Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Though I often get into arguments with ardent supporters of Daylight Savings Time, I have never been a fan. I am sitting down to write this blog now at 8:30, but it feels as if it is 11:00pm! Plus, I have yet to pick up Scott at school (he is at rehearsal for the school musical until 9:00 pm, and Stephanie works until 10! I am anxious for the other car to be fixed and have them be able to drive themselves!

I grew up in Indiana, and one thing I was always proud of was never changing our clocks. It was taught that whatever time it was was the time, and that was just that. When I went to grad school and got my first dose of DST I was tired and confused for days. And we did it of course twice a year! It has now been a couple weeks and I am still finding clocks that need to be reset. It drives me nuts!

But what can I do? Like so many others like me I just have to go along. I will admit that at least Ben goes to bed when it is dark now, but in all honesty it really wasn’t an issue because he doesn’t tell time! He just went to sleep when he was laid down!

So I apparently will be all messed up for at least a few more weeks, but I am learning to adjust. Ben and Amanda are still sick, so I suppose having it seem later makes her think at least she is getting more sleep. She is from one of those adjustable states though, so it all seems natural to her.

Anyway, I think it must now either be a lot later or even earlier than when I started typing….heck I do not know. All I can do is look forward to being in heaven someday with Jesus. I am sure He is old-school Indiana……those clocks up there I am sure never change!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A warm heart on a cold night……..

I saw some snow today for the first time this year and my life is now starting to make sense. After all, it is NOVEMBER, and November is a snow month as far as I am concerned. Though I enjoyed the 70 degree weather, somehow it just doesn’t seem right to me to do so. After all, I do not live in the Carolinas or Florida, I live in Indiana. It is supposed to get cold as it gets later in the year!

Over the course of my life, I even remember seeing snow in July one year, though I protested that too. I am sure the Lord just left someone else in charge of it all, and that they are no longer working in the home office.

I have to say however, that I am glad to see the Winter weather move in. As a native of Indiana it just feels right for it to be November and cold. And though I know that not everyone is happy about it, I do believe there are just somethings (like this) that are just best left to the design of God Himself.

Of course I am no longer on the porch typing these, but inside….not even the cat will join me for very long out there now. But I am just thankful for the opportunity I have to live the life I have been given. I have got it pretty good, and whether is be warm or cold outside, I consider myself very blessed. I hope your life is just as wonderful.

Stay warm! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A disappointing day, an important day……

Tonight we were going to attend the Noblesville Millers Hockey game where they were retiring the jersey of Michael Treinen, our Assistant Women’s Lacrosse Coach who you may remember died from cancer a few months back. His jersey was to be retired during the game and then a Miller Skate Night would take place afterwards. We all wanted to go, but Ben and Amanda are sick, and Scott is feeling like he may be getting something. We decided to stay at home and help work here at our own private infirmary. It is so very disappointing to not be there. We all loved Michael, and such an honor was the right thing to do for the school and his family. They all are in our constant prayers.

I think of Michael often. It’s been almost eight years since my sister Stephanie was taken by cancer and almost five for my sister Sarah. I know I think of them often and miss them. I am sure they get a charge out of that, but my point is that when someone dies too soon it leaves a pretty big hole that we often find hard to fill. My friend Michael was a spectacular kid, and I know it is hard for them. His sister Meredith is running a marathon in January to help raise money and awareness about blood cancers. Check it out at I encourage you to make a pledge too! Those of us who have been effected by cancer thank you in advance!

Anyway, Michael and his family, tonight especially, are in my thoughts and my prayers. But I also have others who need it here too. Please pray for my family that they might recover quickly too. And especially for Scott, who needs to be well. He has a big part in the Noblesville High School Musical this Thursday through Saturday nights!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless. Back to being the doctor for me!

Fr. Tom+

A comedy of errors….so it’s time for bed!

Well today it finally happened. After a whole indoor season of great lacrosse from the Noblesville Lady Millers, we finally had a game where a few things went wrong….actually it was a game when everything went wrong. If there was one positive it was that our goalie got A LOT of practice today.

But, in the end, it was a great lesson for the girls. We could not even master the basic skills, we got behind, and then it went downhill from there. As a former athlete, I remember days like today well. They seemed torturous and way too long. They made me angry. But as I began to learn from them I realized that they could be teachable moments and in the end far more beneficial to my game than a big win. Anyone can win well, but it takes real character and determination to recover or to get better after you have been clocked. We talked about that after the game. I was smiling as I talked with them. Everyone has bad games. It was just unusual to have an entire team have it all at once!

Anyway, even I was glad to see it end. We play a combined scrimmage tomorrow with a couple of other high schools against Purdue at the end of an afternoon clinic the Boilermakers are putting on tomorrow in Westfield. It will be a great day and a great way to recover.

Everyday cannot be our best. That’s why we should be thankful to God for second chances and new opportunities. He certainly gives us a lot!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A day of lacrosse and now rest…….

