Heading toward normal, sort of……

Amanda is doing much better, Ben is as well. I had a full day of work, and YES, though I have not yet called Mike Constantine, I did remember ALL DAY. I was just swamped. BUT, despite feeling pretty sharp, I dropped the ball completely in that I forgot to do a surgery visit for a parishioner and very good friend. (sorry Barbara!) I felt absolutely terrible about that, and apologized profusely on the phone, but as I shared yesterday, my detailed short-term memory is pretty awful.

So my day of victory and pride was pretty well all wiped out in one fell swoop. I am still upset about it, but I also know in my heart that it is all part of moving ahead. It seems so long since I have had these struggles in such a way (and here I am struggling to find the correct words) but not every day will a winner. It’s just important to get up, dust off, and try again. And I intend to do just that!

Anyway, despite the struggles, my hope and prayer is that you have had a great day. I am declaring this day now finished. A new day dawns in the morning!

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Remembering that I cannot remember to call……

I have the short-term memory of………well, actually I do not remember. Case in point is an email I received this afternoon from Mike Constantine. Mike is a great guy, with the patience of Job, who works for Family Life, which is a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Since my stroke, I have had it in my mind to call Mike probably 100 times, it is just sadly been in my mind. It amazes me that I can remember details from the 1970’s but somehow cannot remember things in the short-term, even when I really try to. I have written notes to call Mike, and have even put it in my calendar. I do not want to go as far as the tattoo, but by God I need to remember this one. Mike stays in touch, emails, and even prays for me and my family. He’s a real quality guy, and I am really going to try to get it right THIS WEEK.

I sent Mike a reply to his email and said I was going to make sure I would call, and one of the ways to make sure I do is to write it here! I am asking you (my blog readers) to help remind me by praying for my memory Thursday and Friday, and particularly about calling Mike! I will post about it after I call, but I figure my best bet is to give it back to God! (and the call to Mike is one of MANY things I forget, but the one I want to accomplish the most) It seems silly that something so simple would be so hard, but I find my frustration often comes with not being able to get my mind around even the most simple of things.

As an example, I had a clear train of thought, but Amanda just asked me a question and now I cannot even remember what I was going to say after what I have just written. That seems pretty common to most, but this dynamic is my constant companion. My math skills are coming back, as well as complex thought, but remembering, and remembering to remember, just evade me!

Anyway, with all that garble I will sign off for the night. Within 48 hours though I intend to talk to my friend Mike and celebrate a victory! At least that’s the plan (like it has been before!) Pray, pray, pray! And Mike, be waiting for that call!

Good night and God Bless!


Getting closer to the prize………

I am happy to report that Amanda seems to be getting a bit better. Ben still has a whale of a cough, but the doc says he is doing just fine. I am just happy to know they are heading in the right direction. It is hard in a family when one or two people get sick.

I am always reminded however, of our call to serve others before ourselves. I suppose it is easier to do for a family member, but in truth our responsibility goes far beyond that. We were created, not to be all about ourselves, but to care about and for one another and God. It’s a tall order I know, yet one we were indeed made for.

As a priest it is often frustrating for me to see people act self-focused. It is a misunderstanding of the Gospel, and even of the American Dream. It is not that we are not to achieve individually, in fact we are, but we then use what we have gained or even become to freely serve others. No, not by having what we have earned taken by the government and redistributed, that’s socialism. But instead freely giving of ourselves and our resources to reflect both who it is and Whose it is we are. Faith and faithful living are never to be coerced…..they are meant to be our choice. We freely choose God too!

Anyway, after this long day of service I am heading to bed lest I collapse and need some service myself. I am so very pleased we are getting a spirit of health and wellness back here at home. But keep praying…..both Amanda and Ben have a ways to go. And they, as well as I, appreciate your help.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Ode to a transportation miracle…..

Tonight I was able to tell my daughter that she could have my car until hers was fixed and she couldn’t have been happier. Her car has been in the body shop for close to a month as parts come in and work is done. What has been sacrificed has been her freedom. She has to hitch a ride everywhere now, and hearing that era was now over produced a big big smile! It made my day!

My car is a 1998 Volvo and it will become Scott’s when he gets his license, but I know he is not too pleased about it. it is a great car, but hardly something a teenager might want. I remember the days. My first car was a red white and blue 1970 Ford Pinto, hardly the “chick magnet” my 16 year old mind had envisioned. But it was good for me. I learned that a car just gets you from one place to another, and how it looks is not nearly as important as how (or if) it runs!

Anyway, tomorrow Steph will take Scott to school in “his car.” It ought to be interesting. I am just glad they will be able to drive and not lug all their stuff on the bus.

In time, lessons will be learned and most importantly I will be a chauffeur to only Ben and his mom. I like them in that they rarely go anywhere after 7! Praise the Lord for that!

Okay…off to pick up Steph from work for the last time! Yee hah!

Good night my friends and God Bless!


200 and counting……..

Today marks the 200th post on this, “Tales of a Faithful Dragonslayer,” quite an accomplishment seeing as I started the daily posts to help recover from the stroke. It has been a joyful, though at times arduous task. But in the end it has helped get me to where I am now. I believe I still have a long way to go, but clearly my mind is far better than it was in April, and I want to thank all of you for coming along on this ride!

As I reflect back, I know I have run the full spectrum of themes and issues. Sometimes I just shared about my life and family, sometimes I spoke about the Church and faith, and others I clearly talked about my struggles in recovery. I am sure it has not always been pretty, but in truth I never expected it to be. My life is complex and has plenty going on. It has been healthy for me, a real gift, to be able to write about it.

