It warms my heart to see people step forward to do the right thing.

It would have meant a lot to me to be there, but I made the right choice. Amanda is exhausted, and needs help. Please keep her in your prayers, and hopefully tomorrow will find her on the road to better health.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


An unintentional hiatus…………

My apologies to those of you who follow along on this, but in the midst of all the commotion at our home our cable/Internet also had been intermittently down over these past few days. A technician from Comcast was able to fix the problem after about an hour of work here yesterday. Ironically, the problem apparently stemmed from our old cable company (Insight) being purchased by Comcast. Apparently the Comcast signal is a bit more modern or better than the old one, and therefore it needed to be fine tuned or amped up to run all our stuff. I do not understand all that stuff, but I did graciously nod and in turn got our phones and Internet back!

We also still have no floors!! The boxes of flooring were defective and will be replaced, but in the meantime, our house is sans flooring and it is a difficult way yo live. The contractors and the flooring company are pushing the mill to get new stuff up here, but for now it is like being in a construction zone. It just needs to get done.

Other than that all that, I just want to say it feels good to have the ability to post back. I will be writing my sermon today among other things, and posting again tomorrow. You did not miss anything in this little lull other than chaos here. But hopefully tomorrow things will be better and we will get even more back to normal!

I hope and pray you have a great day! God Bless!


Weather Rodent, please be wrong on this blessed day!

Groundhog Day, though not an official Church holiday, may end up being one of my favorite days this year.

First of all, the Weather-Rodent saw his shadow, predicting of course six more weeks of Winter. That would honk me off normally if it were not for the statistic that he is right only 39% of the time. Sure that may be better than most modern meteorologists, but if history is any teacher he is wrong more than right. Let’s pray that it is the case this year!

Secondly, our flooring was delivered this afternoon! So that means that sooner or later it will be installed and hopefully SOONER! The sad part is that Scotty and I will have to take up all the old flooring this afternoon, but it is really a small price to pay to get to where we need to be!

Anyway, things are moving along! I am thankful for the day….and even more thankful that Scott is almost home!

God Bless you my friends!


Of furniture, cold weather, and prayers for the weather rodent……..

February 1st, how time flies! I just want it to fly a little faster into the warmer weather and then it can slow down. With our house still in transition, and the weather so cold, we can hardly escape! But by this time next week, I hope to be writing from a house completely free of contractors and needing only a little bit of furniture to complete. As I said, it is my hope, but one I will hold onto tightly.

My day was actually very productive. With only St. Patrick’s to cover, we were able to go out and look at some ideas to replace the furniture that was destroyed by the water. With both Amanda and I working, two Bible studies, and all the lacrosse and kid stuff, finding decent blocks of time to do things we need to can be difficult. I think we got a lot of it resolved though. We will see.

But as for me, I am going to call it a day and get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Ground Hog Day, and I need to pray that the world’s most famous rodent meteorologist gets it right…..just in case the house doesn’t get finished!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
