On the edge of a monumental week………..

I am at home, out on the back porch with Puddy, and other than running a few work-related errands I have been home most of the day. That has not the norm for me on a Saturday for quite some time, but the service I am normally a part of in Nashville on Saturday moves to Sunday morning AND our first permanent location at 9:00am! It is an exciting time, and though I will need to leave well before 7:00am, I cannot even begin to express how awesome it is! St. Matthew’s Nashville is our smallest congregation, yet this facility just made sense. Brown County is a beautiful place and we will use it for retreats as well as Church. The Lord has blessed us indeed!
Tomorrow also marks the first weekend that I will not be traveling around to all our missions. It is no longer possible, and now Fr. Sean and I will circuit ride with the help of Fr. Chuck, and our three handsome and competent Deacons (well at least they are competent). It will be a big change for our Church, yet one that we believe will lead to a healthier congregation and growth. Personally, I love Fr. Sean. He is my friend, and I was elated he accepted the call to join us. But unlike everyone else, now I will hardly ever hear him preach or celebrate the Eucharist! We will be together primarily at weekly meetings. But I am convinced we have the right guy for the job. Our main prayer (as I believe I have shared before) is that he would meet and fall in love with some girl who LOVES Indiana and wants to stay here forever! People may accuse me of praying selfishly, but he is a fine priest, and I AM thinking of all of you as well! He’s a great guy!
Then we will be finalizing the launch of St. Paul’s Greenfield on Sunday September 7th! That service will begin at 1pm at the First Presbyterian Church. All our clergy will be in that service (even Fr. Sean and I together). But at that point we go from 3 to 4 functioning mission churches, and then set our sights on more!
It is truly a monumental week, not for us as a Church, but for the Lord and the ministry He has called us to! None of this would be happening if He had not led us here, and we would not have seen this come to fruition had we not been faithful! All of us are “pull what little hair you have left out” busy, yet we all feel blessed! If you are a part of us, I hope you feel the same way. If you are not, I invite you to join us.
I have been a priest for close to 20 years and I have never felt so alive and blessed in my ministry. All we do seems unbelievable, but it happens….but isn’t that what faith is to be about?
Come be a part, or invite someone along! The Lord is revealing and doing many things in our midst! Come and be a part of this powerful ministry!

God bless!

Fr. Tom+

Taking off the lifejacket and swimming with the Lord……

I have been struggling quite a bit with things dealing with my memory….and it is killing me! I read books all the time to help me get some of it back, yet I still have to go back and reread (and reread) things over and over. For instance, even now, I have little comprehension of all the Chronicles of Narnia books Scotty and I read over the summer.
Amanda’s blog last night, which I so much appreciated is another example. When we talked about it today I hadn’t a clue what she wrote. I reread it again tonight, and to be honest I still don’t remember it just from a few hours ago. It is terribly frustrating, and though I hear people time and time again sharing how they forget things all the time and not to worry, it remains at the forefront of my thoughts because it is my basic operating system. In computer language, it’s not like some game or program not working, it’s my WINDOWS, and it is not just frustrating, it’s scary.
I suppose if there is any blessing at all in this it is that I am not a surgeon, particularly YOUR surgeon. In converse, I am currently the ultimate guy you would want to owe money to I suppose too, though I am sure that you don’t! I know that it is often considered taboo to make fun of such things, but you know if I couldn’t make fun of it or laugh at it I would go crazy. Humor is a gift fro God Himself, and I am thankful that the stroke did not take that away!
Ultimately however, I am seeing the Lord move me to new opportunities in both ministry and life. We’ve all heard the expression that when one door closes the Lord opens another, and that’s exactly what I see (though I often forget it). I sometimes worry about it, but then wonder why I should. I have been blessed, and the Lord has always taken care of me. I believe He is merely adjusting my course, and not making me adapt to some stupid handicap, but taking me higher.
I am certain this is the truth, and I patiently (okay not always patiently) await just what He has in store for me!
Thanks for tuning in!
Goodnight and God bless.


Using the lifeboat……again.

