Neither rain nor snow, nor even fog……….

I woke up this morning to the joy of an unexpected snow! Being a product of the snow-belt, there is nothing better than for me to look out upon a blanket of snow, particularly when I had no idea it was coming. AND, it was a lot of snow for here….probably about 2-3 inches when we left, and it was still snowing hard. We even turned back around and took our bigger car because none of the roads we were on had been plowed and it was pretty treacherous.

This put us behind in terms of our arrival time in Nashville, so I called ahead to Deacon Conley and let him know what was happening. Oddly enough Dan said it was nice there….35 degrees and just raining, no snow at all. And in time we found that to be true. As we got into Indy and made our way around, little by little the snow disappeared, and son it was not there at all. When we left for Greenfield after the service in Nashville, we found it much the same all the way there….no snow, just rain and grass!

We stopped at Deacon Morgan’s on the way home in Anderson, and there was snow there. PT said it took him an hour to get from his house to Noblesville this morning, so that affirmed that all the weather adventures we had today were not a dream. And, there is still snow here at our home, though not as much as when we left. All the yards are covered but the streets and drives melted as the snow became rain later in the day. We had made the full weather gamut.

As difficult as it was in the morning, it turned out to be a pretty interesting experience. November 30th was experienced by people just a few miles apart as a very different day. There are kids here in the field behind my house building snowmen. In Nashville you could have mowed your yard. We got to experience it all.

Anyway, nothing theological there, other than the Lord making me head to work so that I didn’t have to shovel my driveway. I suppose that is a blessing, but then again I love doing it. It has just been a fun day, a good day, and the weather made it like going through Winter, Fall, and Winter again all the same day…..and there’s nothing boring about that!

Well I hope and pray wherever you are reading this that you have had a great day and many blessings. There’s no telling what tomorrow might bring. And after today, I honestly wouldn’t even want to speculate.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Looking for meaning and purpose in the midst of chaos…..

Tomorrow we begin the Season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation, preparation for the coming of Christ, and a season also to prepare for the celebration of Christmas on December 25th. It is short, but meaningful, in that I think it really helps to center Christians as to what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.

But sadly, society seems to be upside down in terms of the real meaning of Christmas. Thanksgiving has become the starter’s pistol of what people are now calling the Christmas Season, but we know deep down that is far from true. It seems all about shopping these days and great deals. It is commercial, commercial, commercial. Dear Lord, the news is full of videos of people fighting (physically) while shopping for deals, and some poor soul lost his life (he was trampled by shoppers yesterday) just opening a door at a Wal-Mart. Truly we need what the Church has to offer. Truly the world needs to rediscover meaning and purpose in Christ.

Engaging in a Holy Advent is one way to get there, and I encourage you to try it. Life is far bigger than deals, Christmas parties, and presents….it is full of purpose and meaning if we look for it. And, finding that purpose and meaning really is what makes life worth living.

My friends, I hope you look for the real present that God has prepared for you. I hope you find meaning and purpose through the celebration of a Holy Advent!

God Bless you and good night!


Toddler Turkey Day Recovery Takes Time……

Though it’s only 6:30, Mr. Ben has had enough. Apparently all that Thanksgiving was just too much. He not only slept for close to 15 hours since they returned from my dad’s last night, but he has been fighting to stay awake even now. We have decided to give in, and since I am an early riser there is very little risk. I will be up with him at whatever time. He is just a little guy after all and he needs his rest.

As for me, I may not be long for the night either. It has been a busy day. Scotty and I went down to Nashville to finish up some projects there. Father Chuck went up to see Jane Barrett this morning and the report is good. She is stable and looking good despite all that has happened. I will see her tomorrow. We hope for improvement each day.

When I look at the life I am living it doesn’t fit the stereotype I had of a priest’s life growing up. I guess I just expected them to live these mystical/spiritual lives that were much more contemplative and lofty than the one I live now. I just remember getting older and starting to pay attention. So many clergy seemed egocentric to me, and tended to neglect their families (particularly their kids) instead of holding them close. The term “PK” (preacher’s kid) was synonymous with troublemaker and accepted as such, and that was offensive to me. I didn’t want my kids to live like that and they don’t! My life is busy……busy with family, busy with work, and always on the move. It is not too mystical, but I think it is pretty spiritual. Serving the Lord as a priest, and a husband, AND a father is what it is all about. I am happy my stereotype was wrong and I am happy I truly get it!

