Category Archives: Uncategorized

Some Father’s Day Observations…………..

Well I wish I could report that all is well, but it is not.  At least however I have had a great Father’s Day, sans two of three children, though they all called.  And today is Scotty’s 20th birthday, which means I am (temporarily) out of the business of raising teenagers.  So it has been a good day all around.

I am STILL however restoring the computer and I am STILL frustrated as all get out with my phone.  But today I will not let it be an issue.  The kids got me a nice chair and table for the balcony off my office (in which I am sitting while typing this), a Notre Dame jersey, AND Ben (with his mom, grandma, and cousin) took me out to dinner.  It was a really great time.

Tonight’s picture however reflects clear and certain evidence as to why although these gifts were wonderful, they clearly are not enough.  Ben, the youngest, is indeed posing with a cut out picture of me with his finger up my nose.  It clearly shows the quality of DNA I am constantly dealing with, and that DNA is also MINE.  He cracks himself up, like all my kids do (to themselves) and to be honest, they are all genuinely funny.   And ultimately it is what makes being me worth it…..knowing that I am leaving that kind of twisted mark on the world!

So I HOPE to be back to regular posting soon, but then again I am still sorting through all the files I need for my WORK.  It doesn’t help that I will be 40 on Wednesday either.

But what does help is this chair and my kids.  Not to be a braggart, but  I have lived a life of great academic and professional accomplishment.  None of it however means a thing compared to my children.  I know Father’s Day is really about them, but in all honesty I couldn’t be prouder of them.  And no achievement
, no award, no title, nor anything else will be able to take away that as my very greatest work.  I am a man, a father, who is truly blessed.

Thanks Stephy, Scotty, and Ben!  I love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



Yes, my life is jacked.  I have had computer issues, restore issues, now PHONE ISSUES, and I just can’t seem to catch a break.  I JUST received a bunch of important VOICEMAILS which will now require a few apology calls in the morning.  My wife keeps saying GO GET A DIFFERENT PHONE, but we can just not afford it.  So I will make the calls and tough it out, hoping to win the lottery someday (I will have to force myself to buy a ticket I suppose as I do not play the lottery).  But something will happen to rectify all of this, it always does.

But as I type, I have my iphone4 (not the newest version) downstairs right NEXT TO the router hoping for some type of upgrade miracle.  In the meantime, Amanda and I have worked our butts off in the yard planting and mulching and me taking a lot of breaks inconspicuously staring at her doing all that work.  She did the replanting and I did the mulch.  Of 13 yards I still have at least half to go.

Ben, on the other hand, is still on his little trip with Nanny and Kayla, and Amanda had to call THEM tonight as he apparently hasn’t missed her enough to call.  His Nanny (grandma) has kept us informed, but in all honesty I am smart enough as to not trust her either as they clearly are ALL on her side and would probably let me “sleep with the fishes” in order to run off with her.  It’s okay though because they will have children someday and I WILL BE THE GRANDPARENT THEN……payback is, as they say, a fish, or something like that.

But now that I am done typing and the kids are not home, I am sure that my bride is in our room, no doubt, with a bunch of candles lit and hell bent on rubbing my back and telling me how handsome I am and how lucky she is.   I am sure that’s it………

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The Blessed Trip……

Today Ben and Kayla and their grandma went on a 4 day trip.  They originally were scheduled to go to Springfield, Illinois and visit all the Abraham Lincoln sites, but there was a change in plans and they have headed to Indianapolis instead.  Yes, downtown is just an hour away from here, but they are hoteling it, and apparently after this first day, having a great time.

Of course Ben did lie to me right before he left and drooped his eyes as he said “I’ll miss you.”  That act was confirmed by the fact that he hopped right into his grandmother’s car smiling and then didn’t call us once the whole day or night.  Yes, he is deeply concerned for us and misses us terribly.

Day one probably seemed pretty boring to his as his grandma kept texting Amanda pictures of his LOVING the museum and the pool and eating out and all.  Plus, he and Kayla are pretty tight.  All his other cousins are older, but Kayla and Logan and Ben are all in a pack.  And if you are insane enough to want to take a trip like this, I suppose Ben and Kayla would be pretty good companions.  Plus, my mother-in-law is a retired librarian and getting the kids down there to share in some of her passions is really right in her wheelhouse.

But the house is pretty empty.  It’s a good thing too.  The carpet installers will be here in the morning so when everyone returns Thursday, including STEPH, we should have everything back in shape……..hopefully.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Denise???? No no no….DA Niece, but not DA nephew……..

Oh sure, I am aware I did not post yesterday.  That would be something that I would take so very personally only a few months ago, but it now reminds me of Jesus asking that if your cow fell into a ditch on the Sabbath if you would just leave it there.  My rules were running my life, and in turn I was not living too much of it without stressing myself.  It was not a good model for me, so as long as I understand the reasons I do things, I believe I should do them just fine…..such is the case of this post tonight.