Today has been a long day, the end of which we spent at Scotty’s lacrosse game. It is such a great time and my only regret is that lacrosse was not an available sport when I was a young man. I think I would have really enjoyed it. I am not sure if they have an “Over the Hill” league, but if they do, count me in!

Today also marked the end of voluntary fall practices for the girl’s high school team of which I am the coach. We offered the opportunity to practice, and enjoyed it. The girls and I were so amazed to have 70 degree weather in November. There should be SNOW! Anyway, it was good to be out and active. We play tomorrow at 4:20 in the indoor league in Carmel, and it will be a great way to kick off the weekend.

Today will also mark the first time I am heading to bed before 9:30!!! I have been up too late and too early too many days, so it will be nice to get some rest. Ben has been up the last few nights, so going to bed early may be helpful to be sharp at 3 am when he wants to talk!

So it is off to bed for me. I apologize for the lack of depth tonight, but we all know how it is when we are tired! I hope you have had a blessed day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


On the occasion of the election of a new President.

Though I did not vote for him, I am committed to pray for our President-elect Obama. In elections there are winners and there are losers, but in the end the very fact that we are free to decide who those winners are, who will lead, is what indeed makes us all win.

During this post-election season there is always anxiety about what we are heading into and how a completely new administration will lead. But we seem to survive it all, and head off into writing new chapters of our history.

In truth, despite who leads, God is still in control.

Pray for our country. Pray for our government. Pray for President-elect.

Goodnight and God Bless.


A brief election post…….

The election is going on and with so much division we can only hope and pray that the outcome brings us a sense of togetherness and purpose as American people. Despite our disagreements, we still live in the greatest county in the world, and I do not believe that will ever change. We should remember that EVERY election produces winners and losers, and that God’s Hand is still upon us as a whole.

I will not be writing more than this tonight, but instead go back and fix my eyes and thoughts on the TV and the results as they happen.

My hope however is that you voted! God Bless you and God Bless our Country!



Election day looms………

I will be getting up very early tomorrow in an effort to be at the poll before it opens. Voting is one of the most important things we do as a free people, and I intend to exercise my right.

This election however, causes more anxiety in me than any other. I have never seen people so divided, politics so deplorable, and tensions so high. It troubles me deeply that we seem to go through one election and then see people start campaigning for next. If I lived in Illinois or Arizona, I would be incensed that we were paying Senators to represent us, yet they were hardly ever there. And now with Acorn and the messes of voter registration I wonder how in the world we set common sense aside. Do we really want to be like the countries we send observers into to make sure elections are fair and just? We seem to be unraveling the very fabric that has held us together. It is deeply disturbing.

As much as that bothers me, I will still go out to cast my vote. You need to to give your voice credibility. I hope and pray we all do.

Get out and vote tomorrow!

Night my friends and God Bless.


A day to remember……..

Today on the Sunday after All Saints Day (November 1) we took the opportunity to remember those saints of God who walked the walk of faith before us. It is a special day, and one on which I pause to give special thanks.

I thank the Lord this day for the lives of two of my sisters, Stephanie and Sarah, who entered eternal life much too soon. For my great-grandparents, three of my grandparents, which includes my grandfather, “the architect of my life!” I also remember many friends and others who helped shape the part of the world I walked in. We often are so focused on the present that we forget all those others who made the present possible.

And I also thank the Lord for those saints I did not know, who walked the walk before us. It takes all of God’s people to make all of life work. I am thankful for them all. But today I am particularly thankful that both you and I are His saints as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of seeing the Lord in the beauty of nature…..

Tonight I find myself on the back porch alone. I guess there is something about 4 adult Golden Retrievers that our cat just can’t tolerate. They are all on the deck, but I am guessing that feels a little too close for her. So I will just attempt to write with the sounds of panting.

We were down at St. Matthew’s in Nashville today for a meeting and we will be back there tomorrow for service as well. Brown County is such a beautiful place, and if there was one regret I had about the day it was that we had to be inside for most of it. I am sure there are very few atheists looking over the trees of Brown County. All that beauty and wonder could convict anyone of the need of a Creator! It could not just happen by chance!

Amanda and I became engaged down there in Brown County for that very reason. I figured if I could distract her with all the beauty of God’s Creation that maybe she would let her guard down and say something stupid! AND IT WORKED! We were there in the Spring, which is my favorite time there. Don’t get me wrong, the changing colors are wonderful, but to me I love the feel and the smell of Spring there.

Anyway, it is too dark to see a thing here and all I hear are the dogs and now the inspiration-killing wrestling match that they have started on their own. But they are all wonderful dogs, they just love to have fun. And tomorrow, when I am done with work, I intend to get them out with me in the middle of some of that nature. Nature is always fun to look at, but nothing is better than hanging out among it with the love of a dog!

Okay, I am off to put them to bed and then myself! Goodnight and God Bless!
