Coming in early for a rare, but appreciated day of rest…….

When I was driving with Deacon PT yesterday, he reminded me, as they often have to do (post-stroke) that I was scheduled at only one parish this weekend and I do not have to do a sermon at all. No offense, but that was pretty exciting news to me! I therefore have all of today to catch up with things around the house, print some bulletins, and go buy a couple of tables for St. Patrick’s……a delightfully easy day!

Tom make matters even better, Ben slept 12 hours straight last night, Scotty was not killed in his goalie-duty against Bishop Chatard High School (though he will not be walking without pain for days), and Steph and Amanda will probably head out to “run errands” meaning the ability to instruct or direct my day will be greatly limited on her part! (run errands probably means shopping). Needless to say, I am sure many men who read this may be jealous!!

So I am posting early to make my responsibilities later less or even non-existent, but am praying for the latter. God occasionally blesses me with a great one, and this day qualifies. And I am very optimistic that there is not too much out there that could mess this up!

God is good! I am thankful for this day!

God Bless you too my friends!


A lacrosse kind of Friday…….

I am posting tonight between lacrosse games. The Noblesville Lady Millers played at 5, and the Noblesville Men’s Squad that Scott plays on plays at 10:50. The women’s team has just one squad in the indoor league, whereas the men’s team has three. We were not all that successful at 5, but perhaps 10:50 may bring us a different story.

Needless to say, I feel as if I live in the world of sports some days. Tonight at least, when I am so very tired, I will be happy to not have to coach. The girls on our team could probably run on auto-pilot, but regardless, I am glad to not have to deal with it. I can hitch a ride there, watch, and hitch a ride back. Having kids that drive can be a real pleasure.

Anyway, I will tuck Ben into bed, and get ready to go. It has been a great day, and I have enjoyed it all to this point. Scott will play goalie tonight, so he may only be able to drive there! But it will be nice to get a diet soda, sit in the stands, and enjoy the game.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of being “in the zone”……the twilight zone that is.

Today has been unusual to say the least, but as I am at the end of it I have very little recollection of what I did. Occasionally, when I do too much, things run together and confusion runs high. Don’t get me wrong, I am immensely better, but days like today that should be big victories seem more frustrating than anything because of all the jumbled thoughts.

So this is to say….I am giving up the day and handing it back to God. I begin very early tomorrow and end very late, and unlike a movie star, I do not have “my peeps” to handle a bunch of stuff for me.

So it has been (I think) a pretty good day. But I can let you know for sure as things level off tomorrow. For now however, sleep is my cure of choice.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Tom+ (I think)

Of perspectives and their blessings…..

Despite the snow, I was able to have a meeting, a Bible Study, and get Ben to the doctor today (with Amanda). It is now a few minutes after 10pm and the plow has just hit our street for the first time. With all the snow we have had, some reports of a foot, you can imagine how challenging my day has been.

On the upside, we have a plan now with Habitat for Humanity, the Tony Dungy Bible Study book has been completed, a men’s group begins next week (at St. Patrick’s) in its place, and Ben now has medicine for “pink eye” of which two doses have already been given. It’s been a snowy, but productive day.

It surprises me, because all around me the (local) world seems shut down. The snow was a normal one from where I am from, and to me there seemed no reason to not get things done. It didn’t look like a foot to me, more like 6-8 inches, but life is often all about perspective. Perspective can limit or empower and often influences our attitude. This snow would have been a minor, yet expected inconvenience (after all it is winter) in Mishawaka, but here it was a news story…..go figure.

Anyway, the day is done and I am in bed typing away. The cat is on my feet, Amanda is asleep, and Ben is here too, as close as he possibly can be (to her) probably giving her pink eye. But I am thankful for the day, and for the snow and my heritage as a northerner. These snows remind me of home and of my youth, and those thoughts are always good for my soul. I was blessed to grow up in a great place at a great time, and those memories are a real gift. Snow makes everything seem so beautiful and new. I thank God for it and for today. I hope you had a blessed day as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Snow days with benefits……..

Praise God, the drywall is almost all up and most of it is taped. The basement is looking like a basement again! That makes me very happy too! I worked from home all day today, and got a lot done, but will have to go out tonight despite the snow to do a few things I didn’t want to haul Ben around with me to do. It should be a quick trip. I have a full schedule on deck for tomorrow.

Days like today when I was a youngster meant money! In the age before snow blowers we used these things that were actually called “snow shovels” and for a couple of bucks we would use them to shovel people’s driveways. Sure, it was the old days, days of horse-drawn carriages and dinosaurs, but shoveling and mowing lawns was how we made our money, and plus it was a lot of fun.

I still enjoy it too, though I know it can be pretty strenuous. I usually take a Golden or two out with me when I do, because each shovel full is an adventure. I am just trying to get it off the drive and the walks, but they think each one is a playful attack on them. It takes a bit longer to shovel with them “helping,” but it warms up even the coldest night. I never laugh so hard working in all my life. And as I look outside I am afraid we have an opportunity tonight!

So off to get my shovel I go. Stay warm my friends, I know I will. And while I am thinking about dogs, say a prayer for Buster and his owners Mike and Barbara. Good old Buster had surgery to remove a tumor on his side this morning and will spend the night tonight at the animal hospital. He stopped by this morning to see me on his way there. But I am sure he could use it, and I know they would appreciate it. Hopefully he will be going home tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Attempted feline flim flams and good ole rest…..

