Category Archives: Uncategorized


Well Ben is now officially registered for kindergarten at Lapel Elementary School, something I am SURE you can see in the quality picture I have posted tonight.  Steph, Amanda, and Ben are in the picture, and Ben is wearing his first “Lapel Bulldog” shirt.  And unlike where I grew up where the mascot changed at each school, in Lapel he will be a bulldog all the way through graduation.

We had hoped to be able to see his classroom and meet his teacher today, but that has yet to be assigned.  We still took the opportunity however to celebrate.  It is a big thing for him and us.  I am just happy that both Steph and Scott will be home to be able to see him on that first official day.

But that’s really all the news I have tonight.  Amanda, Steph, and Ben (along with Celeste!!) are leaving for Kansas at 5am…..and driving.  So the clock is set, and I am out of energy!  I did however want to share the big news!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


At the speed of light……….

When things get into the “zone,” it is just amazing at all that gets done.  I got home this evening after 11pm, and would have been later had not Amanda and Ben come up to help me at St. George’s (okay, they both came but only one really helped).  We were able to get the refrigerator cleaned up, installed and on.  We also got the sink into the kitchen area, plumbed and working as well.

Since Amanda, Steph, and Ben are leaving very early Wednesday morning for Kansas, Amanda wanted to come and scope out some decorating ideas for the church.  She and PT’s wife Jewel are generally the ones who do that work, not because we are chauvinistic in any way shape or form, but it’s because they both feel that PT and I are morons in terms of decorating.  She has just tomorrow to finish too, as Saturday we are hosting an Open House there for the public.

But things are truly flying along……at the speed of light (okay, perhaps a bit slower than that).  But it’s all looking good and for that I am very thankful!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


I didn’t even know……

My plans today went a little south, as I was under the impression that Steph and Ben were going to the State Fair tonight as Amanda had to be there for work.  I figured I would pick up some things I needed to finish some things at St. George’s Muncie and could get them accomplished without any time restraints.   As it turns out, I will be doing them tomorrow.

Steph and Ben never went to the fair, so Ben was with me for at least the shopping portion of my day.  I got the majority of the stuff I needed, and even considered heading up to do some work, but Amanda finished her work and was heading “home,” but asked if we wanted to “meet” her at the ice cream shop in Lapel.

Of course saying no to such an invitation with a 5 year old in the car is never going to work…..nor would driving past the house when your 20 year old daughter, who would eat a free ice cream, is just sitting there watching the Olympics.  So we picked her up and headed for our rendezvous….it was a smashing success too.

Tonight’s picture is of the three of them deciding what they want.  It was fun to watch.  And we ate our ice cream at the table then, listening not to a superhero tonight, but to Ben explain how he was now 21, married and has a son who will be 5 tomorrow.  

I think he is making it up, but who cares?  Everyone had ice cream!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Two (pretty tough) Girls and a Truck……..

Of course with PT injured and Scotty doing something with the Marines, I was in desperate need of some help to pick up and deliver the used refrigerator we purchased for St. George’s.  So, as I explored my options, I came to the conclusion that my best bet would be the finely tuned college athlete who lives with us (my daughter Stephanie) and Molly, Scotty’s girlfriend, who is really not afraid of him at all.  And I figured that would be a pretty awesome crew.

And in fact, I was MORE THAN RIGHT.  It turned out to be most probably the easiest move of anything that I have had in my entire life.  They had fun, were very matter of fact about getting it done, and were quite surprised at the end that we were finished.  My only regret was that I had nothing else to move.

But it really signified something that happens at most of the churches that we plant.  People come in to help (our family always does) who may not attend there at all in the future.  They do it because they believe in what we are doing.  And that type of personal (and mostly nameless) gift is contagious.  It was a pretty cool afternoon, and I was blessed to be a part!

So tomorrow I will return to St. George’s and finish the kitchen in the afternoon.  Then there will be very little more to do.  Our first Open House is a week from today from 1-4pm.  I can hardly wait!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Getting there…….

Today the altar and podiums went into St. George’s in Muncie and the sign went up on the street.  It is all coming together, but it is not coming together without sacrifice.

PT, on Wednesday and on one of the last pieces of trim for the altar, had his saw kick back and cut his finger severely.  It was and is a mess.  He thought he would lose the end of his finger, but they sewed back what was there.  It however, will not be the same.

Still, PT was up with Deacon Kim and I this morning to deliver the altar and podiums he had made and to help install the signs.  AND, a week from tomorrow he will be at the Open House at St. George’s as well……in addition to doing some services this weekend.

It however is very typical of the dedication of the people in the Order to the work they do.  Sure, PT could be compared to the Black Knight in that Monty Python picture, but in all honesty, he is far more well-adjusted.  It is just part of the idea of sacrifice.  And he would have it no other way.

So tonight’s picture is of the altar, podiums and sign.  It is coming along!  Pray that we continue to move ahead.  And pray that PT continues to heal!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A day of great news!!!!!

Today has been a wild day, and very frustrating in parts, but in the end a fine one.  Although I was in Muncie to put our signs up and my drill died, I still was able to get home to take Stephanie to the doctor.  It was a great success!!!  She is fixed (no, not like a dog) but her heart has been fixed and today she was totally released to return to playing lacrosse for her college!

Honestly, there has been so much stress for us all over this, that it was finally nice to put it all to rest.  She LOVES playing lacrosse, but more than that, it’s her HEART and she NEEDS IT TO WORK!!  And today’s exam included a post procedure EKG to make sure that what they did to fix it did not do any lasting damage.  The good news is that it all turned out okay.

And while she was in her appointment, Ben and I went to the cafeteria at the hospital where he decided to take a few pictures.  So to celebrate, one of them is the picture for tonight’s post!

