Goodbye for now to an old friend………

Today a good friend of mine was laid to rest….Bill Drake. I have known Bill since the early 1980’s and he, I can easily say, was one of a kind. He has had a bad heart for as long as I have known him, and that heart finally gave out just prior to Christmas. But I am sure that if you looked at it you would see it was great big and made of gold.

Bill was buried in the Episcopal Church in Plainfield, and though I know a lot of people out there, Sadly I felt it best not for me to go. I have been so demonized by people within the Episcopal Church for retiring and becoming a Church Planter for the Orthodox Anglican Church that I felt my being there would distract what everyone was there for. Deacon Tony was one of Bill’s best friends and Bill had even asked him to be in the service before he died. But get this……the Episcopal Bishop of Indianapolis told the priest doing the funeral that Tony couldn’t, because “he was not really ordained.” How tragic and shameful. Of course she considers me in that very same light. Yet if Tony were a Methodist or a Lutheran, it would have never been an issue. It is a shame that vindictiveness is placed above pastoral concern. Please pray for her. Tony and Bill were devoted friends. Bill came to Tony’s ordination. We laughed and rejoiced as always. And I even gave him communion……imagine that. All people deserve dignity. It amazes me that I am always portrayed as intolerant and exclusive. I think the evidence suggests the converse.

Anyway, before bed I will raise a glass to my dear friend Bill. His wife and family are in my prayers and I hope in yours. I was blessed to have known him, and I know so many others who would say the same. But more than anything, thanks be to God, I will be blessed again to walk with him in the life to come! (And beat him at euchre!)

May Bill’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Fr. Tom+

Of living life to the fullest……….

There are so many things I thought I would have accomplished by this point in my life, and I often wonder why they were set aside. It never takes me too long to realize that being a dad is a big priority for me, and apparently more of a priority than writing that book, or working to get a teaching gig at a university part-time.

Tonight I set a few things aside to go with Amanda and Ben to the bookstore and grocery. Sure, I spent a good piece of time looking through the “Religion” section to find books to continue our clergy training, but after that was done I spent quite a bit more time with my head under a blanket with Ben in his shopping cart laughing and giggling while people walked by clearly thinking we were lunatics. I recommend it, because it is really good work if you can get it. AND, it really is much better than theology any day.

In fact, despite an undergrad in Religion, and masters and doctoral degrees too, I have learned that all the intellect and theory in the world can never replace our call to be with and care for people. And though I am pretty smart, I believe I became a better priest and person when I set aside the notion that all that knowledge was more important than doing the right thing (which is often pretty simple.)

Sadly, I spent a lot of years listening to clergy, and many times they were bishops, intellectually attempting to justify what I knew in my heart was sinful. If education is supposed to make you smarter, many of them should ask for their money back! I don’t follow them anymore!! But sadly many people still follow this nonsense because they listen to these theological dissertations that don’t sit well even in their own hearts. They stay with people who say “well that isn’t us,” yet who remain under the very authority they claim to not be a part of. I am no rocket scientist, but if you are in bed with someone you are in bed with them, you cannot deny it. It doesn’t fool the simplest soul, why do they think they can fool the Lord. A lot is at stake. A love for a building, or to follow people making immoral choices, is pretty risky if you ask me…..but maybe I am just not smart enough to know!

Anyway, all this is to say life matters and our choices do as well. Jesus does accept us for who we are, but then as the Bible tells us we are called to live from that point as “new creations.” We were never promised that it would be easy. In fact, being a Christian is often hard, and their is often a cost for making the right choice. But we ought to remember that Jesus Himself has led the way for us, and He has paid a price higher than we ever will. Choose that good road, that road less traveled, and see what the Lord has in store for you!

Life is good my friends… it! Goodnight and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Of learning that I cannot help it…….it’s just genetic!

Steph and Scott are becoming New Yorkers, at least temporarily, but they come by it naturally…’s in their blood. Scott shared tonight that he has been picking up on some of the family accent, which is no surprise since he is in our American Motherland! My Uncle Mickey told him that when he gets home he will be able to hear our accent here, and I suppose he is right. I always enjoy being with my family because the accents and language are different, and it reminds me of our heritage. We have a great family.

