All posts by Fr Tom Tirman

Spidey help me!!!!

Well I tried to post tonight, with an idea and theme, but Blogger took me anywhere but where I needed to go.  By the time I finally arrived, not by intention but by luck, the idea had escaped me and I was stressed rather than inspired.  I really am a dinosaur.  I use computers all the time, but would be happy enough if this was just a journal beside my bed.  Technology is often the devil to me, and I really do consider myself blessed that I have (accidentally) figured this out.

But as I mentioned, the idea of what to write that I had all day is gone.  I do not remember much about it, other than I was pleased about it and thought about it a few times through the day.  Pre-stroke, I would torture myself to remember, but post-stroke I know that the odds are far than favorable.  And I have learned to just let such things go.

But how I wish I had somethings funny or clever to share tonight…..because I know I did this morning.  What I can say is that everyday cannot be a win, and I know there will be other opportunities.

So tonight I will take my lumps and just call it a day.  I have the great blessing (these blessings are killing me) of typing this next to Batman who has decided that his is the bed he is sleeping in tonight.  But at least the entertainment I will receive will be far more interesting than my lack of memory… least I hope so.

So my Monday is done without incident, but also without accomplishment.  It reminds me of my entire Freshman year of college, only cheaper.  I just hope Tuesday reminds me of something good!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Out with Stephy…….

Steph, Amanda and Ben went out for an adventure today and although I was told about it, I wasn’t invited.  It’s not anything I am upset about, because I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway.  They went looking for clothes, which Ben thinks is cool, but I find quite torturous.

So I stayed at home and……worked.  And yes, it was far more fun for me.  I did watch the beloved Tim Tebow take down my Chicago Bears, but it was not so bad because I am enjoying all the people who hate Tim Tebow because he is Christian and is actually proud of it.  As a priest I can say that I am glad to see the publicity.  Not all of us are morons, and Tebow is a pretty great role model as well as quarterback. I just want to see him keep it up.
But now after a long day, a Bears’ loss, and a lot of work behind me, I feel compelled to GO TO BED!  Thank God Scotty is not home too, because I have his dog with me who ALWAYS thinks it is time for bed, so I have some support.  I just need to commit myself to getting to tomorrow.
But Ben enjoyed the day with his sister, and Amanda did too.  I can’t be a part of everything, but at least I hear about it.  It made my day… well as this great picture from their adventure that they shared with me, and I gladly share with you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The Ornament Exchange……

Tonight we gathered together with the congregation of St. Patrick’s for a party in which we celebrated an annual tradition, “the ornament exchange.”  It is generally a pretty fun, and funny, time as we pick ornaments in order by a preselected drawing, and then when it is your turn you can either take one off the table (they are all wrapped until the end) or take one from someone ahead of you who has already picked.  It is a blast, and we all enjoy it.

This year however, Ben played…..and he drew number 8 of 16.  He was good at the start, picking the gift he wanted, but when people tried to take it away from him he growled……like a bear.  Three or four people tried to take it from him, and he growled at all of them.  At 4, he didn’t understand the rules, nor should he been expected to.  But in the end, perhaps he was brilliant.  He indeed opened the gift he picked.  Who would want to make a 4 year old cry.

Of course it was funny at the beginning, but appalling by the end.  We had all been around kids though, so everyone was good about it.  Kaleb, who is just 1, did a little better.  But the great part was that we all enjoyed good food, drink, and fellowship.  It was a real blast.

But I started crashing at about 9:30.  I apparently just did not have it today, but I was blessed that a 4 year old has an early bedtime too.  I gave my keys to Scotty and had to head home with Ben and Amanda.  Steph started at the party and then went to see some friends.  I am guessing everyone will be home soon.

Tomorrow however, is a work day and it is fast approaching, yet not as fast as my bed.  Thank God!  I am beat, and need to call it a day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Birthday Macaronis……..

It has been a fantastic night.  Steph got home at 4pm for her Christmas break, and at 4:30 she, Scott, and I were on our way to pick up Ben and then meet Amanda and the rest of those in our family at Macaroni Grill (a grill is something you cook on, not put over your front teeth)to celebrate her birthday.  I am sure she was nervous, if not scared, and she had every right to be.