Anyway, there are no kids around (or awake) tonight and it is now just 7 pm and we are ALONE! I will pour a little wine and get around to being a great husband! That’s right……Amanda wants me to carry in Christmas totes from the garage. Oh if only some stereotypes were true!

Good night my friends and God Bless.


A Thanksgiving to remember…….

This morning, very early, I received a call from the family of Jane Barrett. Jane is a parishioner at St. Anne’s in Anderson. The call was to let me know she had an aneurysm that was bleeding and that she was being life-lined down to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis.

Both Deacon Morgan and I went to St. Vincent’s. PT has known Jane his entire life, and as for me, Jane is one of my all-time favorites. A few weeks ago she came up and introduced herself to me, since I had not been at St. Anne’s for a few weeks. She is always a hoot, and gives you the business anytime, okay every time she can.

This was a scary call. Not too many people in her condition survive, and I think we all knew what she was up against. BUT, getting into surgery was a big victory, and we were thankful for that. After a wait, the chaplain was out to tell us the surgery was over, and a short time later the surgeon was out to tell us the operation to remove the aneurysm was a success. Jane was still very critical, but she had beat a lot to get to even this point.

The good news is that after many prayers and lots of good care at St. V’s, Jane has stabilized. I saw her again this evening and though she is still unconscious, and will be for days, it was a real blessing to be able to put my hand on her as I said a prayer for her. She is a good friend, and though her Thanksgiving may not have been what she wanted, of all the people I know, today she has the most to be thankful for. She has made this Thanksgiving a day to remember for a lot of us. And for Jane, her life, her family, and for those who are providing her care, I am very thankful.

Please keep her in your prayers…..she has a long way to go, but thanks be to God, she will be on that journey with us!

Good night my friends and God Bless. And, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Fr. Tom+

A preemptive Thanksgiving wish……

Because I usually blog at the end of each day I thought it would be a good idea to mention Thanksgiving tonight. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, truly American, where we gather, often with family and friends, to give thanks for our blessings.

Where ever you find yourself tomorrow I hope you pause to give thanks for God’s blessings upon your life. I will be praying for you and lifting you up to the Lord as well. I appreciate you checking in on me and my life through this blog. That’s right, I consider this, and you, one of MY many blessings. And for you I am thankful.

God bless you my friends, and may your Thanksgiving be filled with an awareness of how very blessed by God we all really are. And may your heart reflect its thankfulness.

Have a great day tomorrow!

Fr. Tom+

Working for pole position………

I really did attempt to write this blog entry for tonight, but Ben got up and though it is 9:45, all I can do is sit here and type while my entire family sits around the very table I am writing at and eggs him on. He is cute, and that is fortunate for them all, because I am beat and who can concentrate with the three of them and Ben laughing their brains out in front of me.

In truth, I really don’t mind. There is a lot of love in our times together and it is a pretty awesome thing. Ben really has relationships with each one of us, and with all of us it is different. It is cool to see.

Anyway, I need to finish and get into the action. Ben is giving too much attention to the others and I need to get my share. Not that I am competitive, but I do not want to be in fourth place (or fifth, since he is pretty fond of the cat). And the only way I can up my status is to get into the mix!

So goodnight and God Bless! I am off to improve my position!


PS…..St. Patrick’s lease is now signed!!! Praise God!

A long and sleepy day……

Unfortunately for me, the exhaustion I once was dealing with has raised its ugly head again, and try as I may, I am unable to get much done today. When Scott returned from school I had to have him watch Ben. I could barley keep my eyes open.

So I am here now, typing away while in bed…..and it is just 7:30. I do not have a lot of hope for making it very much longer tonight, but I did want to check in. I am doing quite well most days, and exhaustion ones are few and far in between. And, they are far better than confusion days.

So with that, I will take my meds and relax. I am not anticipating accomplishing much more. But tomorrow is another day, and with that, a new opportunity. Hopefully it will be one I am awake all the day through!

An early goodnight to you, and God Bless.

Tom+ (van Winkle)

We have white smoke……!!!!!!

Today we were able to release the news that we have secured a new facility for St. Patrick’s and will be moving in just a few weeks! It has been a long process, but a fruitful one. St. Patrick’s has been meeting at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds for over a year, and it will be a real blessing for them to have their own place! The parishioners there have been very faithful and patient. I rejoice with them at this wonderful accomplishment! Praise God!

