Category Archives: Uncategorized

Progress and playoffs, why have you evaded me??

I have been working from home all day, and although I have accomplished A LOT, I do not feel that I have made any significant progress.  I suppose treading water does keep you alive, but you still need to get somewhere so you do not drown.  The good news is that perhaps I can find a way to chalk it up as exercise so I can feel a bit better about it.

But we, and when I say “we” I mean the clergy and churches we serve, are on the cusp of some transition and we just want to be both careful and intentional about moving through it.  Change always brings a level of tension, and tension if not handled correctly can really poison the well.  So we are being very intentional as we seek God’s Will for us through these times.  My preference of course would be if He’d just send me an email or even call……but I will not hold my breath for that!

On the upside, things, although slow, seem to be moving along well.  And the clergy should have some recommendations within the next two weeks.  But the bottom line is that we would like to plant deep roots now and then just grow.  Hopefully the Good Lord will grant us our prayer.

But with that, maybe I should just stop typing and go see if my beloved Chicago Cubs are playing tonight in the playoffs.  They aren’t, but I can dream!  And hopefully next year at this time, when we are settled and well on our way, I will have a productive day filled with progress……and close it by watching the Cubs play on their way to 2012 World Series greatness!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Mums the word……..

As I was leaving NE Ohio this morning, due to time restraints I had to make a choice.  I could either meander across the center of the state to visit my great grandparent’s graves (which I often do) or I could head into Barberton where Stephanie and Scotty were both born and enjoy a few memories.  I chose the latter.

The picture is of what used to be, and may still be, the largest single planting of mums in the world.  I would not get a picture of them all together, but as you can see, they are beautiful.  (They all will be on sale soon too!)  The Mum Festival was last weekend, and it brings a LOT of people downtown.  And just beyond the mums is the beautiful Lake Anna.  Barberton is the only city in the country with a lake downtown.  It brought back a lot of great memories.

In the spring, the mums are replaced by tulips and it is every bit as spectacular.  I just remember how important that lake was to me, because my church was just a block away, and walking around it relieved a lot of stress.  It was really perfect I tell you!

I also was able to go by the church, my old homes, some other sites, and the homes of some friends.  It all looks very different in a lot of ways, but it felt the same…..great.

I will get over to the cemeteries within the next few weeks and pay my respects.  I was glad however to choose how I did.  Oh the memories!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Yes, they are called the Zips……

Yes, they are called the Zips…..and it is the mascot fo good old Akron University in Akron, Ohio.  I am here tonight for a meeting, but the meeting in now over and I am in the hotel and will return home tomorrow.  It has been a busy day, but a good one.

Of course the BIG question is, “WHY the kangaroo…and PARTICULARLY in AKRON, OHIO.”  I have no clue as to why this is, but any university that will award a degree to my friends is suspicious from the start.

But for now I will not judge, but just enjoy the scenery of Akron…..(which is very similar to Barbados).  I am just glad to be here, but look forward to heading home where the mascots do indeed make sense.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Ooh Rah!!!

Well since I FORGOT to get a good picture today, this one is an old one and one of my favorites.  It is  Ben just home from the hospital.  For us it was a blessed day…..not only did we get to take him home, but in four-plus years, this was one of the only times he has been quiet.

So tonight I am here in my office typing this after a long, busy, and productive day.  Of course there are no distractions…..just Scott, Ben, and Viper running and screaming and laughing all through the house.  Scott better get it out of his system too.  As I understand it, the United States Marines don’t do the “playtime” thing before bed.

And although Scott is not yet off to boot camp, he has made it clear…..he wants to be a Marine like his brother will be.  Scott will shout “Semper Fi” and Ben will shout back “Ooh Rah!”  It is funny now, but I know at this time next year one of my boys will be a Marine.  The other probably will follow.  Ben idolizes Scotty and they are truly best friends.  I am pretty sure we will be repeating lacrosse and all the hockey stuff too.

And it is all fine with me.  I wasn’t much of an example at Scott’s age, in fact quite the opposite.  At 17, I went to the Marine recruiter to both join and straighten out my twisted life.  It was a desperate attempt on my part to get my life together.  Sadly, in my mind though he already had me enlisting, he chose to lie to me thinking I was not totally committed.  I left his office rudely and abruptly.  I am surprised he didn’t punch me.  But I consider this one of the biggest mistakes of my life…..others say however, this was just God’s plan.