My family has a particularly rare strain of DNA that can take humor to a level few can understand or even appreciate.  Waiter and waitresses tend to love us because we are far from haughty and draw them into our fun.  My brother Mike brought Steph a very special gift connected to a very long gag.  It cracked us all up.  The only one missing tonight was my dad’s wife Debby who is a newscaster.  She actually interviewed President Obama at the White House yesterday morning and flew back today.  But the news didn’t stop for Steph’s birthday, she had to be on air.  That was too bad for all of us.  But I am sure however had it been MY birthday, the President could have intervened……..after all, I am married to a woman who knows the 50 States Song that RHYMES, and I am fast approaching Willard Scott telling everyone it’s my birthday.   But I digress.

So we are now all home, and I am tired but happy, not just for the great evening, but to have us all home. Steph’s break seems long as it starts but I am certain it will feel all too short.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Genetics gone wild……

I suppose I would be concerned, had I not been certain that this is genetics and it comes from me.  Ben got a little lecture tonight from his mom about wearing pajama shorts in the winter, and so like any thinking Tirman would do, he went and put on a jacket.  It really didn’t work, as most things don’t with her, but she married me and she will just have to live with the consequences and environments of such a decision.

Of course this has not be the strangest thing he has done tonight, and although I am prone to mention a few others I need to confess that the night is not yet done.  But I will say that Captain America just made a visit to my office with his shield hanging on the back of my old phone case that was attached to his pajama shirt, now sans jacket.  The shorts are still there, and I was given a short inservice on the merits of fighting crime…..which of course has nothing to do with Captain America.  But to me it doesn’t matter.  Criminals or Nazis, neither are welcome in my home.

The good news however is that Steph is on her way home for Christmas break and will arrive tomorrow.  we will celebrate her birthday tomorrow night, with all of us, my dad, my sister, and their exchange student Yu, pronounced “you,” and confusing every time I talk to my dad.  But it should be fun.  We will all be there and Yu will be there too… (not Yu) can now see how that goes.  I just though my dad was heading down hill.  I am happy to report he is not.

But for now I will go see what Captain America is up to.  My guess is a little over 3 foot.  But my life is full of bad jokes.  Tonight should be no different.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Pearl Harbor Day……..

Seventy years ago today the Japanese launched an attack upon Pearl Harbor, not just taking many American lives, but drawing our nation into World War Two.

The years that followed were some of our nation’s hardest, yet greatest.  A generation of Americans stepped up and sacrificed, not just for our great country, but for the world.  Many went off to war and never returned, giving their lives like those who did 70 years ago.

As I look at our country now I am saddened by how we have changed.  “The Greatest Generation” saw this country for what it was, a land of opportunity, possibilities, and freedom.  There was a sense of common purpose and unity that unfortunately we see now in only a few.  And this land has gone from many selfless people to a lot only concerned with self.

But on this day of remembrance, let us not forget those who have gone before us and who set, by their love of God and Country, an example for us to live our lives by.  I will not lose hope, because I believe we can be that country again.

To get there however, we need to not just remember those great men and woman who gave so much for us to get here, but we need to become them in our generation as well.

I remember those who have gone before, and I am not just thankful for them on this and every day, but I will not forget them.

May God Bless them, and may He also bless these United States of America.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



My whirlwind tour is over.  And after seeing the likes of Toledo, Detroit, Novi, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, and the ever popular Livonia, I finally arrived back in good old Edgewood, Indiana just a little after 7 tonight.  AND I will declare, just as I did last month, that THIS will be my last trip of the year……I think.

Toledo of course is in Ohio, but everything else is in Michigan… was the snow.  It was also cloudy the entire time in Michigan and I never knew what direction was what……that unnerved me.  But the people were marvelous, and if it were not for the restraining order, I would probably go back.  I just didn’t know there was a law against wearing a Bears’ jersey up there.  Oh well.

But what was nice was to arrive home to Batman.  He lives here you know.  And I also had the pleasure of seeing both Batcat and Batdog.  (They were both called their superhero names yet neither wore a disguise.)  Surprisingly they looked a lot like our cat Puddy and our dog Viper, but what do I know?  I have been traveling.

So the big news is that I am back to the insanity………but thankfully it is still quite insane.

