Of miracles……..

God performs many miracles but probably none better than convincing my wife of what furniture to get for the family room. We needed to make a decision, particularly since the room we use most will be empty after the floors are done tomorrow, and the insurance check to pay for it should arrive then as well. I was concerned because we had been spending more in gas to look than it was almost worth. The last thing I need is Al Gore showing up at my door talking about our “carbon-footprint.” (But if he does, Amanda has told me that he now would need to remove his shoes if he is coming in the house.)

Anyway, I should be able to have all of this furniture business resolved before she and Ben return from Kansas on Monday. Ben needs to visit his Nanny, and it is always great for Amanda to get to visit home. She always has a great time.

As for me, besides being a furniture mover, I will be working hard on things for the Church. Lent begins next week, and there is a lot to do. It seems I am never without work to do. I am sure some goofball will jokingly say “well, there is no rest for the wicked,” but I prefer “always skate with your head up.” I’ve never been too good with analogies, and today is no day to start…..after all, I am pretty busy.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. One more day to finished floors! Praise God!


Of the process of being floored over……

Well we have an entryway and a living room floored, and last night Scotty and I removed the remaining old floor from the family room. We are committed to this now and the rest is up to the contractors. What I can say though is that it is far more progress than we have seen in quite some time, and for it we are all very thankful.

Smaller details we are still working on. We still need furniture (a couch and a chair at least) and I hope my wife can pick that out at least tonight. If that all goes well, we can have it delivered when she and Ben are in Kansas later this week. I just want it all done, and want to be able to walk into any room and be able to sit down…..on furniture that is sitting on a finished floor.

Time will tell, but excuse my suspicion….all this is going too well. I hope I am pleasantly surprised though. Keep us in your prayers. Just a few more days to go and it will go back to being a place that the kids can mess up!

Keep the faith!


A house complete…….almost.

H-Day is upon us! Tonight we will go to bed knowing that the contractors will be in our home tomorrow with the goal of FINISHING IT BY FRIDAY!!! Praise God! For the next three days the floors will go back in, then our downstairs bathroom, followed by painters on Friday.

In all honesty I cannot wait. We lost the full use of our home just before Christmas, and it has just been too long a process. Amanda and Ben are heading to Kansas on Wednesday afternoon, so it will be even a longer wait for them. They will not see the finished product until late next Monday afternoon.

Patience is a virtue, and I have to confess that all this has tested mine. It will be nice to not have it tested any longer….at least by the house.

It has been a long, but blessed day. Tomorrow looks to be the same. So it is time to call this day to an end. My hope is that yours was blessed as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Be my Valentine, but make it after 3…….

Today was Valentine’s Day, and even though I slept “officially” until 3pm and had a bit of trouble getting myself together today, I still was able to participate. I am not sure what to blame it all on….I just sometimes am in a daze. And today that was for much of the day.

I had a few people ask me today about my side, and I had not a clue as to what they were talking about! Apparently they meant my reference to the pain in my appendix area, but when I get into these daze-zones, my short-term memory is all but gone. I finally figured it out, but to report, I am fine. The pain is still there, but not nearly as bad. If it is still around next week I will ask my doctor about it! If the truth be known, other than for prescriptions, I am trying to avoid him all year!

Amanda did make breakfast for everyone this morning, and yes, I woke up for 20 minutes to join in. Tonight I took them all out to the Chinese Buffet, and we all had a great time. I will not be disappointed to get back to sleep though. It has been a trying day, and tomorrow starts early and will be long, since I am in both Nashville and Greenfield on the schedule.

But clearly God isn’t through with me yet! I have a great family and though I am rarely in need, when I am they step up faithfully. I thank God for them everyday!

So it is off to bed for me! I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day today. Keep the faith, and I will post some more tomorrow!

Goodnight and God Bless!


My bed, and other blessings of a bit of pain……

I haven’t felt good all day, and that includes even now, where I am typing in bed and worried that the pain in my lower right abdomen may either be my appendix, or mice. (It probably is not either, but I am a guy who just likes answers.) Either way, I am stuck here in my bed with pain that I would rather not have, which proves it is physical and not mental I suppose.

What I am hoping and praying for however is that all the pain will just depart and that it would be all just a memory by morning. That may be a tall order though, because there is not too much that keeps me down. This is a pretty good bit of pain.

But at almost 48 (I learned that from our Treasurer this past weekend, because I already thought I had hit 48) things just feel different than before. When I was younger I never seemed to experience all that much pain, but now I feel almost every bump in the road. AND, every injury I ever had in a sport as a kid now is a nagging reminder that I am no longer a young man!

I will however, take all of this as just an opportunity that the Lord has offered me to not have to load or unload the dishwasher tonight! That’s right, it is a gift! A little pain, hanging out in bed, and perhaps an early bedtime really are things I can deal with……especially tonight.