Oddly enough, I actually sound very much from New York, but only when I get mad. I have surmised that it is a connection from me being in trouble with my dad as a kid. My dad sounds pretty Midwestern, but if he gets mad, or if Notre Dame screws up (okay, that is the same thing) his accent clearly comes out. And though I have BEEN TO New York, I have never LIVED THERE. We often imitate what we know though, and the fiery NY temper is just genetic as far as I am concerned. My kids will learn from visiting that the NY that I really am honest when I describe my “concerns” I have with them at times as emotional (I prefer passionate). There is one thing I have learned from being a Tirman and that is that in no way is there a gray area in knowing how someone feels! That NY style is pretty straightforward. I am happy my kids will learn that blood is stronger than psychology from the best.

Anyway, both of them have checked in and I am off to bed. Tomorrow they head for the city itself where they will stay till New Year’s Eve. I am glad they are there and it makes me proud.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A day in my own Brigadoon……..

Amanda, Ben, and I went up to Goshen this morning to visit my grandmother (my mom’s mom) who lives in the Greencroft Retirement Community there. It was great to see her. My grandma is 92, and she watched with great joy Ben run all around her apartment. A short time later my cousins Steve and Matt came, and she had all her grandsons but Scott there.

As we always do, we went out to eat, this time to Bob Evans. But sadly as it always is with old people, I tired out pretty quick!!!! And when Ben sacked out on the way back to Greencroft, we decided it was best to head home. I still had a lot of work to and there were storms coming so it made sense to head out. An as we also always do, we stopped at the cemetery to visit my grandfather’s grave on the way out of town.

It seems so strange to me to just visit there. Goshen was my second home as a kid, and somehow I still feel drawn to it. I guess it may because life was always so wonderful there for me and filled with such great memories. It’s like a Brigadoon I can visit many times a year, and for that I am thankful.

Anyway, I am back and have most of my work done for tomorrow. I am thankful for the re-charge of my spirit today. I am also thankful for my grandmother. Without her or my grandfather there is no telling where I would be. It was so great to see her.

Okay, it’s off to bed for me. A unseasonably warm goodnight to you all….and God Bless!


A busy, but finished day………

The house is sure quiet without Stephanie and Scott. They did call, and they are at my Uncle Mickey’s house on Long Island. It was apparently already dark as they passed New York City to see anything other than the lights, but they seemed excited to be there. I was happy to know they made it as well.

As for Amanda, Ben, and I, we spent the day running errands and then going to visit my mom in the nursing home. My mom, though still young (just 69), has Alzheimer’s and you really never know what you will get when you visit her… can just be certain it is going to be nothing like you remember.

Tonight was no exception. She always knows me, and can talk pretty sharp, but often doesn’t know what day it is (like Christmas or her birthday). Tonight she asked if I was taking her to her sister’s for Christmas when we haven’t done that for years. And she cried as she does through many visits about things not connected to the topic we are on. She looks like my mom, but she is far from the woman I grew up with. My mom, though often funny, was a pretty tough bird most days….far from the woman I now see in the wheelchair in front of me.

The truly ironic part in all of this is that through most of my life my mom and I locked horns…..and a LOT. My sisters Steph and Sarah got along with her better, particularly Sarah, but both Steph and Sarah died of cancer. I always remember the Lord’s Command to honor your parents, and believe me I do. But I marvel at how sometimes the biggest lessons I learn in life often come in the hardest ways. I certainly spent a lot of time on my mom’s “list” in life, but now I have set that aside. She has a tough road to travel and I am her son, her only surviving child, and I do, and will do, what is right for her.

Anyway, tonight she enjoyed the candy and cashews as well as Ben, her youngest grandson. We saw her new room, and I promised to bring her some books in a couple of days. I know I have mentioned this before, but I am certain my sisters are getting a big kick out of me in this role as they watch from heaven.

But now the day has ended and I am ready for bed. I hope to have a good dream tonight too…….perhaps me in heaven chasing my sisters around with those books and sticking candy in their halos. Oh for such a wonderful dream!!

I hope you have had a great day! Goodnight and God Bless!


Heading east in my heart…………….

Just a few minutes ago Stephanie and Scott bid us farewell and left for New York City with their grandfather. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, and the kids have never been. He is excited to take them there for their first visit, and they are excited too. My dad’s wife Debby, and my sister Anna are also along. It should be a great time.

