On being a compliant and easy-going guy………not!

I have a meeting tomorrow that begins at 10 am, and the interesting part is that it is in Akron, Ohio! My original plan was to leave with Father Sean at 3 in the morning and drive carefully through the night. Father Sean however is from Ohio, so he came up Sunday afternoon. And as Amanda and I thought about it, she was pretty uncomfortable with the idea of me driving all that way at that hour…..particularly alone. I did think I would be fine, which only led me deeper into the abyss. I apparently do not have the self-awareness I used to have, and though I protested, it just led to more conflict. I finally put my foot down and said I would be fine.

So anyway, it is just after 11 on Monday night and I am at the hotel in Akron writing this blog! I know which battles to fight and which ones not to. I will say, and I already told her, that after I unpacked, and checked into the room, I went back out to my car only to find the door wide open. Nothing was in it because I had taken it all out, but so much for having a handle on myself and what I am doing. Don’t get me wrong, I feel much better, but I still have quite a few blindspots. How do you walk away from a car you are looking at and leave a door wide open??? What a goof!

Oddly enough it brought back my conversation with Amanda from earlier this afternoon. It’s when I do too much that I get a bit confused and have trouble. Stress does it too. She wanted me to go so I would be worth something to myself and to others at these meetings. And she was and is right (but please do not tell her). Had I left at 3, I would have been a zombie and had a lot of trouble catching up, if I even could.

In fact, I am pretty sure my wife just loves me and is showing me concern. I can be a little stubborn (ha ha – can’t wait till she reads that!) but I usually end up listening sooner or later. In truth, I will enjoy getting a good night’s sleep and feeling sharp in the morning. It’s how the pre-stroke me would be regardless of the departure time, but the only way the post-stroke me will do well tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope and pray your day went well and that you have a peaceful night’s sleep! I know I will!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Some ramblings on car repair……..

About a year ago, we sold my beloved SUV since gas prices (along with the amount I drove) were going way up, and we purchased an old 1998 Volvo for me to drive. It is not just far better on gas, but its value was already pretty low! There is really no amount of driving I can do to effect what we will get out of it in the end……it is probably heading from our house to Volvo-heaven! It is not the best looking car, nor is it the most comfortable I have ever had, BUT it runs and is reliable.

I am however spending a lot of time with it in terms of little things. Yesterday the brake lights had a short I needed to find and a panel of the dash had become loose (thank God for duct tape)! But as a guy who works in an environment where little is tangible, it is nice to be able to “fix” something. It reminds me of my younger days in high school where all my cars needed to be fixed, but now I repair for myself rather to try and impress some girl.

The Volvo and I will be heading to Ohio this week for a 3 day meeting, so I hope I have got it in shape. I don’t have OnStar, but I don’t want you to worry. After all, though a priest, I still am a guy……….the trunk not only has a small tool bag, but also a big roll of duct tape.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Being the sweetest guy I can be……..

Today was Sweetest Day, which is a day that I have never understood. I do not remember it as a young man, yet despite that I did not let that stop me from making sure I got Amanda a card and flowers. It seems there is a day for about everything these days.

I found this to be true also in my ministry as a priest. Even though we walked through the Church calendar, there was also some type of theme to raise are awareness of something. We often got detoured into causes that I often felt a good Christian would probably be about anyway by engaging their faith. We are called to “love our neighbor as ourselves” and that makes for a big net!

You see, reflecting both who and whose we are is so very important in this life. It’s what gives life both purpose and meaning.

Anyway, it has been a long and fruitful day. I am happy however to see it end. Sweetest Day with a cute little baby around always puts me in second place. But I am just hedging my bet and doing my PR work……after all he goes to college in just 17 short years!

Keep the faith and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Of recovery, confusion, stumbling and philosophy…….

For those of you who have been wondering, Ben has made a remarkable recovery! His attention getting fever seemed to last just as long as he needed it too, and he reminded me as he took up most of our bed last night and spent the entire time kicking me in the ribs. He was no worse for the wear today, and for it we are all thankful. He is back to his usual jovial self!

