All posts by Fr Tom Tirman

Vote early, vote often!

Vote early, vote often!Just a note to say that my son SCOTTY is a drummer in a rock band and is in a CONTEST to open up for Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas in Indianapolis on December 5th.  He however NEEDS VOTES and if they win they are the band that opens.  It would be an incredible break for them.

Their band is names “Cecil” but I really do not know why!  I have some of their songs on my iPhone, and they are pretty dang good…..and I confess that as a child of the 70’s (no I was BORN in 61….I was a high schooler in the 70’s) that I love their music.

But Scotty isn’t just a drummer.  He is the musician at one of our churches too.  He plays all sorts of instruments, but has a passion for music and this is a real big chance for him and their band!  Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas are big stars, and to open for them at 18 years old would be remarkable.  Currently they are 50 votes in front of a local (and popular) nightclub band.  Ironically, not one of the members of Cecil can even get into a nightclub.

In one of my favorite movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” an entire community comes to the aid of George Bailey, not because of anything other than his character.  Scotty is a good kid, and this is a big chance.  I encourage you to go to the link and vote for them.  The other band actually has the first video and Cecil the last….yet Cecil is ahead.  Let’s keep them there!  I have an out of town meeting that day I am willing to cancel and meet all of you at the Murat!

Give these kids a chance and let’s make Cecil the opening act.  Your vote today, and each day until the contest ends, will be all it takes.  And as for me, I will be eternally grateful!

Here is the link!

Scotty’s Band – Direct link

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


In anticipation……….

Why is it that my weekly weigh-ins for Weight Watchers, as well as my birthdays, come about every 15 minutes, but Stephanie coming home for Thanksgiving seems to take forever?  I just talked with her on the phone and she WILL be home tomorrow before midnight, but I anticipate that going slower than a glacier.  I will wait because I have to, but few things get my goat (no I do not know what that means other than it is appropriate here) more than waiting for my kids.

Of course two of them are already here and all the time.  And it amuses me to see the two brothers anxiously awaiting their sister.  I bet they do not get into it (argue about anything) tomorrow night, but something always goes awry with siblings sooner or later.  Right now they all miss each other a great deal, but when there is just one piece of white meat turkey left, Steph will have seniority, Scott will be the strongest, and who would want to disappoint the little brother?  In truth, none of them will care and we will see it…..although it will be about something else because I am old and I am the one who deserves it.

And Steph is also bringing two of her housemates with her, as they live in Maryland and will not be heading home.  It will be great to have ALL of them here, and I know Amanda is just beside herself about being able to host a big Thanksgiving here.  (we normally go to my dad’s, but he is in prison…..oh wait, I mean he is at his in-laws) (and no, it was just a joke…..they are delightful people and in NO WAY was I comparing them to a Warden and staff……my wife is really the Warden, just ask her!)

So this Thanksgiving will be quite different.  I will be hosting, and not hanging at my dad’s.  I will not head home and make a trip out to see my mom at the nursing home or call my grandma.  But I will celebrate my thankfulness for their genetics by hanging with their grandkids.

I can’t wait…….but of course I will have to.  Time is dragging!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


My screwed up life…..

It is just 8:30 pm, although it feels like midnight, and I am in bed typing unsure if I will ever go to sleep again.  I took a nap this afternoon with the intention of it being a short one…..going down at 2 with the alarm set for 4 so I could watch the Bears’ game.  Apparently you need to take your phone of silent for the alarm to go off.

So the bottom line is that I was up just shy of 6, and in addition to the Bears’ game, I was going to bleach our tile floors on the main floor in preparation for Thanksgiving.  They are nice floors, and we had them professionally done by “Stanley Steamer” in May for $450, but that lasted 15 minutes (I would not recommend it).  So I did it myself tonight after my “more than lengthy nap” and it looks great… it was for free.  AND the added benefit is that my family will collect all that insurance money from my dying from inhaling all that beach.  I am certain they will find the turkey easier to swallow as they are talking about their planned Caribbean “grief-vacation.”

So yes, I am a bit loopy and all I smell is bleach, but I am in bed ready for the coroner.  But sadly for all of them, I will probably live through the morning and even through Thanksgiving.  And although I am certain everyone will make comments about the turkey, no one will mention the floors.  So it is with my life.  But I do not do it for the praise, I do it because I am afraid of my wife!!

Tonight’s picture is of she and Ben reading a bedtime story in HIS BED……where I anticipate, despite my hard work, I will wake her up in the same outfit at 6am tomorrow morning!

My life is screwed up….but at least our floors are clean!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Praying for peace……..

