All posts by Fr Tom Tirman
Living among the weasels…..
On Tuesday, the first day of lacrosse practice for the season, I ended practice probably about 20 minutes early, not due to any intention, but because my watch was broken. Of course I thought about how time was just flying and it felt pretty good. But on Wednesday everyone commented about how early I let them out.
Going nuts……
Although I gladly picked up Ben at 5pm from the sitter’s, he has been the model of poor behavior since the moment we connected, but at 10:45 I am thinking, “it’s just 6 hours of pushing my buttons.” Unfortunately for Ben, that is about 6 hours too much.
Yeah baby!!!!!
It starts!! Today was the first day of the 2011 Lacrosse Season (yes, capitalized for GOOD REASON) and almost the entire team was there, sans a couple of sickies! It absolutely fired me up too, because I love to coach and these girls are ready to make it happen.
Into a construction-type Narnia….
I know that the former owners of our home, being regular readers of this blog, may get uneasy when I talk about the house and repairs, but in all honesty, it is the most wonderful place I have ever lived. AND, I am enjoying every bit of what I am doing!
Coach Corry, where art thou????
Hanging with Aunt Joi……
No, Joi is not related by blood, but she is clearly family. She is not only Amanda’s good friend, but she has been a big part of our lives as long as I can remember. But more than that, the kids are all very attached to her…..especially Ben.
No, not go 81……it’s now 13
Tonight would have been over a few weeks ago had it not been for the ice and snow that cancelled their games in Texas, but tonight my daughter is in California where the Lindenwood Lions take the field against the current number one team in the country in their division. It will be Steph’s first game as a college player, and I am pretty nervous to say the least.
New life or not….I still stink at basketball……
Although a few weeks ago I would not have thought it possible, today my driveways, both front and back are clean and free of ice. Granted, there are piles of ice on the sides of the drive that are very high, but at least I can drive on it now.
Enforcing the rules……
The very fact that he is next to me at a restaurant is, in our family, a bad sign. Three year old little boys only like to sit by their daddys when their mommys (Indiana plurals are only grammatically correct in Indiana) are not around. But his mommy actually took this picture, which is him doing his time in restaurant “time-out.” He was totally out of control right before this too.