In all honesty, yesterday was VERY VERY BUSY and I even spent part of it out of state, though the reasons for that are
still not public.  And, to make it even more complicated, my niece Kayla (the daughter of Amanda’s sister Rhonda) flew in to stay with us 10 days!!!  She is 9.  So nothing about yesterday was normal, but a lot of it was a BLAST.  Kayla is like a daughter to us, and before Rhonda moved out west all of us were together just about all of the time.  It was often like I was married to TWO women, in that they both were always irritated with me and always around.  (I know there is a lot more to marriage, but that was all I can remember).  But Rhonda and Kayla moved to Arizona, and now live in Utah as Rhonda has remarried and she and her husband Jared now have our nephew Logan.  Logan did not make the trip as he is just three, but no worries…..Kayla is having a fine time despite that.

The kicker is my mother-in-law who is here now for the summer.  She now has both Ben and Kayla and it is a hoot.  In fact, the three of them are all going to downtown Indianapolis and staying in a hotel for three full days beginning tomorrow.   It is her “Spoiling Retreat” for sure.  And as the son-in-law I will not only not get involved, but get out of the way.  Mr. “I can’t be away from my mommy” is bagging even her to head off to parts unknown with his Nanny.  Who am I to mess with that kind of power?

But what I am finding is the joy of seeing and being around my niece again.  She is such a wonderful kid and I love her more than I could ever describe.  We still goof off and kid around, and it reminds me of how much I have missed that.  So tonight’s picture is of her and Ben, with Amanda, where I stopped and took them for ICE CREAM, but more than that…..BEFORE DINNER.  She is a delight, and now there are just nine days.  But I am just thankful she is here and that she remembers us and is doing well. There was zero adjustment to her being here……and that is the very best marker for family.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


I remember the TRUTH………

Today has been an unusual day, and quite honestly a difficult one.  I am dealing with the closing of the Indy Boot Camps, which I had signed on to for a year.  It is the ONLY thing that has been effective for me, and I am really struggling with my options post closing.  I was there for three very hardcore hours per week.

But more than that, I am struggling about my trainer Tod Esquivel.  He is a lifesaver to me, and although I know it is his decision (and right) to move to another phase of his life, I just know that these are big changes for him.  I am sure he will be fine, but he is so very good at what he does that I selfishly wish he would stay at it forever.  He however is a stand up guy, and I respect his decisions.   He is a guy however, I hope I know for many years.  He has a great way with people.  I am going to miss him beating the hell out of me.

And then in all my restoration of my computer I found THIS video.  I know I often rant about the stroke, but I want to present this video to you as EVIDENCE.  This is weeks before my stroke, and as you can see I am thin and am in shape.  I was and literally still believe myself to be an athlete.  Sadly, even my wife doesn’t remember what I was like just before the stroke…….all we remember is fat old me.

HERE IS WHAT I AM HEADING BACK TO……which is what I know as ME.  Nobody else remembers, but I do.  And truthfully, that is all that matters in the end.  I am not delusional, I am committed.  And my favorite part of the video is Steph laughing at my joke……enjoy.

Pray for me……  I am going to beat this or die trying……because I remember!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of promotions, or what I used to know as escapes…….

It has been a busy day, but a good one, as Ben has been finally kicked out of kindergarten and is now a first grader.  Of course he thinks that this entitles him to special privileges  but other than a celebratory dinner at the Golden Corral (his choice), he is going to meet a world of disappointment.

But as a guy who has completed what I once figured to be 28 years of skoolin, I have to say I still remember kindergarten.  Ben did better than I did, AND he completed the year without any trips (for discipline) to the Principal’s office (yes, he was not MY pal).  And he made lots of friends too.  And if I wore a hat (although NEVER in the house or building) I would shout “A big hats off to Mrs. Scott for getting him through the year.”

He did well too.  He is academically about his level and of course looks-wise he is off the charts!  He still is a bit of a klutz physically, but he did come to school a year early.  He will not be six for another three weeks.

So now his summer break has commenced.  He was a little upset as he really considers it summer brake, and was not happy to know he would not be in school every day.  He actually tried to ease his grandma into the fact that although she is here for the summer to watch him that it would have to be after school.  I think he was afraid she would be upset, but I think everyone is fine about everything but me.

After all, one full year of kindergarten and no trips to the principal, and he loves school.  His last name is Tirman but I think I need to have his DNA checked.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


TRYING to pull the trigger…….

This picture is NOT related……but it cracked me up so I used it.  It is of Ben and Steph and some celebration for one of my cousins (Matt or Steve) in Fort Wayne.  I was LOOKING for a picture of Ben shooting something at a Buzz Lightyear thingy at Disneyworld, but you don’t have to read that far back to understand how jacked my computer is right now.

But at least I can report that EVERDRY (not the owner, but the really upstanding Production Manager and crew…..who I would LOVE to work with) came out today and dug a hell of a trench, sealed it, and then FILLED IT WITH WATER, around my house…..AND, no water inside.  If these guys ONLY OWNED THE COMPANY I would recommend them forever!  But they don’t.  I did however, put a call in to the carpet installer, so I hope we have all the carpet currently sitting in our dining room installed by Christmas.