So I will sign off and see where it takes me. Hopefully tomorrow will find me up and raring to go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of working with GOLD……..

I was able to get a large kennel put together tonight in our garage for when the Goldens are wet or covered in mud and a great risk to the carpet and furniture, let alone all our clothes. I do not remember if I shared a couple of days ago or not of how I had to carry each of them, one at a time, through the house and into the basement when they were sopping wet and muddy from the rain. It’s not that I cannot still do that, but an 80 pound dog it not easy on the stairs, nor am I of the age where I find that kind of work appealing anymore. Wet dog is a recognizable smell, and not one I like on my clothes. This new kennel should work fine.

The Goldens are something I enjoy doing very much. They are all great dogs, each with their own personality, and are all a lot of fun. Plus, they help me deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life…..after all, I am married to a scientist!

Anyway, all this has taken too long to do, and I am fried, so I need to call it a day. But God sure knew what He was doing when He made Goldens. I am so very blessed by having them in my life (and when wet and muddy in my garage!)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of life in a Windy City………

There is more wind tonight than has ever come out of Washington DC……okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, in that there seems to be more wind there than anywhere. But the storm, though it was only interspersed with rain, was enough to make me wonder if we were not in a reenactment of the Wizard of Oz. It was really blowing.

But after our men’s group, I was able to get home to the safety and security of our home. Most of the power was out between St. Patrick’s and our house, as well as most of our neighborhood. But the power grid appears to run through just a block over and our street had lights. I felt badly for those without power, but I was thankful that ours was on…..particularly every time I heard that sump pump working.

But the day was pretty good. Our new (non-defective) floor was delivered and will begin to be installed on Monday. I was told our house should be completed by next Friday. And Amanda and I even agreed that we would get the couch and chair that will go in the family room, completing everything, before she leaves to visit her mom in Kansas next week. Yep….by the time she gets home I will have everything set up. It will be wonderful.

Anyway, lets hope the wind dies down and power is restored everywhere. These are violent winds. Pray that they do little damage and that everyone in their path remains safe!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Time flies………..

Suddenly I looked and it was 10:30! Where does the time go? I know I have been busy, but time has just flown today. Ben and I did take Scott to lunch, since he is still sick and unable to go to school, but clearly that was the most exciting part of my day!

The good news however is that everyone is getting better, and hopefully by the weekend everyone will be fine. The restoration company will be here in the morning to clean the carpets in the basement, and that will finish off the basement!!! Our flooring should be in by Friday and then installed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week! Yes, the house may be done by the 20th! (Of course I have believed that before, but I am praying hard!)

I have to say though that I am looking forward to it all being done. I just want it to get it back to normal. Life when it is normal can be boring, but I LOVE my life when it is lived in that Mayberry sort of way!

Okay, it is off to bed for me. Amanda is watching Demetri Martin and it is almost over, as the day is as well. My hope and prayer is that your day has been blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The infirmary is still open……

I am being watched/supervised as I type out this blog entry. Ben has somehow made his way into my bed and though his mom is asleep, he seems to be waiting for a Bunnytown video or a Veggietales video to pop up on the screen. Unfortunately for him, neither will be happening, but you cannot fault the little guy for his faith!

Amanda and Scott are still both sick. Amanda seems to be getting a little better, but was unable to host the Women’s Bible Study tonight. Scott and I took a trip to the doctor which included x-rays, antibiotics and other meds. Scott was also told that he got Ben’s pink eye, but that is no wonder. They are always wrestling with each other.

Steph and I seem fine, and apparently Ben is too…other than selective baby insomnia. Treatment is of course a trip right back into his room, which will be happening shortly, unless by some miracle he happens to conk out!

Anyway, please continue to keep Amanda and Scott in your prayers. Life is hard when you are sick, and they both have had a rough few days. It would be nice to just seem them both feeling well and have a little normalcy around the Tirman home…..oh I can dream!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.



Today has been an unusual day. The days Amanda does not travel with me are few, yet today has been one of those days. Amanda’s illness has lasted all weekend long, and I hope and pray that the morning will find her better and on the road to health. Scott is also sick, but his symptoms are more flu-like. Please keep both of them in your prayers.

I spent most of the evening putting together two very large bookcases that will replace some of the furniture we lost in the pipe-bursting incident. I was glad to get to the end of this project, as well as to the end of the day, because it seems as if I have not stopped going since I got up. (yes, I know that is improper English….but I am tired) I am just thankful that all the parts were there, that they all went together as they should have, and that Monday will not see a work-in-progress when it dawns. Lord knows we have plenty of those already.

Anyway, I will head up to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully all this illness will pass without being handed off to anyone else!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