I would like to say that I am completely prepared for tomorrow, but I have to confess I have everything done but my sermon.  I have had a busy day, but a great one…..I just didn’t have time to get everything I wanted to get done finished.

I began the day with breakfast in Kokomo with my former Bishop and good friend Doc Loomis.  It had been a while since we had been together, and it was a real blessing to spend some time with him.  He will be making his Visitation with Christ the King in Kokomo tomorrow (on Christ the King Sunday, imagine that!).  Christ the King is a Church that we planted some years ago, and I pray it is a wonderful celebration!

Unfortunately for me, I will not be a part, meaning mainly that I am going to have to have a sermon for the two services I will be doing tomorrow.  I am not too worried though, as it is just 9pm, and I still have plenty of time.  It however, will have to come in the morning.  Amanda is spent and already in bed. Scott is out with his band, and Ben has been in and out of our room trying to talk his way into our bed.  (There is always some crisis-oriented reason).  The bottom line however is that it is doubtful that I will get any more done tonight.

So it is into temporary “retirement” I go, which is another way of saying I can no longer work and will run interference to make sure he doesn’t wake up his mom.  It will be a disaster if he does, so it is choosing the good portion for sure. He however is plenty of entertainment.  I just want to keep this a comedy and not some sort of tragic ending thriller for me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Whine and cheese………

Mercy, I am tired, although not as tired as my wife.  We picked her up at 5pm from the airport where she flew in from Belgium. (Yes, I know, and are her arms tired.)  But to her, the time was 11pm as we she had been in the country of Van Damme all week.  (He’s the muscles from Brussels)  so she was beat.

Of course my day had been no picnic.  Ben refused to leave my side as today was Friday and he didn’t want to miss the trip to the airport. (As if I had often left him behind….)  And it had been a hectic day as well, but I seemed to have all my ducks in a row as I left.  And this was a big thing too, as ducks are really not all that compliant.

So we took an hour drive to pick her up at really the worst time to drive through Indy, Friday afternoon at rush hour.  It took us well over an hour, but the good news was we were able to get her on time.  St. Patrick’s was holding a wine and cheese party at 7 in Noblesville, and of course it was still rush hour.  And yes, it took us the rest of the time to drive up there.

Yes, I am whining, but the great part was after we arrived I was then wine-ing, and I had a great time.  I am not sure however about my wife………..I just carried her in and propped her by the door until we left.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Witness to a crime………

That’s right, today I was a witness to a crime, and I am torn as to what to do about it.  About 3pm I was driving down Park Avenue about two miles from home when I saw it.  It was an amazing feat.  A panicked brown squirrel darted in from of my car from the corn field to my right with a cob of corn as big as he was.

I think he was worried about me as if I were the farmer or predator of some kind, but I was driving my wife’s 2003 Civic Hybrid which in my mind would have made me look like more of some kind of animal activist.  I was not armed, not even hungry, let alone for any type of rodent.

But it was really very funny.  He was running away with his “loot” and although it technically was not his, I decided to let him go as I was not sure whose field it was anyway, nor could I identify him in a line up.  I have about a dozen squirrels who live in my yard that I feed, and if it is not the baby one that lives in the woodpile, I would not know one from another.

So I will turn my head at this one, not out of apathy, but out of sheer respect for his guts and determination.  I have laughed all day about it, and I do hope he enjoys it.  I feed my squirrels peanuts, and will be spreading an entire bag for him to give him some variety in that general location, sometime before the weekend ends.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A longing for yesterday………

Today was a pretty good day, but one that in the end was hard to deal with.  I suppose hard is not the right word, but I found myself in a place that I wanted to do something, yet the reality was that I couldn’t. I have been in this same spot before, yet I do not remember how I handled it, so I have come to the conclusion that I just grieve and hand it back to God.

I just have felt the need to pick up the phone and call my grandma, like I have so many times before, but I then remember that she has gone home to heaven.  I guess it was always such a natural thing to do, but I miss the conversations and I miss seeing her.  My mom and I never talked like my grandma and I did, plus my mom’s mind was lost to Alzheimer’s years ago.  There is just always something so assuring about my grandma’s voice.

Oh, I can still hear it, I just miss being able to chat.  I always felt great after talking with her, and I really never had a poor memory of anything with her.  She was a giant to me, as was my grandpa, and I guess I feel a bit untethered without them both.  I always knew this time would come, they even told me, but somehow I feel so poorly prepared.  It’s as if a bit of my foundation has been taken away.

Of course I know that is not true, but it sure does feel that way.  And someday I too will walk with my grandchildren in this life and the whole thing will come full circle.