I suppose all this might say that God’s plan is often something that surprises us.  To be honest, I would have been a far better Marine in my mind than a priest.  Somehow I have always considered it some sort of heavenly joke.  But the proof is in the pudding as they say, and I suppose I cannot deny I have had a remarkable ministry.  I just always thought I would have been the Marine.  “Ooh Rah” and “Semper Fi” all through my house if you want, that is fine.  I wanted to be a Marine, my son, and maybe sons, will become one.  To me, it is a far higher honor.  Scott is in the gym everyday preparing for his entrance test, and his Sergeant is there with him (I WOULD say cheering) egging him on.  He will become what I could not, and man, that just makes my day, if not my life. (and he is not even joining because he is screwed up).  I am just a humble (young, and delusional) priest.

But the best part is that I have included a great picture!  We are actually ALL together in it…even my mother-in-law who you cannot see.  It reminds me of easier times.

Steph is now living in Missouri, although traveling as her team played this weekend in the Carolinas.  Scotty will be leaving for San Diego soon.  Ben will be starting school any day, and Amanda and I probably just ought to pre-plan my funeral!!  (It’s all good, I have a lot of experience now).

But the truth is, life changes, and we have no guarantees.  It rarely turns  out as we imagined, and time is the judge of how we do with it all.  But as for me, although I am disappointed at parts, I can see God’s Hand in it all….despite the fact that I wished for different outcomes.

In the end however, God is in control.

I hope He knows what He is doing…..after all, He made me a priest!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Up all night in Painsville………

Well of course my sleep schedule is all messed up, and despite that, I am in unbelievable pain.  I am certain it is not the Colts’ game or the Bears’ loss yesterday that is the cause, I just know I am one big ball of pain.  I am not sure why, but hopefully tonight’s sleep (if sleep indeed comes) will be the end of it.

But other than the searing pain, everything else is just all bunnies and flowers.  Of course I am a guy, so bunnies and flowers are not a big draw to me, but the idea is that despite the pain, everything else seems to be getting back to normal.  It is welcome scenery too.  I am not in need of victories at this point, but a few days without loss would suit me just fine… would a good night’s sleep.

Oh how I wish everyday were like Leave it to Beaver…..three meals a day, very little conflict, and smiles on every face!  Sadly, life is not all that black and white.  My day will be longer tomorrow because my night is stretching out as I type with the pain.  And I seriously doubt I will be greeted by my wife in an apron with breakfast.  If that happens I am clearly in a coma someplace.

But each day brings new opportunity and challenges.  I am looking forward to tomorrow.  We will be meeting as clergy in Nashville to discuss many things.

It will be a good way to move on from today.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A night of mixed emotions……

My Uncle Phil gave Scotty and I his Indianapolis Colts tickets, and tonight he and I headed down to Lucas Oil Stadium to see the game.  The Colts were playing the Pittsburgh Steelers, and even though I am a diehard Chicago Bears fan, I was looking forward to the game.

Scotty and I got there early too.  Post stroke, I am not too good with things involving anything like traffic or crowds.  I used to have what we like to call “patience,” but that went out the window with my memory.  So getting there early was a good thing.  We got to the seats and people just gradually filled in around us.  It was pretty cool.

The flag in the picture covered the entire field for the National Anthem, and even many of the players held it on both sided.  It was so great to see, and it was accompanied by a young woman singing that wasn’t trying to win on American Idol.  She sang respectfully and beautifully, so as the game started I was feeling great.

The game was pretty good too.  Pittsburgh was supposed to win handily, but apparently no one told the Colts.  And although the Steelers did finally win, they had to win it on a field goal with just 4 seconds left.  It was an awesome, well-fought match.

What was hard for me was some of the people.  I am 50 years old, and don’t get me wrong because I do drink.  But when you start pouring alcohol down the throats of morons, things can get out of hand……and that’s exactly what happened.  One guy about 5 seats to the right of us was swearing at God knows who most of the game and then worked hard to provoke a fight with a Steelers fan about 5 rows in front of us. It almost worked.  A group of three people a row down and about 5 to the right, was in some sort of shouting match with other Colts fans about 4 rows behind them, and although I am hard of hearing I am pretty sure they were not shouting out their addresses to exchange Christmas cards.

But the kicker was a guy who sat next to me on my right.  He got into it with another guy right behind us who was a Steelers fan and who was with his I’d guess to be 12 year old son.  Their language with each other was atrocious.  And to be honest, I was embarrassed for all of them……but mostly for the young boy.   I am pretty sure most of these people were not the usual season ticket holders that sit by my uncle each game.

But Scott and I left, and I was really proud.  Not only did I not throw anyone over the rail, but I saw how well Scotty handled it too.  He saw it for what it was….people a bit out of control with drinking.  After all, we were just there to see a game, and we did.   It was a great one too.  And although I know we would have enjoyed a Colts victory a bit more, it was exciting all the way through.