St. Patrick’s, like St. Matthew’s, will be meeting in a storefront. And, though we call it St. Patrick’s Noblesville, in truth we will need to start calling it St. Patrick’s Westfield. The church will move to 3032 State Road 32 in Westfield, and just as St. Matthew’s is located next to my favorite pizza place, Pizza King, St. Patrick’s goes in next to my favorite Mexican restaurant, El Japerio! God is blessing me indeed!!

And, to make it all even more wonderful, we will be in the new facility in December! Christmas will be in a permanent home. But we want to thank our friends at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. We are not the first Church here they helped launch, nor will we be the last. Their history of this work goes back almost 20 years. And we are truly thankful for their help and support. It has been a wonderful experience with them. We will pray for the next Church to follow us there as well.

Anyway, the excitement has worn me out so I am of to bed…yep, at 8:30. My Bears won earlier and though the Colts kick off in a matter of moments, I will leave them to their fans (the rest of my family). I need to go to bed while my life, and my world, are very content!

Thank you Lord for a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Go Irish, but Scotty, go cheaper…….

It has been a busy but wonderful day. Scotty and I left early this morning to head to Notre Dame, where Scott was able to tour the campus and attend his first ND football game with my cousins. My uncle and I, who are both older and wiser, didn’t brave the 17 degree weather, but instead watched the game from the Student Union. Sadly ND lost, but Scott was impressed nonetheless.

My cousin Matt is actually a Senior there. Scott and he are pretty close, so it was good for us to be there. Scott, though just a sophomore, needs to start turning his focus toward where he will go, and quite frankly if it is ND he will need TONS of help. We just do not have that kind of money.

Of course he was majorly in love. Notre Dame is a big thing in my family. My dad got his bachelor’s and master’s there, and he even broke his arm playing football there. Now granted it was in gym class, but at least it is not a tall tale!

As for me, I grew up playing hockey in the Irish youth hockey league. My dad taught there, so I was around the campus a lot. When it came time to go to college however, I wanted to go away. Apparently flunking out at home was not good enough, so I made my way away from ND and through two other colleges before heading to, and graduating from, Butler. Don’t get me wrong, Butler is a prestigious school, and I got a great education there. I just regret never going to Notre Dame, and I know I will until the day I die. I will always hold it fondly in my heart.

But I suppose that will have to do….a sheepskin costs well over $100k and I am a bit short! So I will just do my best. Steph is a Junior and will visit ND, probably in March, but will probably go elsewhere. Scotty will probably do the same a year later. Just as long as it is not Penn State I don’t care. Yep, Amanda is one of those, and I already have enough trouble with her. They all think Joe Paterno is in the Bible, and though he is clearly old enough, as a priest I need to be living a little more truth than that. She is a work constantly in progress. Please keep me in your prayers!

Night my friends and God Bless.


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!!

As amazing as it sounds, I not only called Mike Constantine today, but I had the opportunity to talk with him too! Praise God! Mike is such a fine man, and I felt so terrible about my memory, and said so again and again. He was so gracious and understanding. He is a good man! He will be up here in a few months (he and his family live in Little Rock)and I will have the opportunity to get together with him then. I am looking forward to it.

Now of course, I wish I could remember to call Geri Anderson!!!! Okay, I know that sounds like a joke, but I think I wrote about her some time ago. Geri is the Director of the St. Andrew’s Preschool in Spring Hill, Florida, part of the Church I worked at when I was first ordained in the late 80’s. Geri had sent me a letter talking about I think the 30th Anniversary and asked for a letter talking about the time I was there which would be displayed with similar letters from others over all those years.

I was SO EXCITED to read that letter that I sat down and wrote mine right away. I could remember people and details, and how the members of the preschool class were special guests at my ordination to the priesthood. I have a picture of my brother with them when he was just Ben’s age now at that event. And, I still have every gift they gave me. I was so happy to write the letter…’s just a crying shame that it has been sitting on my desktop since the moment I wrote it. That’s right, I forgot. Stupid huh? I wrote it September 12th.

Anyway, I am going to contact Geri next week. And your prayers worked so well with Mike, I am asking for them again so I remember this with Geri! It would be nice to conquer this as well.

My friends it has been a GREAT DAY! I will speak more about it in my blog entry this Sunday, but your help in praying for my memory has been greatly appreciated!

As for me, I am off to take my wife to get an ice cream! I am tired, but I am happy, and I still know what side of the bread to butter!

Good night my friends and God Bless!