My day however has been long. I worked all day and have a bit more to go before Sunday. Sermons come harder post-stroke, but I like them because they cause me to dig deeper. I suppose we could call it exercise for my mind. The proof is in the pudding though. Even though I work hard I suppose there is always the possibility that after hearing my sermon people may think my mind is out of shape! (But if so, hopefully not morbidly so!) I try hard, and I really do feel I have made good progress. With time I hope that I am satisfied with how I am doing myself. After all, I am my own harshest critic!

To report, a group of us spent all morning yesterday hoping to finalize a location for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but sadly we could not agree. As frustrating as that is for me, I know the implications are deeper. I really do believe that the Lord will provide what we need at the right time, but yesterday just never got to the point we all felt right. He however is very near, and I know resolution is right around the corner! Keep praying!

Anyway, I think I will go to bed early. After all, as the old saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man just tired still in the morning.” At least that’s what I think, but what do I ever know in such a confused state?

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Hunka Hunka Burnin Love……

Well about 75% into the day, our ship finally hit an iceberg! Ben and I went out to lacrosse practice and found that Ben was not only quite irritable, but also quite warm! We had to abruptly cancel practice and head home to put him to bed. He was exhausted, yet despite the Motrin and nap offer, he just laughed and giggled and let me know that the nap was not on his little baby agenda today. Despite my best argument and convincing pleas, Steph finally got him out of his crib to proclaim how very cute he was and how he just wanted to be up. Sadly, they both work on the same team! And as Amanda got home and Scott and I headed to his game, I knew he would be in bed and asleep well before I got home. But you got it…..I was wrong again. Ben does better sick than I do well. I might just need to study under him.

But the day is now over and we are all home and heading to bed. I can’t say that I am disappointed, because I am not. Being a parent is one of God’s greatest gifts. But being the parent of a sick child, especially a baby, is one of the most trying things I know.

Fortunately he seems fine tonight. It must have been “Spoil-me Fever” because he got both. I guess I should be thankful that he knows how to work the women of the house to walk in his ways and it is not wasted on me…….I will pay close attention. Compared to him I am a neophyte in terms of my abilities to get sympathy. We are living with true male-genius!

Anyway, it is bed for me. I am tired and my body aches. Maybe if I throw my cup on the floor and spill a bowl of goldfish crackers I can get someone to give me a Motrin!

Yeah, I know…..fat chance!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Keep little Ben in your prayers. We appreciate it!

Fr. Tom+

Overpacking, every day……….

Though Ben is almost 16 months old and in our eyes quite brilliant, often he tries to get his toys and fit them into spaces they not only don’t belong but where they also could never fit. God knows he tries, but he is just not old enough to know the difference.

Quite often I wish I had his excuse, because despite age and wisdom, I appear to do that same thing all the time, especially with my schedule……I attempt to fit in too many things that just could never fit into the opening there to accommodate them!

Today is a perfect example. I am scheduled all day, with little time in between, yet things like lunch, dinner, and one possibly two hospital calls may have to wait till after the Bible Study tonight at my house. Looking at tomorrow it is not better. I am scheduled all morning, then a neurologist appointment, then lacrosse practice, then I pick up Scotty because he has a game at 6:55. And, I have Ben through the whole thing!! With any luck I will be in bed sometime Saturday!!

Anyway, I forgot to schedule time to write this, so I will be off to meet up with another pressing need! Keep the faith my friends and pace yourselves. They say the God only gives us that which we can handle….just a few of us add some more too it! It all works out however in the end! At least I believe it!

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Of my kids and I doing piratety things……..

We finally got the movie we have been waiting for, Veggietales “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything,” and quite honestly, it did not disappoint us! It was hilarious and a great movie for adults and kids alike. Ben did not last through the movie, but his concentration skills are so very poor unless he is trying to break something or take something you have. Amanda had Lilly work to do. But Steph, Scotty and I watched the whole thing and laughed our brains out. It is so refreshing to get a laugh out of a “G-rated” movie, and to find one you would want to see again!