What a great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Some observations……….

Everything I read today is about Chick-fil-A and all that surrounds it.  I went there myself today, twice, to support not only their values (which I support) but also their right to express them.  Unfortunately, the wait was far longer either time than I could spare.  I however was impressed with the response.  Scotty actually worked there for a time, and it was a great company.

Two days from now, apparently others who disagree with Chick-fil-A’s values will come and attempt to express their views with a protest.  I am not surprised by this, but saddened by it, because it comes from a movement that seems to want tolerance, but defines it as “only if you agree with us.”

I came from such a place.  I spent the majority of my ordained career in the Episcopal Church which preached a gospel (SMALL g) of tolerance, but practiced it poorly.  Tolerance, inclusion, all the buzz words but there was never any room for me….someone with traditional values.  And it was only when I left that they insisted that there was “room at the table for everyone.”  But I was an enabler.  As long as I was there that could be preached as truth, but in fact it was a lie.  Ironically, I retired, yet despite not being a part of them, they still charged me, had a trial, and convicted me…..declaring me unfit for ministry.  And this is probably one of the most honest things I could ever say…..”ironic” is probably, by far, too insufficient of a word.  These people were some of the worst I have ever encountered.

But getting back to my point… some point in this life sex came to the forefront of what defines us, and that to me is unfortunate.  In truth, I do not need to know what you do in your bedroom, and in all honesty, that should not define you.  Everybody is in need of redemption, and everybody deserves respect.  I am not responsible for your soul and you are not responsible for mine.  We can speak what we believe is the truth to each other, which I will continue to do, but beating and extorting each other should be “out of bounds.”   We live in a world where people are not just wounded by such things, but they can be destroyed.  I have been the victim of such attempted destruction.  I will not set out to do it to anyone else.

On August 3rd, I will go to Chick-fil-A again.  You can too.  I will have a chicken sandwich, and I will if need be, encourage people to not destroy one another, and offer to pray for them (on both sides of these issues).

I am a traditionalist….and I feel strongly about my beliefs. I am not a “hater, a “bigot,” a “homophobe,” or even a bad guy.  Let’s just grow up…..this is not junior high.  It’s life.  And the best thing we can do is to act like adults and to treat each other with respect.  You see, when you do not agree with something or someone, stop patronizing it.  Extortion is an ugly thing, and never leads to anything good.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


I’m ready………

Yes, the picture is an old one of Ben at a hotel waiting for his mom to take him down to the pool…..pretty cute, but very appropriate for tonight’s blog post entitled “I’m ready.”  You see I am ready for a lot of things, and tonight I wish to mention just a few.

1.  I’m ready for what divides us to not be the defining marker of human relationships.
2.  I’m ready for politicians to represent the people who put them in office and not be such dirtbags.
3.  I’m ready to not know what everyone’s sexuality is as if that is my business to know or yours to tell me.
4.  I’m ready for you to respect the right to my beliefs as you expect me to respect yours.
5.  I’m ready for people to respect the rights of others to have their beliefs and not resort to extortion.
6.  I’m ready for people to deal fair and honorably with each other.
7.  I’m ready for common sense and concern for others be put in front of self-interest.
8.  I’m ready for people to not put me in a box as a conservative Christian and pastor.
9.  I’m ready for a new and better future.

This is just a SMALL list for me, but an important one.  And I am ready to do my part to start making many of these things happen.

Off to bed I go…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


That Dang Superhero…..a tale of a prank gone awry……

I am not quite sure which superhero is responsible, but at this point none of them are talking.  For I had been planning to prank my daughter Stephanie for over a year and on Friday I put that plan into action.

Yes, on the way home from doing some work at St. George’s in Muncie with Ben and Scott, we stopped at a BAIT STORE where I bought $3.00 worth of crickets.  The idea seemed fool-proof.  We got home and took the crickets out of their sealed bait shop container and put them into Ben’s “bug box.”  There were 35-40 of those little boogers and the plan was to sneak them up into Steph’s room and hide THE BOX before she went to bed.  So that when the lights went off the concert would begin.

Steph went out, Scotty delivered the crickets, and then nothing was said……for days.

Apparently crickets make noise in the dark to FIND EACH OTHER but when they are all hanging out, let’s say in a bug box, they just “chill” (“chill” – young people’s lingo for loitering).  So when Steph never complained, yesterday I sent Scott to get the bug box……but it was gone.  And soon Steph was asking me about crickets she was finding (in a VERY SUSPICIOUS WAY) and then they began to appear elsewhere.

Of course no one knows where the bug box is, nor how the crickets got out.  I imagine there is a superhero involved but the ones I have interrogated are not talking.

There is most probably a moral to this story, but I believe it is still playing itself out.  But it is surely a victory for cricket freedom if such a thing exists.  And although I have my suspects, I must confess….one man’s suspect is another cricket’s hero.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Oh no…….

I DO NOT miss Sundays, but today I did.  And I missed it, not for me, but for others.

Over the weekend I was not feeling well.  I had a temperature, and last night, even after Motrin, I was at 102 degrees.  My stubbornness said go, but my head won over.  There were THREE of us scheduled at St. Patrick’s and they assured me they would be fine.

And they were.  And as hard as it as for me to stay home, the lesson was a good one.  The Lord has raised up some spectacular people in our ministry, and in truth, they can actually cover, if not exceed, for me!  AND THEY DID………

Yes, my post is short tonight because I am STILL under the weather, but my gratefulness is never ending….

The Lord is doing marvelous things!!!  Can you see it??  I can!!!  And I am excited about being a part of what He is doing in our part of the world!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