Though we left at 6 am to go to work in Nashville today, I did not get home till close to 11pm…..far too much for a man my age, let alone in my condition. The new facility is DONE though and you can check it out in person OR at http://www.indianaanglican.com/ Instead of trying to write and just end up rambling, Amanda called me at 10pm and told me she wrote the following blog entry! Thanks Amanda!
If I asked you to close your eyes and picture the most spiritual place you have ever been, where would it be? Think of the place where you have felt God’s presence most strongly; where you can feel the peace and serenity that only He can provide; the place where you feel your heart is most open to giving thanks to Him and you know He is there to hear you. I imagine that many people might picture a chapel that has special meaning, or a beautiful, peaceful outdoor spot where they have seen the vastness of God’s creation.

For me, this place is in my son Ben’s room. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it is the truth! Each night, when I am in his room, rocking him while he sleeps on my lap, the room is quiet and dark with only the nightlight by which to see. I can see the outline of his sweet face and hear him breathing in such peace.

But there is more to this room than just the joy of rocking my son. His room is an ever-present reminder to me of God’s power to change anything. I never wanted to have kids. I would have bet you my life savings that I would never have a child! It is only by the power and grace of God that my heart was changed and I was given the most wonderful gift of my son. The amazing part of God’s existence is that He can change absolutely anything, and most significantly, people. I have tried for years to change people (others and myself), and it never works! So imagine the power He possesses when He can change anyone.

This room is also the place where I am offered the time to reflect on all the blessings in my life, including Ben. In Mark 1:11, it reads “And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” I have read this passage many times and heard it many more at church, but it takes on new meaning to me now that I have a son of my own. And I never could have know this deeper meaning if the Lord had not changed me.

Give thanks to the Lord for the changes He has made in your life, and open yourself to Him so He can change you even more! He has great things in store for you! God bless.


Amanda (again) to the rescue…….

A couple of bad memory days have led me to ask Amanda to write again…..I forgot yesterday, and though I remembered today, I am getting nowhere….my apologies….Tom+

In reading a book today, the reflections at the end of the chapter asked, “Have you told Jesus yet today that you love Him?” Immediately after reading the question, an old Rod Stewart song came into my head. Why, I have not clue….since I am not even remotely a fan of his music. But for whatever reason, I knew the words to the first verse. Go ahead, sing along as you read this, because I know you know the words too! Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there’s no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, You take away all my sadness, Ease my troubles that’s what you do.

It struck me that these words are a love song for Jesus! What perfect words to sum up His presence in our lives. I am not a deep theologian (obviously!) if I find religion in a Rod Stewart song. But I went online and searched for the rest of the lyrics to see if it the rest of the song fits. I won’t bore you with the lyrics, but look it up and decide for yourself!

My point in this is to say that sometimes when I try to find words to “summarize” my faith, I get tongue-tied (which is hard to believe for me!). I just can’t seem to find the words that can give due honor to His name or my faith in Him. But I have realized that the words don’t have to be fancy or complicated, they just need to be grounded in what He does for His children. (who are you and I). Each day, we should spend time in gracious thanksgiving to our Lord, and share with Him how much we love Him in return. So if you can’t find your own words to get started, try Rod Stewart’s song as a place to start! God bless!


Expanding the horizons, expanding the ministry…..

Amanda and I were talking about the ministry and this blog tonight. I had originally started it for more serious and expressive ideas, yet the stroke seemed to get in the way. She wrote for me a few times, in much more depth than I either had the desire or ability to do at this point, but people seemed to respond to it positively. It reminded us of two things prior in my ministry. The first was the “Love God with Joy” daily devotion line that you could call from your telephone. I wrote it and recorded it each day, and it was widely used. And the other was Amanda and my Daily Devotions that we would email out every night for the next day. The telephone devotions ended after a year or so, though I cannot remember why (there WAS a reason). And the Daily Devotions ended after a computer failure erased our entire database. It was devastating. The database was hard to keep up though, and there were almost ALWAYS problems, in that people’s emails would sometimes be down, or reject them. With a large mailing we were also often depicted by systems as SPAM, and when people didn’t get them, or when they wanted to comment, they would often write and getting back to everyone was very time intensive.
With that, Amanda and I have decided to resurrect a Daily Devotion connected like this one to our website. I will still post daily here, but our Daily Devotion will be a bit more in depth, and be a bit more Scriptural and………devotional. (I have quite the way with words.) We hope to launch it within the next few days and I will announce it here and on www.IndianaAnglican.com too. Our hope is that you will enjoy and be blessed by both.
Anyway, my intention was not to make this an infomercial, but rather tell you what we were thinking and where we intend to go. We are excited about the possibility. Though it was often time consuming for us both, it was something we both enjoyed and enjoyed doing together. Look for it soon!
Thanks for checking in my friends, and God Bless!
Fr. Tom+