At the onset, I never had the intention of that path for this. It was going to be far more serious. But God often has other plans for us, doesn’t He? I take it in stride. After all, I never thought I would be a priest. I figured I would be in medicine or something similar. My blog reflects the life I never intended to live. The Lord sure has a great sense of humor. But for Him and this life I am truly thankful.

So with that, I am off to bed. It has been a long day, and long weekend at that. May God Bless you as deeply or even more than He has blessed me! Thanks for checking in and following along. The Lord only knows what these next 200 will bring!



Just one? No thanks, let’s make her’s a double……..

Well this has been one of those instances where I really didn’t want to be right, but unfortunately I am. Though Ben got an “all clear” from the doctor this morning, Amanda did not fare so well. And though I was worried about them both, in truth, she appeared to be much worse.

To make a long story short, she has double pneumonia and bronchitis. The rest and the antibiotics I am certain will help her, but they of course are not instantaneous. I knew she was stubborn before we married, but I told her a week ago when she was heading off to work once again that she would have a hard time getting to work if this killed her. She just laughed it off. I am so very pleased that she is only as stubborn as she is. I was surprised to see her go today.

Anyway, please keep us all, but particularly Amanda, in your prayers. Being sick is no fun, and she is more on the miserable side of everything right now. In time it will change, but I will bet anything she will be up and ready to head to Church in the morning. It is just how she is. I won’t complain. I admire her drive and determination. But I am anticipating her not going Back to the 80’s tonight!

God Bless.


On living in a temporary infirmary…….

Well I went “Back to the 80’s” again tonight, but Amanda stayed home. She hasn’t been feeling too good for weeks, and I am beginning to think that it doesn’t have anything to do with being married to me. She has been coughing her brains out (not literally) for a couple of weeks. I think it is worse, and she and Ben will head to the doctor in the morning. I am very thankful for that.

Steph is not feeling all that great either and has a low grade fever. Scott however is doing fine. That is a good thing too….he has one more show Saturday night.

Anyway. though I am certainly the wrong kind of doctor to be working here at home, I am the right kind of husband and father. So I am off to take care of the sick, the weak, and the weary. I really don’t mind, and if I do, maybe I can count on them later to take care of me!

Goodnight and God Bless.


Back to the 80’s…..again.

Tonight we went “Back to the 80’s.” It’s the Noblesville High School Musical that Scotty is in, and a few other kids I know from over the years. It was awesome, and I am more than happy to tell you I will be there tomorrow and Saturday nights as well. I laughed pretty hard. And though I graduated from high school in 1979 and college in 1984, I still remembered all those songs. They were bad then, and are much better in parody!

We got to sit by one of my two college roommates (Jeff), his wife (also from college, Paula) and their two youngest boys. Their oldest son Evan was in the play like Scott was. And where Scott was this happy-go-lucky goofball student (yes, art often imitates life), Evan was the kids’ twisted and conflicted teacher. I don’t think Jeff, nor Paula, not I could have ever predicted ever having such a laughter-filled night provided by our kids, but we sure did enjoy it! I cannot remember laughing that hard in a long time.

“Back to the 80’s” made a lot of fun of a generation of which I was a part. It was convicting to say the least. Their “costumes” looked pretty familiar, and yep a lot of people talked like that back then. What we thought was cool looks pretty silly now, but I don’t mind being made fun of.

After all, they will have kids of their own some day and then it will be their turn. I am looking forward to it!

God Bless you my friends!

Fr. Tom+

Working long and hard with my mini me………..

Ben, my constant assistant and I spent much of the day together with a few other good friends down in Nashville at St. Matthew’s. We were working on a special project, and it is a surprise of sorts. And though Ben is really not much help, he added moral support as he watched Veggietales’ “Lord of the Beans” probably 30 times. We left St. Matthew’s a little after 8pm, and we are both exhausted. I will be heading down there again in the morning, so hopefully sleep will visit me very soon.

There are often long days like this in the ministry, but few long days like this are quite as fun. We are surrounded by some pretty wonderful people, and even in the middle of hard work it is easy for me to see how very blessed we are. I know we are ALL exhausted, but I am sure we are also all very satisfied with the work of the long day.

Anyway, with these blessed thoughts, and Ben and I’s safe return to home, I will bid you all goodnight. My hope is you have had an equally blessed day. And may we all enjoy another tomorrow!

Goodnight and God Bless.


Swatting at the oldies…………

Yikes! I was just thinking about Stephanie graduation from high school in 2010 and then Scott in 2011, when while reminiscing I realized before that ever happens I will go to my 30th reunion. (and my 25th for college!) Who would have thought I would live that long? I know my kids think I am ancient, but my classmates I am sure feel I am quite young and spry!

Time sure has a way of flying, not that I have any regrets. I have a pretty good life, and in my 28, I mean 47 years, I have packed a lot in. Sure, there are some things I would have liked to have done (none of them illegal). But when I think about gathering together with my classmates of Mishawaka High next summer, it will not be to impress, but to rejoice and remember! Many of us still keep in touch through an Internet group someone created, and I have to tell you I am blessed. I really grew up with some fine people. I know not everyone can say that, but the small town I grew up in (it is no longer small) couldn’t have been better. I am proud to have come from there.

Anyway, I will get back to marveling at how old I am. I am not quite ready for plaid Bermuda Shorts and black socks, but I know I am older certainly than I was. But I truly love every age, and I love my life. God has blessed me with a wonderful life…….or as my kids would tell you, maybe I am just too old to know the difference.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+