Category Archives: Uncategorized

The turn for the worse…….

I posted this picture tonight after finally getting back to the hotel to express the absurdity of it all.  My grandma has been unresponsive since they found her in her apartment yesterday, and then an MRI this afternoon confirmed the worst…….my grandma had a massive stroke yesterday from which she will not recover.

And on a day that was filled with the worst kind of news, I noticed the tag upon her bed that you see in the picture…..and it DID make me laugh.  My grandma is not a risk at this point for doing anything other than getting bed rest (there is a sign on her door that identifies her as a fall risk too – but I have a one silly picture per post policy) but at least it made me laugh.  I mean even a blind nurse could see that she is not going anywhere, but in truth, a blind nurse would not need a sign.

But the bottom line is that my grandma will make the transition from this life to the next very soon, and it is much ore of a surprise than it was with my mom.  My grandma JUST moved into assisted living two weeks ago, and her pictures are even yet hung on her walls.  She was loving it in her new place too.  And there is great satisfaction for us all that she was enjoying it so much.  My only wish is that my mom would have lasted a little longer so she didn’t have to deal with that stress.

So Scotty, Ben, and I are at the hotel for one more night.  I know what is coming, but I shall approach it with a faithful heart.  My grandmother was a blessing to me every single solitary day of my life.  I will celebrate that, and thank God for the blessing she was to me, and continues to be.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A night we would rather not have…..

Although I wish this were just a cute picture, it is actually of Ben tonight at a Holiday Inn in Goshen, Indiana. We are here because my grandma was found unconscious in her apartment tonight (she lives in assisted living) and she is now in Goshen General Hospital unconscious and unresponsive.

But Ben and Scott and I came right up, as they had called the family in. I was glad to see her, even if she cannot respond. Although she is 95, I have fifty years of an amazing relationship with her. They are just not sure exactly why this has happened. Tests for stroke, were negative.
Of course being 95 and frail may have a lot to do with it. I talked to her a few days ago and she seemed fine, and I was going to call earlier tonight, but thought it was too late. I was going to tomorrow. Of course tomorrow is here….and so are we. We hope to just get some rest and head back up in the morning, that is, if we are not called in tonight.
Please keep my grandma (Dorothy Middleton) in your prayers….and our family too.
Hotels are fun, but this one we would rather not be at.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Boy’s Night Out……

It started with just an innocent little detour towards Panera, when Ben said he wanted macaroni and cheese. Panera was a bit crowded anyway, but more than that, I didn’t think they had macaroni and cheese… off we went to Logan’s Roadhouse.

There Ben ate bread, cheesesticks, fries, and yes, macaroni. He had a kid’s sized diet soda, and after a trip to the Meijer, Scott and I decided to take him to the Putt-Putt. There are not too many of them around anymore, but Anderson has one. And although the Putt-Putt was in pretty bad shape it didn’t stop Scott and I from laughing our brains out. Ben was hilarious, and he not only cheated, but the last three holes he didn’t even used a club, because kicking the ball for him was more effective. And on one hole he even kicked a hole in one! Outstanding!
But I hope you enjoy the picture and there is a short video (below) as well. Ben had a ball……and Scotty and I did as well. Blessings!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Bachelor days…….

It has been a long time since Ben and I had each other ALL DAY, but today was such a day. Amanda is in Europe, Scotty is in Michigan, and Steph is at college……so he had to go with me to two services today and he sat with other people.

First of all, a big “shout-out” to Kris Lingenfelter who had him at the first service and then Jewel Morgan and her mom Pat Bell for having him at the second. All and all he did pretty well, but the day is ending in a pretty bizarre way because he is here in my bed with me because “he does not want me to be scared.” I did hear from Scott who should be home in about 30 minutes, so I imagine my security will not be all that important within the hour. What I will say however is that it has been an adventure.
Amanda has called a few times during the day to talk to him. She never seems to know what time it is, and sadly that seems to frustrate her. Ben however is immune to time, and just wants to share his bizarre world with her or anyone who will listen. At least they had some time to chat. It is his call in life to update the world on his latest adventure….tonight “Spy Kids 3.”
But hanging with him helps distract my brain from the reality that often just drags me down. I suppose that is why some people watch TV, or do other things to take them away (like Calgon) and it is healthy for me for sure. I am thankful for the opportunity… opportunity I will have ALL WEEK!
So for now I will just wait out Scott’s return and deal with the fallout. In the meantime I will stop typing and get back to him as he beckoned me saying, “Hey Dude, guess what these are?”
I do not know, but I intend to find out.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Sexy? Well…no…….

Just days after making fun of Amanda’s car I found myself driving her to someplace hearing her complain of how much she hated her car. Of course, although my car is a much more sexy version of the great gas mileage set, one of the things I despise about it is that it is a stick. No, I have no objection to driving a stick, but since my car is my office, I hate shifting while talking, drinking coffee, and most importantly…..sleeping while I work!

