A day of celebration………

Things were pretty sparse in all our missions today. The weather had been poor, and many of the roads, the side-streets in particular, were very icy. It was too bad too, because yesterday we also celebrated our two year anniversary for the launch of our entire ministry. St. Anne’s in Anderson, our oldest mission, is now two!

We did have a nice pitch-in there and it included cake and all the goodies. It was a great time. I got to sit next to Ben, which can always be an adventure, and I marveled at how at 18 months he can suck the filling out of a creampuff without having to eat any of the puff. He is a talented boy.

But now as the day is over I am struck by how far we have come. We really never intended to start a Church, let alone four of them. We only wanted to gather for worship with a few people after I retired. It amazes me at how the Lord’s vision is always so much greater than our own….AND how when we follow it things happens that amaze us!

I will not worry about it and just concentrate on being faithful. The Lord has blessed me and this ministry. I am just glad to be along for the ride!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of flying time and dreams of rest………

Today has come and gone, and it seems as if I just got up! I do not know why that happens, but I do know that I very rarely hear kids speak that way, just adults.

It’s not just the days either, it’s years. When did I get to be 47 and why do I have to think pretty hard of what age I am now anyway?? Does it really have to be that way? It just give my kids ammunition to verify that I am getting old and confused! And often I tend to believe it myself. I am mostly sharp when no one else is around, and my memory of my athletic career is far more spectacular in those times as well!

I am hoping and praying to have a long relaxing day sometime soon, you know, the kind where you feel great and where you think it is much later than it really is……..only to find you have lots more time to enjoy the day than you thought! Oh for that kind of day! I suppose we all would like that though. Hopefully it can come true for us all.

Anyway, maybe at least I can get some sleep! The day is done, everything is ready for tomorrow, and only the stair are between me and my bed. I will give it a go! Hopefully you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


A day to make me think ahead…….

We held the funeral for Sarah Woodruff this morning, and it was as nice as you could expect it to be. It was full of family and friends, and everyone involved did a good job despite the tragic circumstances. It is hard to see such good people deal with such a terrible tragedy. But I do hope they found some comfort in the care and concern of the over 200 people who gathered to celebrate Sarah’s life among us. Healing is going to take a long time.

We also received a call as I was just heading out to the funeral from another family from St. Patrick’s in Westfield. Al Schilt, a wonderful and devoted man, passed away overnight after a long illness. Al’s funeral will be Monday, and though it was expected and everyone was prepared for his death, I ask your prayers for his family too.

A boss I had in the beginning of my career in Florida always used to tell me that “in the midst of death there is always life.” And he is right. But death always causes us some degree of pain, and sometimes that degree is almost unbearable. But our hope is in the promise of Our Lord who tells us that death is never the end for those who believe.

Being a priest means sometimes walking with people at the most painful parts of their lives, but it will all be well worth it. For one day in joy I will see Sarah and Al and all those who have gone before us in the Lord. For in Christ, death is never the end of our story!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.



Well one thing I know is that when I am stressed, or tired, or both, issues connected to my recovery come to light quite clearly! Such is the case right now. I finally MISSED blogging yesterday, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t even know. You would think I would have a better grip on something I do at about the same time everyday, but I don’t! And, if I shared all the things I forget in these times, it might amaze you. Fortunately, I forgot most of them anyhow!

Anyway, I am just trying to keep heading ahead, and it has been a challenge. I belong to a support group for people who have had a stroke, and most of them say that these things are really quite normal, especially just none months out. I am just thankful to do as well as I am (actually, I am doing great!). I am also thankful for the people around me (like my wife and kids) who keep me straight.

But now it is about midnight, and I need to go to bed. No fancy sign off tonight…..just goodnight and God Bless, and I am thankful I remembered!


Of daring to make it fireproof……..

Amanda and I bought a book some time ago called “The Love Dare,” but for some reason we just never got started on it. I really don’t remember, but it is somehow connected with the movie “Fireproof.” It is a book for couples that helps them strengthen their marriage.

We are only a few days into it, but we are glad to be doing it. There is always a blessing in doing something like this together. And whether it be couples’ studies like this one, or even retreats like Family Life’s “Weekend to Remember” (which we recommend more than anything we’ve ever done!) working together to make your marriage better (even if it is already good) is always a smart decision.