After all, you’ve got to go with what you know!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Happy Birthday Stephanie and Rhonda……

Oh December 5, 2011…….the day my daughter Stephanie leaves her life as a teenager (she is 20 today!) and also the day my sister-in-law Rhonda hits the big 25 (again).  They are both holding children (Steph holding her brother and Rhonda holding her daughter in a family picture from a few years ago)

And I do miss them both.  Steph will be home later in the week (as will I), and we will celebrate her birthday then.  But Rhonda moved first to Arizona and then to Utah, and I have not seen her in quite some time……and don’t know when I will.

But tonight I thank God for them both.  I could not have asked for a better daughter, and Rhonda is the very best!  Happy Birthday to them both!  I just wish we were all here celebrating together!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


They call me Father Moose……..

On my way up to Michigan on Friday I ran across a Cabelas and went in to look around.  I had plenty of time with nothing to do other than to check in at my hotel, and it was a great break in the drive.

I took a lot of pictures too.  I am no hunter, but I am fascinated by all the animals that they have there.  Sure, they are stuffed, but what I like is that you are able to look at them closely.  In a zoo they are always either moving around our not still enough to see.  And it was a very interesting time to look at them all.

And about half way through was when I saw him, he was a large Canada moose, and it made me laugh.  After all, my grandma (my dad’s mom) was Canadian, and I am always on a diet……so there I was, a Canada moose!  It was pretty funny to me, and a JOKE, so I snapped this picture.

I had bee a rock star on my diet the entire trip too, and even on Saturday at the ordination/installation I attended, I was very good.  I only looked at the cake.  But as pictures began to appear on Facebook of the ordination, I realized that it really wasn’t a joke.  Holy Smokes, I really am a Canada Moose!  But I am working on it!

When I was a kid, I was always a skinny short little guy.  I was a hockey player and a scrapper, but I always had the desire to be big.  In college I went at it full bore……and succeeded.  I wanted to be “big” and although I was still 5’8″, I was a total monster.  I loved it as long as I was under control, but now it is not.  Moose is a great nickname, but it is not a great, or even good, description.  I intend to keep at it and win.  Keep me in your prayers.

On a side note, today is my mom’s birthday, and had she lived until today she would have been………..very old.  (She would love that joke!)  Actually, when I took over her care some years ago she actually lied to me about her age.  So I asked my grandma before confronting her.  She had a great sense of humor which you only saw bits and pieces of through the Alzheimer’s, but they were blessings.  (DON’T READ THIS:  Happy 65th mom, even though grandma told me you were really born in 1939!)

So tonight’s blog is now done.  I think I will go eat some grass and look for a lake in which I can take a swim.  The life of this moose is never done!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Father Joe…….

I believe I bought a book called “Father Joe” a couple of years ago with the best intentions of reading it, but I didn’t……fortunately for me however I now know the REAL Father Joe, and the picture proves it.   My friend Joe Mlaker was ordained a priest tonight by Bishop Doc Loomis somewhere near the North Pole (Lansing, Michigan……home of the Spartans) and it was a great time indeed.

This parish had been served by another good friend of mine, Jack Lumanog, who had recently moved to Pittsburgh (home of Big Ben – I do not think it is the clock).  Jack became the assistant to the Archbishop, and that meant that Joe could move to Lansing!  (Motto… cheese here).  Of course that is the problem.  Joe is from Wisconsin, and tonight in particular, Michiganers HATE people from Wisconsin.  But apparently the air was infused with ether, because they not only ordained Joe a priest, but they made him their Pastor.

But here’s the thing…..I KNOW JOE, and it was a GREAT CHOICE.  But sadly, if Wisconsin beats MSU for the Big Ten Championship tonight (in Indiana of all places) Joe will probably be fired.  But then I will pick him up and take him to Indiana, because as a Notre Dame fan I am not threatened by anything….(because we lose to everyone).

But here’s to you my friend Joe. You are a man of incredible faith and determination and I am blessed to be your friend.  Congratulations.  You were a great deacon and will make a fine priest!  I enjoyed visiting your parish!  It was a blessing to me, and you will be a blessing to them.

AND……if you live within 300, okay 500 miles of this parish, get up there and worship with Joe.  He is a great guy and he has a great deacon (Steve…..whose wife is a friend of my wife’s).  You will not be sorry!  It is a parish that is going somewhere all of us would like to go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