So in my brilliance I said, “take the Matrix,” and although she questioned me about it for a bit, the bottom line is that I am now the proud driver of a baby blue (they call it sliver-blue….they are MORONS) 2003 Honda Civic. And yes, I will no longer have to shift, and yes I will peel the LU Mom sticker off the back, but I will be in HEAVEN.
Sure, it is my JOB to make fun of such a thing when I am not driving it…..but I have been trying to talk her into a MINIVAN for years. I am very secure in myself, and I could drive a pink car if I had to. I just want to be comfortable.
So I will just have to get used to 50 miles a gallon and no shifting I guess. Is is sexy? Well, no….but who in the world cares. At 50, no one sees me as sexy anymore!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

About the Biggest Loser……

Yes, I am willing to concede that I am the Biggest Loser, but not in the way that would lay claims to the fact that I have lost the most weight, because I am certain I have not. But I have made some significant changes that I believe will lead to that. And for that I am thankful.

Of course it is odd to me that the August 22nd end of the competition came and went without any mention of a winner. I have decided not to ask. Perhaps everyone is as much a miserable failure at it as me, but I am doubtful. Amanda has lost quite a bit of weight, and although I am jealous I do enjoy the looks. People must think I am filthy rich if she is walking around with a big old slob like me!
But beyond all the competition, today was the first day I was not dizzy post-coming off the meds. AND, sad but true, I didn’t eat a thing today but not with any intention to do so… just happened. I think it is a sign of things to come, because had I not been tied up with all sorts of work stuff today I probably would have hit the YMCA. I am feeling it, and that is a blessing.
So tomorrow Amanda heads for Europe till September 2nd. Steph is at college, Scott is in Michigan where he is playing drums as his old band that had broken up, is back together to open for another band for three shows. Apparently the opening act requested they get back together to play for them. They all agreed and so they are off.
But Ben and I will survive. We will probably just play and hang out the whole time. We may even go up to visit my grandma in Goshen one day. It will be an adventure for sure.
But for now I want to head to bed before I realize I could order myself a pizza! (actually I do not think I would) But thank God for the victories and thank God for today. I may not be much….but tomorrow I will be a little thinner!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The certainty of uncertainty……..

One of the worst things I deal with in life is uncertainty…..I HATE not knowing what is going on. And such has been the case over the last 24 hours or so as our phones and Internet have been out. I was in the middle of quite a few big things as I have been waiting for it all to be restored too.

Of course I DO have a cell phone, and yes it DOES have email…..but most of the business I do is on my regular email. And although I live in a great neighborhood and house, my cell phone works the best in the driveway, and I cannot spend all my day out there.
So needless to say I was pretty excited to see the Comcast guy this morning. I had already asked the fine customer service people how much a new cable modem was going to cost me, and although they said “free” they did change their minds when I clarified that I intended to run over it with my car because I needed to do something with all that frustration. But that’s what probably got me the early morning call.
But the good news is that it is fixed and even more than that, I am able to work without interruption.
As a guy who grew up with 3 channels on a black and white TV you would think I could be more patient. But in truth it just all amazes me, and in a life full of uncertainty, at least all this technology breaking down is something I can finally be certain of!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Decisions, decisions……..

The problem with having an overdeveloped sense of humor is that no one often gets it, and in truth after awhile, they just stop believing it altogether.

You see, today I found a site that would let me design my mom’s headstone, so I took some liberty……disrespectful? NOT AT ALL… mom was a great jokester.
As an example, I was a big fan of Inspector Clouseau. In fact, I used to imitate him all the time at home. So every time my mom would see me do something she would say “swine” in a French accent. No, it was not exactly top shelf comedy, but it was funny to us. Other examples were a bit more bizarre I guess, so maybe I should stop right here.
But back to the headstone. I actually designed one that had a bass (fish) flying out of the water as it was hooked on the line (next to her name) with the words “I’ll catch you later!” She would have laughed herself silly at that. Say what you will for her, pre-Alzheimer’s she was sharp and always good for a laugh.
But in all honesty, the headstone I ordered will just bear her name, date of birth, and date of death…..with no fish of any kid at all. It’s nice, but pretty bland……not quite her forte.
I will have to figure out some sort of add on…….after all, it’s her stone and I want her to be happy!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

No complaints……

I came to the firm conclusion this afternoon that my life would be far easier if I didn’t have to work, had no family, or a funeral to plan……but sadly I am a bit tied into all three.

Things at work have been building into a bit more intensity, while my family just keeps adding more and more for me to do! Of course had I entered a monastery as I considered out of seminary, my guess is I would be wondering why, with the brilliant mind I possess, I was the potato peeler. So I suppose I should, as they say, just bloom where I am planted……..but I still have some complaints.
It seems as if my life is always busy, and although there are varying degrees of intensity to it all, if the truth be known, it is my life and I am committed to live with it (much to the chagrin of my family I am sure.)
But who am I to complain….my life is really pretty good.
And if only I were in charge, how much better would it be!!!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Of funerally things……..

Wow……my mom has a lot more to do now that she is in heaven drinking margaritas with my sisters. I THOUGHT I was really ahead of the game with all of this, but in reality the work may just be kicking up.

Apparently no one can pour concrete but a contractor to set my mom’s stone on. It is not a big deal to pour such a thing, because I have poured things larger than even that. But apparently everyone needs to get their cut. I would have gone down and poured a foundation next week when Amanda is in Europe, but we have to file stuff and be licensed before we do. (And the cemetery gets a part of it back too!)
But I do not want to complain….it only makes things worse. I have been involved with lots of funerals, I just have never been this involved in this side of it.
Pray for me! This is so much work that I just may end up keeping that grave for myself!!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!