All posts by Fr Tom Tirman

Good news……really good news……

Today has been a busy busy day.  I got Viper to the vet.  He is pretty bruised up, but now on pain meds and antibiotics…….plus he’s got that whole hero-thing going on.  He’s going to be fine.  Amanda is doing fine as well, although she did not go to the vet.

The plumbers and excavators are still here and they will be pouring the floor of the basement tomorrow…..just in time for my sister-in-law and her kids to arrive tomorrow night.  The plumbing will not be completed yet, and they will be out to finish it later in the week….but as long as the bathrooms and showers work, then who really cares?  It however, has been a brutal job for them, but these are truly the finest contractors I have ever known.  Call me if you ever need a plumber!  Angie’s List doesn’t have a category for how high I would rate them.

But tonight my thoughts are really on my good friend Father Art Going.  Art is a priest who almost came up here to plant a church, but who ended up in Louisville instead.  I got to see him in Texas last week, but the day we left, he had a heart attack….which is surprising as he is in excellent shape.

But Art had bypass surgery today in Texas and did great!!!  We are all so thankful for that!  I just got off the phone with his seminarian in Kentucky, as I will be heading down there this Sunday afternoon to cover for Art.  I can tell you however, I am convinced the parish is in good hands!  It was a great comfort to me, as I am sure it is to Art as well.

BUT……please still keep my brother Art and his wife Nancy in your prayers.  Art will be in the ICU for a few more days and then will be on the road to full recovery for a few more weeks.  But the good part is that he will be doing it with that rebuilt ticker.  I am thankful for that.  He is a great priest and a great friend.  Today may have been busy for me, but in my mind, there are very few ways it could have turned out better.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Real life heroes…….

Yes, they both are…..real life heroes.  This morning I was doing the service at St. Anne’s in Anderson, and Amanda was home, outside in the driveway.  Ben was with her as well as our dog Viper.  There were tons of little kids next door in our neighbor’s back drive as well.

On the street behind our house (you can enter our house from the back and the front) a lady was out walking her small dog when a great pyrenees that lives across the street came and attacked them.   The lady was bit, and it could have been far worse had Viper not gone out to intervene…..but he did.  Viper is 70 pounds and 8 years old.  The other dog dwarfed him….but he went out and got in the way.  The dog attacked him, the lady and her dog got away and Amanda ran out to help him.

Viper got away and he and Amanda came back toward the house.  Ben was by the door crying, when the dog came toward them all for more.  Amanda threw Ben into the house and Viper went back to protecting his family.  Amanda said it was a vicious fight, and one she again intervened on.  She took a garden rake and was hitting the Great Pyrenees trying to get him from killing Viper.  Its owner finally came over and got him to leave, but did say he was supposed to be on an electric fence, which is hard to believe as he is always in everyone else’s yard.  But Amanda got bit as well and Viper had quite a bit of blood on him, but as I discovered when I got home, now cuts……he apparently did the damage.

A few minutes after I got home the police arrived, already having taken a report for the woman who was initially attacked and who had called them.  The owners of the Great Pyrenees had left apparently, as they did not answer their door.  The police could see it in their garage (one officer said that it was horse-sized). He said they generally take the dog away and quarantine it for 10 days.   But they left without him.  Fr. Dan, who is a retired police officer for over 30 years said they probably went to get a warrant to do that.  But the big thing is that everyone seems to be okay.

Viper looked horrible and was throwing up as I checked him out, no doubt form the stress.  But he has had a bath and will head to his vet in the morning.  Amanda was shaken up tremendously, but I was glad she made the right choices.  It could have been far worse had she and Viper not intervened.  That dog could have attacked one of the kids….and one of them would not have had a chance at all.

Thanks Amanda and Viper!  This picture was taken “post-attack.”  You are both my heroes.  Thanks for being so brave!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Thoughts on my Ordination Anniversary….

Well, well, well… time flies.  Yes, 22 years ago today I knelt down in front of the Bishop of Southwest Florida and was ordained a priest.  I was far younger, much lighter, and I had a head full of hair.  My grandfather presented me, which was a high honor, and the equally young, and then ministry-greenhorn, Father Kelly Irish (he and I were in Plano together this week) delivered a now famous sermon.  Kelly is the young buck behind me in both the pictures.

