All posts by Fr Tom Tirman

Heading to movie night……..

Tonight we had “movie night” at the house and were able to watch the movie “Bolt.”  I do not watch many movies, but I have to confess it was pretty good.  And, quite surprisingly as a dog movie, it captured the attention of all of us except for the dog.

It would have been better if Steph were here with us, but tomorrow she starts class in Missouri.  She would have loved it though.  As for me, I suppose it is good to be able to escape from reality even now and again, and I have to say that I even laughed a quite a bit of it.  So many movies, even the ones that try to make you laugh, are filled with uncomfortable scenes that just make me wonder why I am watching.  This movie, thankfully, had none of those scenes.

What I can say is that tomorrow now worries me.  Ben will watch something and the next day he decides to “be” that something.  I am not opposed to him wanting to be Bolt mind you, it’s just that we do not have a dog costume… we already have a dog.  It would be a change from Wolverine, Batman, and Spiderman though, and there is nothing wrong with a little variety.

Movie night was a great way to start out the year, and it was a great way to end a work day.  All the “dad stuff” is a lot of fun, and I thank God every day for the opportunity.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


My year in review…….

As 2011 comes to a close, I look back and see one of the most difficult years of my life.  The loss of both my mom and my grandmother (her mom) were pretty difficult.  My grandma died at 95 from a massive stroke, and my mom died a few weeks before her, finally losing her long battle with Alzheimer’s.

My mom had really been gone for years.  But right before she died, she sort of came out of that Alzheimer’s fog and gave me some specific instruction, and to a social worker too.  It was all to quick.  Suddenly she was back in the fog and died a few days later.  I always wanted to see her and talk to her when she was sharp again, but not on topics of her treatment.  At least I got to have two decent conversations with her though.  It was a gift to not have to make those decisions by myself.

But my grandma was sharp to the very end, and I talked to her often.  She was always worried about my mom, and I hated it that I had to call her and tell her of her passing.  She was a caring and compassionate soul, and learned a lot about life just by sitting with her and talking.  In truth, I miss them both, and life has been a little bit strange without them.

There were a few big highlights in 2011 for me though, and the big one was seeing Scotty graduate from high school.  It made me very proud.  He also was named the Varsity MVP for lacrosse a few weeks prior, a ceremony I arrived about 30 minutes late for due to the STUPID AIRLINES.  But I did get to see pictures.  He worked hard, and he deserved it.  And I got to see a few of his games too, as I was the high school women’s coach.

And that was another big thing in 2011.  I retired my position as Head Coach of the Noblesville Women’s Lacrosse Team, and that to me was a big thing.  I really miss it, and I miss the team.  But a lot of my life was wrapped up in it, and a bit of me died in letting that go.  I will need to find something else to fill that void.

But all in all, I am looking forward to 2012.  I am not sure what it will hold, but I am going to count on it being a bit less painful.  We will see.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Pondering the future……….

There are so many things I wish I did better.  I wish I were a better husband, a better parent, a better priest and friend……but there are always times in my life that I too clearly see the shortcomings I possess in each.  It troubles me deeply, yet not often, but always, you have to pick yourself up and move ahead.

That now seems a lot harder to do.  I remember when I was younger.  As an athlete, shortcoming were always just a challenge.  But looking in the mirror now I just do not see that same young man, nor do I often act like him.  Life I guess has a way of doing that.  Perspectives change as do the ways you react.

But as I approach the new year I want to rededicate myself to recapturing what I once knew and lived.  I am clearly not one to grow old gracefully, and my last few years really have been abysmal in terms of living how I know I am capable.  I have posted about many of these things here before but not made progress enough to be satisfied.  I am tired of losing.  Things need to change.

With that, tomorrow I intend to post a few things I would like you to partner with me in through your prayers.  I would ask that you’d partner by sending me cash too, but I have tried that before and it never has worked.  But I need to get out of the rut and onto the right road.  Check in with me tomorrow, and let me know you will help!  Perhaps we can help each other make a new start!

Thanks everyone!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Riding the wave……..

