All posts by Fr Tom Tirman

Camping….in a lacrosse sort of way……

Well here they are…..10 of my players, who I drove up to Northwestern University for a four-day lacrosse camp. Northwestern has a ton of National Championships and the players and coaches run the clinic, so it s a big bang (not to be confused with scientific theory) for our buck.

I however was unsure about this group. They were quiet, well-behaved, and generally a bit “mousy” on the way up. There was no screaming, no stupid bus songs or Broadway tunes, and to be quite honest, it was the easiest and least stressful drive of my entire career… and non-church included. It, in fact, was pretty cool.
They have already texted me a few pictures and they seem like they are having fun. It is a great camp. And they will leave there better players, and not just that, but better players who want to be even better.
So my drive home was similar to my drive there….quiet. We will see how this goes. I am hoping to pick up 10 very enthused players again on Monday!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Remembering some history………

(I did a search for pictures for tonight’s blog and found NONE…other than this one. So this is IT! It is of Steph in HIGH SCHOOL from the Indianapolis Star!)

Had he not died in 1986, today would have been my grandpa’s 96th birthday. And to be very honest, I always believed he would be around this long. People in my family tend to live long and healthy lives…..thus, I was with my grandma (his wife) on Monday in Goshen. She is just 95!

But today is also the anniversary of my ordination, and I will not bore you with how many years it has been, but if you’d guess 22, you’d be right. I remember going in thinking how very cool and easy this will all be, and how I would light the world on fire. I still have the enthusiasm, but no longer the delusion. I have a lot of good years left, and much to accomplish, yet it has been challenging, if not down right hard a lot of the time.
BUT, I am thankful for the opportunity I have been given, as well as for this life I am living. Two of my sisters await me in heaven with my grandpa, although they probably are not awaiting my arrival with the same sense of anticipation of my grandpa. But I am sure they have SOME sense of desire to see me again, not quite minimal, but measurable.
Anyway, it has been a day of memories and fond ones at that. I would go back and do some things differently if I could, but life continues on before me.
Today however, I will not be bothered by such things, but I WILL remember the blessings.
It has been a good day. Happy Birthday Grandpa, if such things have meaning in heaven! And if they don’t, well then, they are still important to me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The First Day of Summer….well, almost………

One of the things about running behind is that you are behind…..and personally I hate that. Yet today, that is where I find myself, behind.

Of course the view from here is spectacular. I can see everything I needed to be doing right in front of me, and can even envision how wonderful it would have been to have it done. Oh no, I am not bitter about it, I am just frustrated. And it will take quite a bit of work tomorrow if I ever want to catch up at all.
Oh if I were just less intense! Or even just a bit! But alas, it is not meant to be……I will be scrambling tomorrow, in addition to heading to the dentist which I no longer find traumatic now that I no longer am an active ice hockey player. Well, I am active, just not on the ice any longer.
So tomorrow will be my official first as of SUMMER. And yes, I know that the 21st was the longest day, but I am going to PRETEND in a DELUSIONAL way!
Clearly, with all the stuff I need to do, I am going to need the extra time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fixin er up………..

It seems I am an auto mechanic again, or at least a truck mechanic. One of the things about owning an old vehicle is that it often avails you the opportunity to fix it up. And of course I can look at a 1983 truck and actually see things I can fix without the need for a degree in quantum mechanics.

So thus far I have only had to replace a cracked windshield (which of course I left to the pros) but there is much more to do. I will have a blower to replace, a tailgate to repair, a bed to repair, a battery to secure, and now a gas tank to replace. (Thank God I am not a smoker!) But these will be added to the tons of other things I have already on my plate. And of course “on my plate” is a diet term that consistently raises my stress level, so I am off to a poor start.
But I have to say, I love this truck. It is drivable too….I mean other than leaking gasoline all over the place…….but by the weekend I should have that all fixed up.
After all, in this day and age gasoline is now liquid gold!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

An Additional Birthday Blessing……..

Really, yesterday was not all that bad… was rather good in fact. And one of the biggest blessings to me came when Mr. Gabe Lingenfelter got vested up and served in an acolyte robe for the first time. He had dabbled in it before, but we never had a robe the right size for him…..apparently we still do not. But he made the best of it and did a great job. It was very meaningful for him to do it on such a special day.

Gabe’s mom and dad (Kris and Jeff) are good friends. I officiated at their wedding years ago, and Gabe is their oldest. Jeff is now deployed in Iraq and I know misses all of them very much. He is a great guy, and he even posted a response to my post about my truck the other day with a picture of HIS new truck! Mine is the Wylie Coyote 1983 ACME Ford F-100. His appears to be some high tech spaceship kind of combat vehicle…..poor guy. Mines got an AM radio.
But yesterday was the first of many times I will get to serve with Gabe, and in turn then his sister, and my son (God help me). But I have to confess it was really cool. Gabe is a great kid and a joy to have around! He is already a great acolyte at just 7. Lord knows what he will be doing by 9!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Yep, today I turned 50, and it was a pretty wonderful day, although I heard at my age you cannot trust my judgment. But what did I care??? It was my birthday.