The sermon we now label as “Father Phony,” and it was about how surprised we were that we made it even THAT FAR, and what would happen to us if they ever found out we didn’t know it all.  My my my…….how time doesn’t change.

Here we both are now 22 years later……and we both still don’t know it all.  Actually, we are not even close to know it all.  The difference is that now we know better.

I am often struck by what I see in many people who feel called to ordained ministry.  Many feel that it involves hoop-jumping and check-lists, as if they just do these things they have to do that they will get it.  Others see it as something they attain or reach, like a finish line, when in fact there is no such thing.  In fact it isn’t something you attain or qualify for with good performance….it is just something you are called to and are made into by God’s Grace.  It doesn’t make you any more special than the next person, it is just what you are called to do… serve the Lord as a priest in His Church.

So today I give thanks for that day many years ago, and for the opportunity to serve, particularly with someone like Father Irish.  He always said that in combining the two of us the Church probably got one good priest, and perhaps he was right. (I think that was in his sermon 22 years ago)  But the bottom line is that for even more than that time, he and I have kept each other in the right perspective…and by that I mean sane.  I thank God for Him every day, as well as for the opportunities He has given us.

Anyway, it’s been a great ride!  Here’s to AT LEAST 22 more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


I’m diggin being at home…..

Yep, I came home to this…..our basement is totally busted up and we have just three more days with the plumbers!  But honestly, I am VERY EXCITED they are here.

By Tuesday afternoon, just hours before my sister-in-law and her two children arrive, the whole project should be done, and I would say Hallelujah to it, if it were not that we are in Lent.  The new pipes will be in and I can start on the construction of a downstairs bathroom, as they will do the plumbing for it!

But in all honesty, it is a TRUE TO LIFE construction zone right now….and yes, I like that because I am a guy.  I will be home Friday, Monday, and Tuesday to watch them…..not to make sure they are doing their jobs, but to learn.  I am highly skilled electrically, but these particular plumbing things are things for which I want a degree.

So home I am, and home I will be.  I have a lot of work to do, but fortunately my office is in the same house!  I am not missing Texas, but I had many blessings on my trip.  We will see where they lead, but I have a sneaky suspicion that the entire week was something God wants me to pay attention to!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Tumbleweeds and Jackhammers…..

Today has been my last full day in Texas, and tomorrow in the late morning Father Irish and I will head to the airport where we will both head home.  It has been well worth my time to be here, and I have been able to make a lot of progress in terms of networking, learning, and telling people about the Order.

Another added benefit is that tomorrow in the early morning Delmolino Plumbing will be at my house in Indiana where they will spend the day jackhammering my basement floor to remove and repair the pipes and I will not be.  So YES, I will miss the jackhammering!  AND, there will be pieces of time in this tomorrow where the bathroom will not be available.  So traveling tomorrow is good!

But it will be good to get home.  I am not looking forward to the airports or the flights, but I am looking forward to getting home.

And sometime tomorrow, God Willing, I should arrive there.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


An unintentional lesson……….

Day two in Texas has been a long but productive one.  Anglican 1000 is a great resource and it is also very technology-driven.  But being 50, I am clearly “techno-savvy” and wanted to prove so with my ability to post on Twitter like all those young people.

And so I did.  I tried to take pictures and post and I felt I was doing pretty well.  But being a bit of a joker, I took a picture of the Archdeacon and two other priests that I thought made them look a little sleepy.  It was going to be a TWITPIC, which I want to be clear is actually what they call pictures you put on Twitter and not in any way a criticism or description of the guys.  So I posted it with the caption “The future of the Church????”  And I was quite pleased as I thought it was funny.  I copied it to Facebook too.

But soon I was getting all these messages about my post with pretty serious answers to the question I posed, which of course I meant to be a caption.  They were quite deep and well thought out, and I knew something was wrong……..yep, I sent the caption, but not the picture.

But for a short time I suppose I felt proud that I at least looked thought provoking.  And, in all honesty, the responses gave me something to think about.  It was an additional blessing I did not expect and one that I will gladly take.

But the question now is just what I do with the picture.  We will see, but a good picture is a terrible thing to waste.

Goodnight Y’all and God Bless from Texas.


Woes……the travel kinds sans the giddy-ups…….