Reflections on friendships and call………

WOW, this is about the earliest I have been ready for bed without being sick in years! It is just about 9pm, and though Puddy and I have sat down to write, everything else is done, and we are well on our way to calling it a day.

Before we go however I wanted to share a little about my day. We had two services today, one at St. Patrick’s Noblesville,and the other at St. Anne’s in Anderson. Deacon Tony Bender delivered the sermon in both places, and he did a fantastic job (you can listen to it online at http://www.indianaanglican.com/) But what made it even more special was my longtime friendship with Tony. Back in the early 1980’s we were both active lay people in our Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Speedway, Indiana. And though I have heard Tony talk on a variety of occasions, as he spoke today I thought about that time many years ago. I believe that both Tony and I would tell you that even though we knew I was going to seminary, neither of us would have ever imagined being in the place we are now, let alone together in it. God’s Vision for our lives and ministries is often different from our own, and for Tony and I that has certainly been the case.

But as is the responsibility of every person, we are called by the Lord to follow His Vision and not our own, and I am thankful we did. We have lots to do and it is always a blessing to be able to do it with your friends. Tony, Chuck, Sean, PT, and even Dan, are all pretty good guys (most of the time) and loyal and dedicated friends. But more importantly, they all have good hearts and those hearts are dedicated to following the Lord. We, as a Church, are all blessed to have them, but I truly feel the most blessed of all, because I also can call them my friends!

Okay……..here is a delay update! Amanda needed to use my computer and accidentally erased this once, so in truth, though is may be the earliest I have been READY for bed, it certainly will not be the earliest I have gone! But tonight I am not upset by that, I just have a thankful heart. The Lord has blessed me by allowing me to do something I love….but even more than that, He has allowed me to do it with my friends!

Goodnight and God bless!

Fr. Tom+

The ramblings of a mind quite thankful for its own pillow…….

Well we are finally back from Akron, and I have to tell you, it is great to be home! Sadly however, both Ben and Steph have colds, which is unusual I suppose for August, but they seem to be getting along okay. AND TONIGHT I am not sitting in some hotel room, but am back out on my back porch listening to K-Love and hanging with Puddy the cat!!!! The only not so peaceful part is that my neighbors stereo is up so loud that you can hear it from space, let alone from 100 feet, but after I put on these headphones…..well then, everything was and is quite peaceful!! I really don’t want to give the impression that my neighbors and my neighborhood is a bad one. I know the stereo is loud tonight, but it is never really that loud normally, and all the fireworks I have complained about seem to have stopped. The Bible tells us to “love our neighbor” and I intend to! They are as they say where I grew up, “good people.”

Tomorrow we only have two services….one in Noblesville and the other in Anderson. It will be good to be there. It’s not that I don’t enjoy gathering with other Christians in our denomination, particularly at national events, it’s just that I am always more comfortable at home…..I suppose we all are. Dorothy was right, there’s no place like home, and I am quite thankful to be back at mine!

Amanda and her mom are talking in the living room, and I am certain they will outlast me. Amanda is a great co-pilot for long trips if you like a co-pilot who sleeps all the way. So she is well rested and they are catching up, and particularly talking about the genetic superiority of “Ben the Wonderful” I’d bet. I will join Ben in sleeping through that conversation, because I too am going to bed! I do have a bit I want to share, but am far to cloudy to write about it tonight. Please however keep Deacon Dan, his wife Merry Ann, and Father Sean in your prayers as they will be returning home from Akron tomorrow.