And I am glad we went.  Because if the truth be known, I do know for a fact that the Colts are Scotty’s favorite team (as they are Amanda’s) (and Steph’s) (and probably Ben and the dog…although I know for a fact the cat like the Carolina Panthers).  But Scotty has just been patronizing me for years about the Bears.  And it was a real treat to see him as excited to watch his team live.

Thanks Uncle Phil!  We had a blast!!

Goodnight (it’s really very early in the morning) and God Bless!


Out of sorts……

I guess my life, though it often seem chaotic, really does have a rhythm to it, and I have to confess that my rhythm is out of sync.  I have not felt right all day, and I think part of it has been that I have not been home enough, things here are out of kilter, and I just can’t seem to get my footing as to where to begin to get things back on track.

I do hope in time that all of thins resolves itself, as I am anticipating it will.  Everyone’s life gets out of whack at times, and in time all of them usually come back to normal.  Sure, I have other extenuating circumstances that complicate things, but despite those circumstances, I expect to get back on track and to get there soon too.

I do have a very full day tomorrow and will be traveling some this week too.  I plan on planning to take some time off soon.  But for now I will just keep on plugging along.  I am going to bed without a sermon for tomorrow again, just like last week.  But unlike last week, it is not because I forgot, it’s because my mind is just reeling.  Hopefully in the morning some clarity will come.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Mom is laid to rest……..

Well, it is now about 9:30, and we are once again home after a long trip to Evansville to lay my mom to rest next to my sister Stephanie.  It really was a beautiful day and a beautiful service, that was conducted by Father Dan Conley and his assistant Chaplain Jimmy Ridgley at the graveside.

There were about 20 of us there, and it was a blessing to see them all.  Some of my family I hadn’t seen in quite some time, and it reminded me of how much I miss them.  My nieces and nephew in particular are great kids, and as I spoke I pointed out how all my mom ever wanted to do was to retire and to spend time with all her grand kids.  It was something she only briefly was able to do.  She would have loved to have been there among them today.

But the blessing for me was to be with them all and my other relatives and know how pleased she would be to be laid to rest next to her oldest daughter.  Both her daughters, Steph and Sarah, are gone and although the last time she had been to that cemetery was for Steph’s funeral, the blessing of having her grave there in such a beautiful place is to know that she too thought it was a beautiful place.  It really could not have worked out better.

But for now I am glad to be home and actually typing while in my bed.  It seems like tomorrow is Sunday, but I will just have to be satisfied with getting to sleep in a little in the morning I guess.  I apologize for the picture, in that it is not one from today, but it is of the stone right after it was set a few days ago.  I just didn’t have the thought in my head to take a picture, and I was the driver for my family so I was unable to get back and take one after the luncheon we shard together.  But my mom would be proud of how it went.

I am just saddened that she didn’t get to live the life she hoped for.  Alzheimer’s, like the cancer that took my sisters, is a rotten thing.  Life however is better for them all now, as I hope it is for our family.  These last 60 days have been a bit much for all of us.  My hope and prayer is that we now have some time to heal and recover……and of course get everything back to just the “normal” that we all just want again.

Home sweet home!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Celebrating our Happy Anniversary……

Some people are really blessed, and clearly my wife is one of them.  For today is our anniversary, and to show her a great time, I drove her down to Evansville for my mom’s funeral which will take place tomorrow.  I also was able to buy her and the  boys a nice dinner at the Burger King drive-thru in Washington, Indiana, home of the famous Brooklyn Dodger Gil Hodges…….no girl could ask for more.

Of course, all that certainly was not the original plan.   To be honest, we went to dinner the night before and I gave her her gifts then.  Had I had ANY foresight clearly one of them should have been a gift certificate from the Berger King in Washington, Indiana.  I did consider Dodgers tickets, but I know they no longer play in Brooklyn, not only because my dad is still mad about it, but because he was born and raised there.  And I am pretty sure Mr. Hodges no longer plays……although if he did these days it would most certainly be for the Cubs or the Indians.

Anyway. Happy Anniversary to us!  I do not know how I could ever top this year, but I certainly am going to, next year, give it a try.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


We are always safe……..

We are always safe, knowing especially that they are there. For this morning I ran into these two in the hallway and was informed that one was “Batman,” while the other was “Squirrel Dog,” and that they had been patrolling the house.

First of all, I questioned how a kid that looked just like my son was Batman, but he directed my attention to those new Batman shoes we bought at the Meijer yesterday.  The whole Squirrel Dog thing was rather obvious, in that he carries that stuffed squirrel (squeakers in tact) everywhere.

But it made me rest easy that is for sure…..but it also made me wonder if I should also continue paying for that alarm service as well.  I think for now I will keep both.  After all, you can never be too careful.

I am just thankful that we are blessed……we are clearly so much safer than most.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