Concussion Girl is getting better, and things at the house are moving closer to Saturday, when Steph will head back to Missouri.  Thus we are seeing the meaningful events, such as the three kids going to lunch together on their own, and then Steph and Scott going ice skating together with some friends last night.  Tomorrow will be a day for Amanda and I to see her, and then the packing begins.  I really do not enjoy seeing them leave… is like they have lives of their own.

But in all honesty, I am way down on the “control of that” scale.  Even Ben is ineffective in getting her to stay.  But like most of life, I just need to deal with the things I can control (a short list) and ride out the others that I cannot.

And in my world, that is a lot of riding.  The past few days I have been living with Batman.  My sanctuary, my office, is constantly invaded with his toys, I mean weapons, excuse me.  Scotty has his drums home as his band is not currently practicing for the holiday, and even if we added two more floors I would probably hear them.  The cat is always wanting something, and the dog follows me like a caboose. Concussion girl is always calling me in the house for something, and it would be great if I was not hard of hearing.  I always hear something and have to get up to clarify……as I do not want to become “Concussion Guy.”  And Steph is pretty much “maintenance-free” and hardly ever needs a thing….that’s why she is leaving.

So just “two more sleeps” (as Ben says) till Saturday.  I have had a good day, and tomorrow will be another.  But please keep me in your prayers.  It is very hard to keep up that illusion (maybe it’s a delusion) that I am in charge.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A colorful Christmas PIG……

First of all, for those of you worried about Amanda, she had a CT scan today.  She has a severe concussion and a lot of fluid on her brain.  She is at home and will make a full recovery.  She also has shared that she will never ice skate again.

Now off to this post…….

Ben gave his sister Steph for Christmas a very special gift, and it was something they could do together.  He got her a ceramic, paintable piggy bank.  The idea was that they would design this together, and then Steph would take it back to Missouri with her at the end of the week when she returns for school.  So on Monday night they broke out the paints and the pig.

And as much of a blast as it was to occasionally watch, the project seemed to be a bigger blast for the both of them.  They each have their own styles of painting and design, and they appear to be nowhere near the same either.  Stephanie clearly has been influenced by the surrealist period, whereas Ben from the Baa-roke. (no, not the Baroque, but the baa-roke or translated into modern English, broke)

But the finished product of all this chaos was one slick pig, and one that will be the talk of the university I am sure.

Scott received a birdhouse from Ben and they will get to that soon too.  And since Scott goes to college here, the birdhouse will grace our property somewhere I am sure.  That I am sure will be another post.

But for tonight I thought I would just share this with you… talented kids ad their Christmas pig!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The best laid plans……always get blown apart!!

We went ice skating as a family this afternoon, something we had not done in awhile.  Ben got some new skates for Christmas, and we wanted to try them out.  The whole outing however was very disheartening. The picture was taken right before all the trouble.

First of all, the Forum at Fishers, no longer sharpens skates while you are there…..and we needed some sharpened.  They now have built a big box that you drop your skates in and you can pick them up some 24 hours later.  It screams the fact that there is more care for how many people they can get in the rink, but not for the quality of their skate.  I actually found it a bit appalling, as I did their price of 6.00 per session for everyone over 3.  Generally there is a kid’s price.  And it is not that I could not afford to pay it, (yes, I know, a double negative, but I am just feeling it) it is just the principle.  It will make a difference to me next time we, or just I, go to skate.

Of course that may never ever happen again anyhow.  Ben was afraid of the ice and was dragged around the rink twice but only while screaming.  (We will need to have his DNA checked….that is just not right in our family.)  And then Amanda fell backwards not too long after that and hit her head.  Amanda is Amanda though (bull-headed and stubborn to the N-th degree).  Her vision is blurred yet she was, and is,  adamant about not going to the hospital to get checked out.  I stopped fighting her about it after trying pretty hard to get her to go.  And of course we stopped skating and headed home to put her to bed.  I have been waking her up a lot and although she has a headache, she  seems to be getting a bit nicer!

So the best laid plans were just plans for disaster, though we did not know it at the time.  I am just glad to have gotten them all home.  I am pretty certain, despite the drama, that they all are going to survive.

Goodnight my friends from my at home health care center, and God Bless!


The Great Reward…….