It is now about 10:30 and I am finally home after a very long day. I have to say it feels great to be here too. I am typing this while in my bed, much to the cat’s chagrin too. She wants me to go downstairs and give her some treats. I do that every morning, and though I have had a stroke, I am certainly not stupid! I still know the difference between morning and night……she will have to wait.

Tomorrow awaits and God Willing I will wake to it…..for my sake as well as the cat’s. But for now I must call it a day. I have been up 19 straight hours with very little rest. I am thankful for my bed and this day’s end.

Goodnight and God Bless.


A very very difficult time……

Things seemed so good last night as I finished up everything and let the dogs out. They enjoy going out, but one enjoys pushing the limits, my wife’s dog Spencer. I tell him about 5 to 10 times per time out to “stay in the yard,” but if you take your eye off him for a second, he sometimes bolts down the street or into the corn when it is there. I have chased him more often than I can count, sometimes successfully, but sometimes not. But on the “not” times, if it is night, I wake up about every hour and go check for him at the back door. He gets there every time, sooner or later. All but this time that is.

Last night at 2:30 am we were awoken by the police who were at our door to let us know that Spencer had went out onto the highway and had been struck and killed. We were obviously heartbroken, and Amanda especially. It was a difficult time, and still is.

I went out at 3 am to find him and bring him home, which I did. And though I could not get him to the vet to be cremated today, nor tomorrow, since I have a funeral in Nashville, I will Tuesday. He will then wait to be buried with two of our other dogs, Pepsi (our first Golden), and Tweety (Scotty’s first show dog) when we move to more suitable place to raise and breed Goldens after Scotty graduates. Spencer was a good boy, and part of our family. He deserves to make the trip to the farm….and he will.

Please keep us in your prayers, and particularly Amanda. We just miss him, but we are thankful to have had him.

God Bless.


Finding order in chaos…….

We are once again reclaiming parts of our basement, and in fact, I have done most of my work today from my office which is done there. My library is there as well as the copier and church supplies, but it is still a staging room for the construction as well. Okay, it is more of a “put things that belong out in the main part of the basement in order to keep them out of the construction areas” room. Either way it is a mess. I am just glad to finally have a little space.

It often seems as if my office lately is somewhat a metaphor for my life…..there always seems to be something out of place. It always feels like a work in progress. It always feels as it there is something yet to finish. And every time I think it is under control, something else happens to take it out of the amazing order I dream about.

I suppose if the Lord wanted me to have that kind of order I wouldn’t be me. Plus, I think with that kind of order I might be bored. Amanda is a lot like that, and thrives in it. I always tell her she put the capital O in OCD. Her desk is immaculate, mine is messy. Her many sides of the closet are categorized, while my small part still has me asking her where stuff is. She is a scientist, and I am the big winner! After all, if she is so smart and organized, she should have married better! I clearly have the easier job!

Anyway, me and my metaphoric tornado are heading to bed to make a mess of the neatly made bed which has some 600 pillows on it, none of which match, but that are laid out in some sort of geometric pattern that I will never master as long as I live. Even the cat avoids getting near them. But underneath my mattress awaits for me to call it a day.

I hope you have had a great one….I know I have!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Oh me oh my, what to wear……….

Tonight Ben wore his “Brian Urlacher” Chicago Bears jersey and pants, giving me hope that at least one of my children will follow in my incredible footsteps as a Bears’ fan. Sadly I am alone in my hopes for him, since that outfit is one many pro ones he has…….oddly enough all the rest are Colts’ blue.

He wore it to the girls’ lacrosse game tonight and it struck me as funny. When kids are little they can wear jerseys and look cute. Ben was certainly all that too. But Steph and Scott both wear jerseys there and if I called them cute it would insult them. At some point kids move from being cute to being too cool for such childish things! Steph and Scott are both high school lacrosse players now and want to look and be tough. And of course soon, probably by 5 years-old, Ben will be in his first competitive jersey thinking he is tough too…..and from there it will last a lifetime.

I just love watching all three of them (especially in Bears’ gear) grow. I have been blessed with wonderful children, and all three of them remind me of God’s abundant blessings in my life. At least the ALL are Cubs fans. Baseball season is coming and I am looking forward to a house of unity and proper sportswear!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The day is done….finally!

I really thought tonight might not ever get here. It has been an extremely long day filled with a variety of work….Church work, construction work that I did on our house, and work in preparation for our upcoming Varsity lacrosse season. I ended the night at Scott’s indoor game, and it was a blast. Noblesville has three teams in the indoor league, and this week and next are us playing one of our other teams. I enjoy it, because the people are so nice, and they, as well as all the players are so respectful. It is a great program, and I am glad to be a part, not just as a parent, but as the girl’s Varsity and JV coach.

The construction work I did involved putting in some beams for the ceiling that were not part of the damage and repair estimate from the pre-Christmas water incident. I am glad I can do things like that because I am sure it would cost a fortune. Plus I like it. So much of my job is not tangible. It is great to do something I can see immediately.

And of course soon the regular lacrosse season will be upon us. I enjoy getting to see my son play, but soon I will be immersed in the girl’s program. We have tons of games and practices and they all begin late next month and go through mid-May. It is a lot, but well worth it. My only regret is that lacrosse wasn’t a sport when I was in high school. It would have been a great way to stay out of trouble!

Anyway, busy days lead to good night’s sleep…at least I hope. I hope your day has been full of God’s blessings!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+