Anyway, we are done with tonight’s lesson and she is already asleep. I hope to not be too far behind. But I am glad we finally started the book. I will let you know how it turns out!

Thanks for checking in! Goodnight and God Bless!


Requesting your prayers……

Some days are just harder to write than others, and today is no exception. I had actually written my blog for yesterday on Saturday, knowing I would be in a bit of a funk on Sunday. This site allows you to write early and “schedule” a post, and it was the first time I had tried it. I am thankful I did.

Sadly, the day yesterday turned tragic. I was notified by Deacon Morgan as I left St. Paul’s in Greenfield that one of our parishioners, Sarah Woodruff, who was just 20, had just been killed in a traffic accident on I-69. He was already with her parents and they were on the way to the hospital and that’s where I met them.

There is really no need to go into details other than to say that as you can imagine, Sarah’s family is devastated. Sarah’s funeral will be on Friday morning at 10:30 am at Davis Park in Anderson where St. Anne’s meets, and PT and I will meet with them tomorrow night to plan it. I ask you to please keep Sarah’s family in your prayers.

May Sarah’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the tender mercy of God rest in peace.

Fr. Tom+

Remembering my sister Stephanie today……on her birthday.

Had she not died of cancer in 2001, today my sister Stephanie would have turned 46 and would have received some sort of passive aggressive gift from me reminding her of how old she was. Unfortunately I cannot send it, but I can think of her and remember her fondly on this day.

Steph was diagnosed with cancer the week before I went to seminary in 1986. Though I was supposed to go on vacation, I instead drove up to Chicago to pick her up to take her to a doctor in South Bend the very next morning. So we spent the week together, one I will always remember, but a week I wish she never had to go through.

My relationship with my sister was always intense…..like Notre Dame, you either love them or hate them, but with us it always went back and forth. We were two siblings who were fiercely devoted to each other, but who also would probably want to throw the other out in front of a bus at any point if it were just legal! We could pull each other’s chains better than even our spouses, and often could by just being in the same room. But we wouldn’t trade a moment, or at least I wouldn’t. We loved each other very much, and I miss her every day.

My daughter Stephanie is named for her, and they had about 10 great years together before she died. Steph got a lot of joy from that and so did I. And now when my daughter yanks my chain, I just remember she can’t help it…it’s in her name!

On this day I rejoice for my sister Stephanie! I am thankful for her and for her life. But more than anything, in faith, I am thankful that one day I will see her again (and pull her chain!)

God Bless!


Of Blessings Eternal………

Today we went down to Nashville to attend the interment of Jim Morrison, a parishioner from St. Matthew’s in Nashville. It was the last part of Jim’s funeral, the first part being held in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. The celebrant for the first part was Jean Denton, who is a fine priest and friend. The second part, was conducted by our own Deacon Dan Conley who did a great job at what was his first funeral.

As I said, I only attended, but what was so comforting were Deacon Dan’s words to us all. It really makes me feel good when I see one of our clergy do such a wonderful job. I couldn’t help but think of how comforting his words must have been to the family and to those gathered there. Jim certainly had a lot of family and friends, and I know they all are saddened by his death, but Dan reminded us all that he was with the Lord, and not just that, but that one day we would see him again. There was a lot to be thankful for in the truth of his words!

We will see Jim again, and all those who we love but we see no longer. We serve a great God, greater than we could ever ask for or imagine! It has been a great day, and I am thankful for all He has given us!

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

The Return of the Two Yutes……..

It has been an exciting day! Stephanie and Scott returned from New York a day early and we spent the day hanging out at home. Stephanie made candy with Amanda, and Scott and I drywalled a few spots we have been meaning to in the basement. We accomplished a lot, but more than anything it just felt good to have them home.

Ben of course is beside himself! He is SO EXCITED to play with them both. They all miss each other and it is no wonder…..when they are together they play hard! The three of them laughing together is perhaps my favorite sound, and I was so blessed to hear that all through the day.

There is no other news besides that, but for me that is enough! I will go to bed tonight quite content! God is good, and He has blessed me with wonderful children, many smiles, and a lot of laughter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