Yes, that is Ben tonight at Chick-fil-A eating a pretty thick small chocolate shake with a spoon.  I met up with him as his mom had him out shopping at a clothes store after I had been out all day with some visiting clergy (they were great!).  And from the looks of it you might think that the great reward was that chocolate shake, perhaps given because he had been such a good and well behaved boy, but you would be wrong.  That would assume he didn’t have MY DNA and also a heart for bribery.  The reward was my actually being able to go hang with him.

You see on my way home my wife said I could come and meet them…….after all, what husband wouldn’t want to follow his wife around a clothes store?  So initially it was a search and rescue mission.  I was going to get him out of there, hell or high water.

But actually, it was not as difficult as I imagined it might be… fact, it was ridiculously easy.  We didn’t even have to act up, which is our normal modus operandi.  It was just a straight walk out the door, first to Meijer to look for ammo for the gun Cowboy Grandpa got him for Christmas (caps, the old school on a roll kind) and then a trip to the Chick-fil-A.

And it was a great reward, a true blessing, to hang with him.  He and I actually hang a lot, and it is important to me.  Tonight it was for his milkshake.

I thank God for any of these times I can spend with my children.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Merry Christmas…..

The day has been a busy one here, with family and friends and services at two of our Churches today.  Around our ministry, we held 7 services and were able to reach many people as we celebrated the birth of our Savior!  It has been a wonderful day.  If we could just get the dog to settle down.

At home now things have begun to wind down.  All the presents have been opened, and the house has been cleaned up.  A short nap (by me) has been taken and I am now ready to spend the evening watching the Chicago Bears play some unknown team whose name shall not be spoken.

But I wanted to make sure I wished all of you a Merry Christmas.  Sometimes the reason for the season gets lost in all the busy-ness.  But it does not get lost on me.

May the joy of the One born this day in Bethlehem be yours on this day and in the year to come!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



The sermons are done, the Churches are ready to go, my clothes are all laid out, and in just a few hours the celebrations will begin.  Christmas services are really a blessing to me, and I have had the honor of celebrating and delivering a Christmas message for many years.

And unlike other years, after the last service tonight I will be able to come home with my family with hardly anything to do!  That’s right, there will be no assembling of ANYTHING tonight, which means I will just need to do a few logistical things before I head to bed.  And since I have an early service in the morning that means we will all be waking up early to open gifts.

The greatest gift of all however, is the one I will be talking about over these next two days.  The giving of God’s only Son Jesus is that gift!

I am posting early today 1) in light of this early evening, and 2) to encourage you to find somewhere to go and hear the story and celebrate it too!  There are plenty of good churches out there, and there will be plenty of room for you!  I hope you give it a go!  There is no better place for any of us to celebrate this wonderful miracle!

God Bless you!


All Ready……..

I spent a lot of the day over at St. Patrick’s in Noblesville where I will celebrate and deliver the sermon tomorrow at 9pm. (I will be at St. Anne’s in Anderson at 5pm).  But I had a very productive day.  I bought poinsettias, cleaned, set up the Nativity, put up signs, and totally, and I mean totally did the worst job of decorating a Christmas tree in all of history.  It is so bad I have asked Amanda to head there tomorrow before the service to “fix” it.  But everything else looks great.

Of course all these things are just that, things. I have yet to write my sermon, but obviously I will tomorrow.  For some reason I was just worried about all the set up and needed to get it done…thank God I did.

Most of the time these things get done by other people, but sometimes I just like “doing” things that are tangible.  Sure, a sermon and a service are tangible……but not in the same way.  Sometimes it is just fun for me to set something up and see it, knowing that others will enjoy it tomorrow as much as I did today.  All our facilities are beautiful, and I am thankful for the opportunity I had today.

Now I just need a sermon, but I am not worried about that.  I am actually DONE and ready for the family stuff, so my normal December 24th shopping trip will not need to take up my time!  That will give me plenty of time to write!

So as Advent winds to a close, I hope you are thinking about how you will celebrate Christmas this year.  There will be plenty of room at all our churches, and you are welcome (and INVITED) there.

Just make sure you celebrate somewhere.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