I just have to live it, but I don’t have to like it.  She was such a blessing to me, and all I want to do is to just talk with her on the phone.

It will have to wait.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


At 40k, just three sleeps to go……….

Dear Lord, I just accidentally saw that I have close to 40,000 page views, and will be over that by tomorrow.  It absolutely humbles me to know that people actually follow this, or even occasionally read it.  I honestly began it for one reason, to fight the good fight of faith, but that dang stroke got in the way.  Now it is my therapy, although at times it still fights the good fight.  But I am blessed that people read it, yet if no one did at all, I would thank God for the opportunity to exercise this broken mind of mine.

But tonight my mind is elsewhere.  I am here in my bed, and I am not getting any peace.  BEN is here and  although I would rather he head to his own bed, he is really out of sorts when his mom is not here.  It is not that he does not love me or Scott, or his dog , or his cat… is that he would throw us ALL under the bus as it were for her.  And the bottom line is that if I do not have everything done by 5 when I pick him up when she is traveling, the rest of the day is cooked because he has no concept of privacy.

It however has been a great night.  Scotty and I took him to Red Robin where he was a hit.  We came home and Ben disappeared, but Batman was everywhere.  Batman has now left the building (like Elvis) and he is just chatting away as I type.  Only three more sleeps as he says before the cavalry arrives.

It is a great way to go over 40k!  Thanks for being a part of my crazy life!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


I am in control……..

The picture is from this morning where he insisted he could dress himself.  He is a “doctor” and a “boss,” but apparently one who understands very little about buttons.  Fortunately, he had the day to explain that to Cindy.

He is now home with me tonight and my hope for a different dynamic is not coming true.  It is only when his mom is around that he is distracted.  Thus, if my work is not done before I pick him up from Cindy’s, I am clearly not able to get anything done.  I have tried mind you, but Batman, toys, holsters, and the need for snacks have made accomplishing anything impossible.

So I am now in my bed, and he is here with me.  It is far easier to deal with his delusions than to have him coming in here every 15 seconds asking me something.  But I keep telling myself, it is only 4 more years…..I mean days.  I will just have to be a better planner of tomorrow to make sure I am ready for the evening!

But all in all, it is really more entertaining than oppressive.  He is “playing legos,” which was not my first guess, but is playing by himself while I type.  He has quite the imagination, and for now I am thankful for it.

Tomorrow will soon however be upon us, and I actually will have “real work” to do.  Hopefully things will settle in just a few.  Amanda is 6 hours ahead of us, and will call when she wakes up, which should be between 12 and 1.  My prayer is that the legos game is not still in session.

Pray for me……he has far more energy than I do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

“I think that I shall never see……..”

It was the poet Edmund Fizgerald who wrote, “A book of verses underneath the bough, A jug of wine, a loaf of bread-and thou.”  I would like to say that I thought of that today, and I suppose I did in retrospect, but my poetry might go like this instead, “A lot of work, Subway and a nap, A great Bears’ victory and a vodka tonic with my wife flying to Belgium.”  And although I find this very moving, I can see why poetry has not become a career for me……but I try.

The good part is that Amanda is in the air, and I am home with the one boy I am legally required to supervise.  AND, he is in his pajamas and has been fed.  He has already told me that he will need to be sleeping with me, and although it has not escalated to an argument, it is a conversation that I would declare is not quite over yet.  He has more energy and more persistence, so the jury is out on the victor.  I am just thankful for the opportunity to have these conversations when I am tired and nothing more serious.  I am just too tired for anything deeper than the shallow end at this point.
But today has been a productive day.  I was sorry I could not take Amanda to the airport but Ben and Scotty did.  From the reports I heard, Amanda cried, and Ben got a toy with his Happy Meal at the airport.  I was down in Nashville covering for my brother Dan Conley whose wife Merry Ann is recovering from a heart attack.  It was a good trip and a real blessing to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I would be happy to take Amanda to the airport, but I doubt if I would have gotten a toy…….so I settled for a phone call.
Please keep Amanda in your prayers as she travels.  She had a migraine this week and is out of sorts.  No, not as out of sorts as when she married me, but just a bit foggy and not herself.  International travel can be hard (it’s what I hear) and I just hope she does well.  She will return on Friday.  (I know she is bringing home chocolate from Belgium, but not waffles….last time the syrup got all over her clothes).  
Anyway, I will head off and have my sleep in your own bed conversation.  Wish me luck.  Lord knows what superhero he is dressed as in his room, but whoever it is, he will be a worthy adversary.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!