At 4 this morning it didn’t seem possible, but I am writing this post from Plano, Texas where I am attending a national conference on Church Planting.  (yes… NEEDS to be capitalized!!)  But I just happy to arrive.  AND, I am trying to come to grips with the fact that I enjoyed my day on planes and in airports much less than I did my drive to Washington DC a few weeks ago.  The whole experience today seemed claustrophobic.

The seats in the planes were clearly smaller than they were before.  I am not a tall guy, but I have 46 inch shoulders.  And the guy next to me on the second flight must have had 64 inch shoulders because I felt almost as if I was sitting on the wing.  It was miserable.
On the flip side, although the weather was sometimes rough, my trip to DC was relaxing.  I just guess I have gotten to the age where I like to take my time and see things as I go along.  Life is busy enough, and I suppose you need to take time to smell the roses.
Of course I will stay away from that Yellow Rose of Texas.  I have already been told that getting near it here without the right pedigree is a capital crime!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Hanging with his big sister…….

I was going to post a video tonight of Ben and Steph at the wedding of her friend Jamie last night, but the video was taken on my wife’s phone and although we can watch it on her phone, we cannot figure out how to post it.  So sadly tonight you will not be watching Ben dancing with a bunch of girls, and showing his moves……including “brake” dancing, and yes I use “brake” because it is something I desperately want to stop.  He however, is clearly a hit.

But Stephy was here for just a blink of an eye, and it was hard to not have the time to do anything with her.  When they returned from the wedding I was already asleep.  I left early and had just a few minutes with her at St. Patrick’s before I headed to the service at St. Anne’s and she headed back to Missouri.  It was a hard drive away for me, but in all honesty it was better than not being able to see her at all.  I miss her, and any time I have with her is important to me.

But at least she was able to come home and dance the night away with her 4 year old brother.  I know it was good for both of them.  And Steph can learn a lot about dancing from him……because we all know that 4 year olds know everything about everything.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



Well I am not nearly as far along today as I had hoped, and part of that is that I am pretty distracted.  Sure, I have the usual sermon and stuff to do surrounding that, but I am also hindered by the fact that my daughter is home, and I may not get to see her other than in passing.

You see, today I was scheduled pretty full, but she was as well.  She is in town for a wedding of the first of her friends to get hitched!!!  So I am home finishing up my sermon, not knowing what time she, and Amanda, and Ben will return…..but as I am typing this in bed figuring I can finish up my sermon in the morning, chances of “catching up” with her do not look good.  And of course she is heading back tomorrow and I am booked till about 3 or 4.  DANG DANG DANG

So I shall rejoice in the fact that I had about 20-30 minutes with her total today in person.  It was great too.   As for the sermon, I will figure that out, but not till the morning.

But who knows, I am not yet asleep and maybe, just maybe, they will all have had enough of the dinner, the band, the dancing and all by 7ish……  You never know.  After all, I have been a priest for well over 20 years…..and no one expected that either.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


My bet is on what they always do……

Tonight Amanda and Ben went to meet their friends to see “The Lorax.”  As for me, I stayed home.  In all honesty, I hated the Dr. Suess stories…….okay, that was perhaps a bit watered down.  But The Lorax appears to be the next big thing, yet I am sure it will be yet another movie that will attempt to indoctrinate kids into something I disagree with.  If I am wrong, I will retract it tomorrow….but don’t be holding your breath.

I personally have stopped seeing movies for that very reason, and I do not watch television or support those who feel their position as an actor makes them more suited to teach my children about values than me.  I may be but one man, but from that one man they do not reap many benefits.

So I am here at home alone, but the good news is that when that movie gets political, or worse yet all PC on the screen, I will not be there wondering why I paid $35 dollars a person for admission and why I paid $63.50 for popcorn and a diet coke.  Don’t get me wrong, Netflix shows a lot to trash, but at least I decide what to watch (not the trash).  And no one is talking on their cellphone in the row in front of me either.

Hollywood, here’s a news flash.  I do not agree with your politics.  No that you care.  But if I do head to the movies at all, I’ll go watch those Navy Seals.   Let’s look up to some real heroes, or just head to the airport and shake their hands as they return home.

Reality is important………at least I think so.  But what do I know?  After all, I hate green eggs and ham.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