I did however, file a second complaint with the Better Business Bureau.  I have asked for a FULL REFUND.  It seems that the only way to get them motivated is to complain.  I am just glad to be almost done with them.

But tonight my mind goes back to a joke I told Ben yesterday……..”What did the Blue Cheese say to the guy who opened the refrigerator?”   Answer, “Close the door, I’m dressing!”  Ben WAILED at this and went right into see his grandma (Nanny) and tell her………

Ben…..”What did the Blue Cheese say to the guy who opened the refrigerator?”  Nanny…..”What?”  Ben…….”Shut the door, I am getting dressed.”

Some people just can’t pull the trigger.  I thank God that I am not one of them……

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Waiting in hopeful anticipation……..

Yes, tonight’s pictures are intentional.  The first one is of Amanda (and Ben although he is still in her stomach) waiting to check into the hospital to deliver.  The second is of our entire family leaving the hospital (photo credit copyright Carol Mongold 2007 DO NOT MESS WITH HER SHE IS MY MOTHER IN LAW).

But I needed to both find them and post them as I was here ALL DAY waiting for EVERDRY, who was to be here around 2, but who I called to find out that their truck had broken and that they could not be here until tomorrow……..of course the truck broke down the night before (supposedly) and no one could call me to let me know I need not hang out all damn day.

But while I was waiting I got a lot done.  I fertilized the entire lawn, I laid brick in three basement window wells, and I actually burned ALL the fallen limbs and branches in the yard.  My PREFERENCE however was to see them here and to get this done.  Tomorrow is IT.  I was not available tomorrow as it is the awards program at Ben’s school and he is getting an award… if they do not show tomorrow I will personally drive up there and parade back and forth with a sign at their entrance.  I am done messing around.  It is fixed tomorrow and it will be on my terms.

So picture one is of waiting……and picture two is of resolution.  As you may be able to tell I am pretty damn stressed.  I do not like dishonest people and I rarely deal with them.  But I will get this done and deal with their dishonesty after I get my house back.  Enjoy the pictures…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Happy Birthday Dad……..

Wow, it’s a lot harder to find pictures you want when your files are all jumbled in a restore, so tonight in honor of my dad’s 97th (I mean 77th) birthday, I am posting this, the ONLY picture I could find of dad, my cousin Matt, me, and my cousin Steve (from left to right) back when my dad was just in his 80’s.

But I never forget to call him and remind him of how old he is, since we are almost exactly 25 years apart……so when my birthday arrives on the 19th my dad will only be 45.  My dad however is in EUROPE with my daughter, my sister, and my niece.  It however did not prevent me from calling him today (in France).

Of course I always get to draw first blood.  He will call me on the 19th (if I remember to answer the phone) and strike back.  It is all in good fun though as Tirman males over 50 really don’t have much of a life other than these annual calls, but we have faithfully been doing them as long as I can remember.

And yes, even though it was a local call for me, I will pay for the call.  I actually got to talk to Steph too who was right there with him which was something I didn’t anticipate.  I was just hunting him down for his birthday… know, the old slow one of the herd that tried to hide out in Europe to avoid my call.

But he once again failed and I got through……so Happy Birthday Dad.  I love you and I am glad you are around.  After all, where else could I ever hear about how Abraham Lincoln and you were friends in school.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The Sun(flowers) will come out tomorrow………maybe……..

Today has been a pretty busy, but good, day.  I was able to join the good people of St. Matthew’s in Nashville, Indiana this morning for their service and enjoyed it very much.  And I returned home in time to take my truck up to the body shop in Muncie to repair the damage to the roof from getting hit bu the piece of steel (see and the damage I did to the side a short time later when the portico of our house abruptly jumped out in front of me. (I did not take a picture of that)

But I am now “test driving” my daughter’s baby blue Civic (hybrid) and boy oh boy do I feel manly in that car.  The good news is that she is in Europe for 10 more days and doesn’t need it, I need to do some work on her car anyway, AND gas is now at $4.00 a gallon.  My truck is a full-sized double cab, so it doesn’t get quite the mileage of the hybrid, but the baby blue color does irritate me enough to make the cost differential close to worth it…..regardless it is being repaired.

But tomorrow is D-Day for our basement contractors.  I will hopefully hear from them and they hopefully will be unbelievably responsive RIGHT THEN to have my problems resolved by the end of the day……if not we will not be walking any further together.  The problem isn’t their workers, they are great guys.  The problem is their management that doesn’t support them to the extent they can correctly complete their work.  I have only held back out of my respect and concern for them.  When they were here I often bought them lunch and drinks (no alcoholic) and got to know them.  They are all stand up guys, and it is unfortunate that their futures are mired in such unethical practices above them.  We will see.

But today I am posting Ben and his sunflowers from his room.  He is pretty excited about getting them into the garden.  And posting this helps keep my focus upon the good day I have been a part of.

Off to bed before I screw all this up!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