As for me, it was hard to see them go. New York City is a big place and not Indiana! I am sure they will do fine, I always have, but I will worry about them nonetheless. I will keep myself busy with Ben, and await their return.

Other than that, today has been a day to catch up on my rest as I have been able. I am still pretty wiped out, but hopefully can recharge within the next few days.

So anyway, no big news! I am from Indiana and I like it that way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Merry Christmas!

Well all the services have taken place and we are home. The day has been long but fruitful, and as I reflect upon it I can easily admit how very blessed I am. I love what I do, and love the people I am called to do it among. Celebrating Christmas with them is a blessing to me that I am so very thankful for.

I am writing this entry in bed, next to Ben, who is out like a light. Amanda is still downstairs wrapping the last gift. I got Ben because she has had him all day and he was grouchy…..and, I am the world’s worst wrapper. It frustrates me and then it just gets worse. I am so meticulous about so many things, but wrapping is not one of them! Yep, another blessing…..Ben is out and grouchy no more. This has turned out to be a pretty sweet deal.

Anyway my friends, I want to wish Christmas Blessings to you this Christmas Eve. Have a blessed day tomorrow as well!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Deeper and deeper…….

The damage to our house is more extensive than first thought. Though we got the water shut off, and a plumber to the house finally about 7pm (thanks Scott’s Plumbing), today the discovered water had seeped under the hardwood floors on the first floor. This led to the tearing out of the laundry room, first floor bathroom, and the floor in our hallway and most of our family room. I was able to wrestle the washer and dryer back into the torn-up house, but it is really all a mess. Steph and Scotty leave for New York City with my dad late Christmas day so getting laundry done is pretty important. Hopefully we will make some headway.

And if things were not bad enough, on my way to get the Pointsettas for Christmas services today our Volkswagen lost all traction (even at an extremely slow speed) and crashed into the curb while turning into the store. It is still there in the lot, undrivable. Now there will be yet another deductible….yuck. I had driven it all morning to Indianapolis and back. It was just icy as I came into Carmel. Sadly it was the only place I slid. Fortunately no one else was involved.

Anyway, I will not say “it cannot get any worse,” because I am too smart for that! Instead I will sign off for now and look at my sermon for tomorrow. It is suppose to warm up a bit. It doesn’t really matter though. I am just praying for a better day!

Keep the faith!!

Fr. Tom+

Under the water……again!!

Today I ventured out with Deacon PT to move a refrigerator (thanks Jo!) to St. Patrick’s and to get a few other things done. Amanda picked me up at the church and when we got home we discovered a pipe had burst in our wall and our basement was flooded ONCE AGAIN! Our main floor was flooded in parts as well.

Fortunately for us, the good people at Indiana Restoration were out in no time. Sadly I know many of them on a first-name basis, but they are pretty great guys. Our water is still not repaired, but they were able to shut it off at the street. I am still waiting on a call back from a plumber. It is amazing to me how many 24 hour, 7 days a week, emergency service told me they could get here tomorrow….despite hearing the water running into my basement. An ad is an ad I guess. I just want someone with integrity who can come and fix my pipes. If I do not hear from someone soon I will do it myself.

Anyway, there is no goodnight at this point. It is just 4:30 in the afternoon. Our pipes will be fixed and Indiana Restoration will repair our basement, and our insurance agent will wonder why her ever got involved with us in the first place. But in the whole scheme of things these are relatively small problems. I am just glad we are on our way to resolving them.

I will keep you posted. Keep us in your prayers! Christmas is going to be a bit different this year!!

God Bless!


Under the weather………

I have not felt well all day, and of course it is not the right time of year for me to be getting sick. I came right home after services and went to bed, and though it is just 8:00 pm here, I am up only to type this…..then back to bed. Everyone else will be finishing up decorating the house for Christmas, but as for me, they will just have to Photoshop me into the pictures! I clearly am not going to make it.

I do have a few days left until Christmas. They will be helpful for me in terms of getting some rest and getting better. Sure, I still have Christmas shopping to do (after all, though I am a priest, I still am a guy too). But there are no real pressing issues that will “require” my time. I hope to be good to go on Christmas Eve.

I don’t really have too many tough days, so though I feel bad I still know how very blessed I am. But for now, me and my blessed yet worn out body will lay down yet again. Tomorrow will be another day and hopefully a better one.

An early goodnight to you all, and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+