Once again, it is great to be home!! Keep the faith….it’s the most important thing you can do!! And may your day be filled with the most wonderful blessings! Nite!

Fr. Tom+

Of Akron, of Councils and lack of brain cells…….

This trip has been a surprisingly difficult one for me. The stress of too much going on, the lack or rest, and the need to have my brain sharp without the capability to do so has made this exhausting! Fortunately this is our last night here. Though it is great to be around such wonderful and committed people, many of who have been longtime friends, the need to sleep in my own bed and get back to my own life is clearly my heart’s desire.

All and all however the Council Meeting has been a success. Though I have been pushed a lot further than I felt comfortable with, I am surviving. The hard part is missing the kids, which we both do. I worry about them with grandma….after all, who needs all that smiling and being told how wonderful you are?? They are all having a great time, and whenever we do get back, though they will not admit it, I am sure they will feel deep down it was a little too soon!

It really doesn’t matter because we are coming home anyhow! I have to work Sunday, and really we all do! We are leaving Deacon Dan and his wife Merry Ann, along with Father Sean in Akron for Sunday services there so they can talk to people about our work in Indiana.

Anyway, it has been a long day and I am calling it quits! Sorry for the lack of substance or depth here tonight, but my mind is absent at this point.

Nite and God bless!

Fr. Tom+

From Amanda in Akron……

In Ephesians 6 lies a popular scripture verse regarding “putting on the full armor of God…”. I have heard this verse many times, and Tom has even preached sermons on the topic. Tonight I came across another reference to this same verse, but a different part of the verse stood out to me. In Ephesians 6:16, it follows with “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one”. I was amused by the vision in my head of actual flaming arrows sailing around us constantly from Satan. If only it were that obvious! I’m certain that if the serpent in the Garden of Eden was firing flaming arrows at Eve as he was enticing her to eat the forbidden fruit, she would have made a different choice! If you are staring Right and Wrong in the face trying to make a choice in your life, and Wrong starts aiming straight for you with arrows ablaze, the choice for Right is pretty clear!

Sadly, though, life is not like this. The devil takes on many forms that seem so right in our critical moment of choice. Temptation, greed, dishonesty, adultery (the list goes on and on!) sound so awful to the ear. Anyone who speaks of them would adamantly state they obviously know these choices are wrong and sinful. The very words have a negative, foreboding tone. So why then is sin such a problem in our lives? Because sin is always laced with something that feels good or seems easier in the moment of choice. If you have made a mistake, it is easier to lie about it to another person because you don’t have to face shame and humiliation. We feel better about ourselves in that moment. But the crazy thing about sin is that it always comes with a nasty aftertaste!

I tried to re-think my day and look at it as though fiery arrows were around when the devil was at work near me. If they really existed, they would be everywhere! In the car with me as I become a frustrated driver, on the phone when I am curt with others, and at 116th and SR37 at the Dairy Queen when I hear a hot fudge sundae calling my name. Whatever forms Satan takes on in your life, allow yourself to see it as the flaming arrow intended to harm you, and recognize the right choices to make. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of changing your perspective and it will be easier to see what God wants us to see! God bless!


Of a trip in two separate wagons……..

Tonight I am in Akron, Ohio awaiting the arrival of Amanda from Indiana. We are attending the CANA Convocation here in Ohio tomorrow through Saturday. Don’t worry….the kids are in great hands. My Mother-in-law flew in this afternoon, and is enjoying all three of them! They ate pizza tonight and were having a great time. Amanda is driving with Deacon Morgan’s wife Jewel, because Jewel had to work, and Amanda’s mom had to be picked up from the airport. Since I needed to be here earlier and we were driving tow cars anyhow, it just made sense to do it this way. Sadly, our wives never protested or complained! Go figure!

UPDATE: Amanda has arrived, and it is late! We start very early in the morning so it is off to bed! Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as all the activity with hundreds of people will be hard for me to process….but day by day and with God’s help, I intend to do fine!

Nite my friends, and God bless!