Of course it was also Father’s Day, and we had a nice celebration with presents, cake, and then we went out to dinner…….I of course suspect that all this is secretly being funded by both my mother-in-law and sister-in-law who have a vested interest in seeing me waddle to the scale in the Family Biggest Loser competition. And, if I die of heart disease, I am sure they will all go on a “comfort Amanda sympathy cruise.” But I know something they have forgotten…….today was it. And besides Ben’s birthday on June 30th, there is no cake, no big parties, and nothing at all between me and August 22nd when this ends. I will report my weight in the morning and it should be about what it was last week. But this old body will be dropping some pounds and doing it quickly and efficiently. I WILL POST my weight for everyone tomorrow and then my weekly report the rest of the way. (I would post pictures, but in an effort to not traumatize anyone I will not) (And even more than that, I would not want to lose my congressional seat)
But my loving family (Cassie is now included in this) gave me a long string of passive aggressive cards, and laughed and teased about how old I am. (Yes, tonight’s blog picture is the front of just ONE of my cards) I THOUGHT I was getting them back on my way home from my birthday dinner in Indianapolis when I slowed down, and turned on my left turn signal and drove for miles laughing my butt off in front of them. Of course THEY THOUGHT it was on purpose. You could see them laughing behind us….. hysterically. Of course I was confident I had the last laugh, but sadly I am wrong.
Since they thought I was a moron they filmed the whole thing. So for my 50th birthday apparently I am becoming a Youtube star. I will send you the link as soon as I get it.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Today is my Grandma (Tirman) Keenan’s birthday. She was my dad’s mom, and she died in Florida in the 1970’s. She used to call me her “Prince Valiant,” which she meant as a compliment, but only a grandma could love a kid with hair like that. She always called me Tommy too. And to my dying day (which is ALWAYS getting closer) I will regret the time I told her that I hated that name and to call me Tom. After all, I was 11 with Prince Valiant hair, and you clearly are no more together than that in life.

But I loved my grandma and I miss her. I was never the best of sons, but I know I was an exceptional grandson. My parents divorced when I was young and I saw my dad sporadically. My mom worked and had very little interest in a troubled kid. My grandparents, particularly on my mom’s side (I will see my Grandma Middleton on Monday!) were really what kept my head above water. And I say this in all honesty……it was a big job. So this is to say that if you happen to have me as your priest you can blame my grandparents!
But today I am thinking about them all, but particularly midnight 38 years ago today when the bells ran on Main Street at Disneyworld. (We were about 50 yards up on the left in the picture) My grandma said, “Happy Birthday Tommy, I love you,” and hugged and kissed me. And I told her the same back. I have told that story on that same corner two other times at Disneyworld with my kids. I am sure they think I am nuts, but who cares. I turn 50 at midnight, and I am sure they have plans SOON for the nursing home for me. I no longer have the Prince Valiant hair, but if I did it would be grey…..and a real hit there.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Expanding the delusions……

Oh no…..! In just a week, Ben has been exposed to some new stuff. Cassie and Steph got him to see some real Transfomers. He saw cool parts of Pirates of the Caribbean (the picture is actually of Steph as a pirate). He saw cool parts of Spiderman. AND, he now has “cool guy confusions.” He has no clue as which guy he wants to be. It is as if he has “multiple cool guy personality disorder” (if there is not such a thing there should be). And it is hilarious to watch.

Of course Ben has always bounced back and forth between things. He is just about as ADD as his brother. Of course Scott is now at the age where he will need to be a bit more focused. Plus people are a little put off by 18 year olds with swords.
But for now we will just see where this goes. Our house can be pretty weird at times and this week it just got weirder.
I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The BIG 18!!!!

Tonight as my oldest son Scott turned 18 I was reminded of one of my favorite Peter Sellers quotes from “A Shot in the Dark” where as Inspector Clouseau he says to the bellboy, “Keep up this good work and very soon I will see to it that you become a bellman.”

Yep, Scotty is now a legal adult, although as a genetic Tirman, the adult part may always be called into question. He is emancipated, can marry without my permission, enlist, buy cigarettes, lotto tickets, and go to federal prison….yep, no more possibility of being tried as a juvenile. He is in the big leagues with me, and we welcome him with open arms.
Tonight we went out to dinner and then came home for some cake. I sometimes think my mother-in-law had this “Biggest Loser” thing all planned out because we have a ton of cake-worthy holidays between May 28th (Amanda’s birthday) and June 30th (Ben’s birthday). We can gain weight by just attending 25% of these.
But the bottom line is that Scott turned 18 and seemed to have a great time.
Happy Birthday Scotty. I love you and I am proud of you! Here’s to 18 more good ones!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The Great Banquet…….

Although we have had the worst record in my coaching tenure, tonight we said goodbye to nine players that I have a great connection to. Most of these girls I have coached their entire high school careers and they are important to me and I will miss them. Most will go onto play lacrosse in college, and I am proud of them all.

It is always a bittersweet time for me. I am saddened to see girls I have mentored and walked with leave the team, yet I am excited for them as they go onto a new chapter in their lives. Fortunately I am blessed in this, the age of technology, that I am able to keep up with many of them through things like Facebook and email. It is pretty cool to keep in touch.
So tonight I thank God for the opportunity I have to coach the Noblesville Lady Millers. The banquet marks the end of an era.
But of course it also means the beginning of yet another!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!