It is such a pleasure, yet I know my time is running thin. Steph will go to college in less than two years and Scotty in three. Plus, they have friends and Steph a boyfriend, and their time hanging with me probably seems a whole lot less appealing than it does to me! I really do enjoy every minute of it. Yet, I know they grow up and move into their own lives. They are great kids and I am proud of them. I am sure lots of kids would pass on seeing Christian vegetables in a pirate movie with their dad….go figure.

So tomorrow will be filled with pirate quotes and a lot of laughing I am sure. My life is good and I am truly blessed. I know special times like tonight are getting to be fewer with time, but I appreciate having the opportunity to share this one with you!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless you!


Oh Monday Monday!!!

I know some people hate Mondays, but for me it is actually my lightest day. Though my wife leads a Bible Study at our home on Monday nights, generally it is a day for me to catch up.

Deacon Morgan and I met to look at a couple of facilities for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but beyond that I have just worked from home. Tomorrow steps it up a bit with lacrosse practice and even a guitar concert Tuesday night that both Steph and Scott are in. The rest of the week is packed until Sunday afternoon! Hopefully as I get off my feet and relax on Sunday much of our work will have paid off and we will have found a permanent facility for St. Patrick’s.

But my thoughts go to my beloved daughter who came tonight from her part time job at CVS complaining how busy she was and how overwhelming it was. Amanda and I were only chuckling under our breath. Of course in looking at any week, I would love to trade it for as busy I was in high school. The kids have a lot yet to pile on, but we as a people learn by experience. She will, like we all do, find her easier days, and hopefully get rest. We need to remember how important rest is for the soul…..for even the Lord Himself rested.

Okay, off to bed! I need to get up early to put my feet in those starting blocks. The week’s race is set before me……and it looks to be a long distance run!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

A milestone birthday for a dear friend……….

Today was Father Chuck’s 80th birthday. I didn’t get to see him until I was able to arrive at a “surprise party” at his house that started at 2pm. Since I was on the schedule in Nashville and Greenfield, there was just no way to get there in time….but I was able to get there. It was funny too. Chuck is such an easy going guy, and I was told that he had even mentioned at St. Anne’s this morning a little about his birthday, and even how he really doesn’t like being the center of attention……little did he know!!!!!! He was totally fooled. Bonnie his wife even said he wanted to stop at an ATM and a gas station on the way home from church. He fell right into her trap!

Chuck’s house was filled with well-wishers, even as late as I was able to get there. He has lots of people who love him, and it was a great blessing to be there among many of them. I am glad to be one of them!

Happy Birthday Chuck. We love you and are all blessed to be a part of your life!


In memory, but doing something now…….

Tonight, after a very busy and brutal day for me, Amanda, Scotty, Ben and I met my dad, his wife Debby, and my sister Anna at Victory Field for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society’s Walk. It was a big crowd, which is hard for me from the start, but it was a great cause. We walked in memory of my sisters Steph and Sarah.

It made for a great night. Though my sisters lost their battles with cancer, there were many survivors there carrying white balloons. I rejoiced for them! Congratulations! They are indeed blessed. And there were many there like us, people who have walked with those who have fought the good fight. I promise you, it is not a fraternity you would want to be in, yet there is a real bond and understanding between those who have lost loved ones to such horrific disease. And of course there were also the brave souls there within the battle, and their families and friends too. They need our prayers and our support. Cancer is such a terrible thing. I know we wish a cure could be found.

For now however, that is not the case, so we are called to join hands and support one another. I am glad we do too. As a priest I am so used to helping others, yet I will never forget those who stepped forward for our family, and with all that we can, we intend to return that blessing.

Pray for those dealing with cancer and pray for their healing. They all appreciate and deserve our prayers!

Good night and God Bless.
